April 2010 Mommies

Discussion in 'Due Date Clubs' started by Gitunandakumar, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. Confused211

    Confused211 Gold IL'ite

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    Amul, I sit, stand, and walk around and up and down stairs all day long. I am not one of those fortunate ones who can be in one place.

    I had my appointment today and I put on ~3 lb in 4 weeks! My BP is still low - 94/62. Fruity fruit was kicking all the time on Doppler.

    Suhaana, You stand your ground, girlfriend! Do what you want to do. Your child and your business.
  2. suhaana

    suhaana Senior IL'ite

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    I try to be very conscious of my position while sitting in office but once work starts I get so involved as there's so much mental pressure I forget. But try my best to keep my back touching at the back of the seat (not leaning back) and sitting straight but unconsciously I end up leaning forward.

    Hasya, thank you for your support.

    Amul / Hasya,

    Last evening my DH and I went to visit a dear friend visitng India from Arizona. While talking they innocently asked me what did plan to do to take care of the baby and I immediately replied that I planned to leave my job. I said infront of my baby, job and money have no value. My DH said nothing but was just staring at my face. I don't know how things will take their turn this was a risk I took but I spoke from my heart. However, the interesting thing to note here is that even though DH didn't say anything, when we got into the car while going home, he was in a very good mood and at night I was at the receiving end of a lot of I love yous and hugs and kisses. Even this morning he was in a good mood. Touch wood. :)

    Hasya, it's such a pleasure to see to see your LO on scans..I know what you mean. On the scan we could only see our LO's head...LO was heads up!!! :rotfl

    My update

    My LFT test, my protein level was low but Thyroid absolutely normal. Thank god. Tomorrow my triple test results will come.

  3. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    I do walk for evry 30min.
    but take care while going up and down.
    hope u have njoyed ur LO kicking you.Nice time naa..
    To bring your BP level normal..did ur doc advice u something?
    I think its very essential to get it normal.
    pls take spl care ..as u have started wrking.

    @ suhaana
    happy to hear abt ur good results.I have thyriod in the intial stage of pregnancy..and regulary using tablets for it.I will
    have thyriod test in december again.I too automatically lean towards the desk while working.I need to be consious

    come on suhaana its good symptom that ur hubby have silently agreed for ur decision.Good work!!!!my dear.:thumbsup
    keep ur spirits high and be happy.

    my update
    I am doing good.I am having disturbed sleep.its bcoz i am having heavy body..I could not turn myself from one side to another
    which is becoming bit difficult.
    If I start sleeping on one side...i get pain.
    I think I need to adjust with some pillows.
    rest all are fine.
    waiting for time 5.15p.m to leave for this week.
  4. suhaana

    suhaana Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Amul,

    Your hip pain has been there for a long time, what does the doc say?? I'd like to share what my gyne advised me about sleeping position. He asked me to sleep on my sides (as when I sleep on my back, my LO's weight presses against my tummy and makes it difficult to breath) with pillows on either sides along with a pillow between my legs. I've tried it and it makes sleep my easier.

    Hope this helps you too.

  5. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    hi suhaana

    thank you for the reply.

    I used to have pain in the lower hip..not it is completely gone.even though my doc gave me some ointment.

    but now the prob is pain on side where exactly our thigh part starts.

    I will try as adviced me to night.

    due to thyriod i increased my weight to 96 kgs..
    now I am 93 bcoz of using tablets.I really pray god that my increased weught should not effect my LO.:bowdown
  6. Confused211

    Confused211 Gold IL'ite

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    Suhaana, it wasn't a scan; just hearing HB on Doppler. We kept hearing kicks! The doc said that if the baby is half as active when he/she is born, we'll have "fun". Ah well, it has a dad and a maternal uncle who were both neighborhood goons until age 5 or so. And a first cousin. I am not exactly an angel myself. My mum claims that I am no better with my nonstop nonsense. I beg to differ ;-).

    Amul, hip pain and sleep- I sleep on my left with a pillow next to me, one hand below and one above it to prevent my hands from twisting and going numb. Doc says it is carpal tunnel syndrome and it'll only get worse as pg progresses. I rest my tummy on it too. And sleep pretty well, actually. If your Dh snores, make sure he does what it takes not to. Sleeping on one side/using nasal strips etc.

    I haven't felt any kicks yet. That'll be a funny sensation, I bet!

    BP - I always had low BP. 110/70 was the norm but I've had lower BP like now too. That was when I didn't eat properly, though. I eat just fine now. Probably effect of first trimester nausea etc. He said that in 4 weeks or so, it'll start increasing. I'll begin 5th month in about 10 days.

    Suhaana, glad to hear that you got to say what you wanted to. I can get 6 months maternity leave easily and even possibly 1 year, if required. My MIL says that if she can't come when my mother leaves, she'll send FIL. Apparently, once baby is 6 months old, he knows how to take care of it. I don't plan to quit but just take extended leave and then, perhaps go back part time.
  7. Gitunandakumar

    Gitunandakumar Bronze IL'ite

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    Oh so many updates.. Good to see it.


    Regarding your hip pain- try to keep pillows in between your legs , even i had that pain and it worked for me.

    @ sushaana,

    Good that your DH didn't argue for your decision, so it is a positive sign for you dear. So enjoy your pregnancy days.

    @ Haysa,

    Good that you can take 6 months to 1 yr maternity leave and enjoy with your LO.

    Enjoy your weekend gals!!!
  8. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    thank you for the suggestions.
    I will definetly try with placin pillows in between the legs.
    hasya.. I think your is making you wait ...dont worry we will definetly get the kicks in few weeks.

    I wish you all a very nice and pleseant weekend.see you gals on monday.
    Time to rush back to my palace and rest:coffee
  9. madhurisatya

    madhurisatya Silver IL'ite

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    Hello Ladies,

    Hope everyone are doing fine...Today i took H1N1 shot.Till now everything is normal.

    Take care.
  10. sandiya

    sandiya Senior IL'ite

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    :thumbsupOh so many updates by the time i could get my laptop switched on... my sony vio laptop sucks..:rant... due to ovrheating it gets switched off by itself..so planning to send it for repair...

    Hi Chaitanya,

    Very warm welcome dear to this club and Congrats... even i had lots of vomiting ... and today my doc said no issues until u can keep liquids down for 5-6 hours.. but for past 2 days i am doing quite well...

    Hi Kutty,

    How are you doing these days... i guess until 17th week u might not have much appointments... i asked my doc today about cervix length..she said everything together they will check it in my next appointment...

    Hi Madhuri,
    Good to know u took ur H1N1... even i had mine long back and i am pretty comfortable with it now...

    Hi Hasya,

    How is your work going dear... good that you can get maternity leave of 6 months ... i took LOP for few months until delivery and i have post-partum leave of 2 months.. not sure how i am going to manage...

    Amul, Geetha and Suhana may be i will write in now seperate posts for each one of you as i dont want to drown too much in this same post itself as i have lot to write..

    My updates:

    It was a routine check up today.. heard the LO's heart beat through doppler... then had my blod drawn for genetic blood test.. that's it.. the doc said me that on dec3rd i will have my anomaly sonogram where in they will check everythig and even i would get to know the gender of my LO... i have sharp tinging hip pain on my left side now..but my doc said not to worry...
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009

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