April 2010 Mommies

Discussion in 'Due Date Clubs' started by Gitunandakumar, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. Gitunandakumar

    Gitunandakumar Bronze IL'ite

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    @ amul,

    I think it might be the baby movement because many said that it will be gas bubble in stomach :) If not try not to eat potato, spinach and more protein foods in night.

    Yes i have an appointment today and i will update you once it is done.

    Fifth month starts from 18-22 week.

    @To everyone:

    Has anyone found out the gender of your baby?
  2. Confused211

    Confused211 Gold IL'ite

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    Amul, I suffered from it all of last night too. It helped to prop myself up on 3 pillows and sleep in that position, rather than flat. I had these sounds emanating from there too, yikes! I don't know if the sounds are movements, Geetha.

    We don't plan to find out the gender. I want one of each. So, it doesn't matter which one it is the first time!
  3. Gitunandakumar

    Gitunandakumar Bronze IL'ite

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    Ya even we don't have any specification for the gender, anything is fine for us.

    @ My update,

    Doctor said everything was fine and i have my u/s next week and other than that everything is fine.
  4. suhaana

    suhaana Senior IL'ite

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    A BIG hi to all April mommies ,

    First of all, welcome Chaitanya , many congratulations on your pregnancy and all the best for the journey forward !! How are your vomittings now. Though I haven't experienced any vomitting at all I'm really admiring your strength to manage office with the initial pregnancy sickness. I too felt very tired till 4th month. Since I started with my 5th month, I feel much normal and am thoroughly enjoying my pregnancy.

    1.5 Kg in first trimester is absolutely normal weight gain. You will start gaining weight from 6th month onwards.


    Hi Sandiya, how are your vomittings dear? Hope you're feeling better.


    How are you doing? Long time no news.


    How are you doing dear?? Glad to know all's well with you and all your reports are normal.

    Amul, hope your tummy is better. Maybe that's only gas or the baby movements . Like I shared with you in my last post, I felt bubbles rising up my tummy and then I also experienced someone swimming in my tummy left to right....like a fish swims (I think I have an athlete in the making :cool2:) ... I shared this with my gyne but he just smiled :-D and didn't say anything everytime I feel it I know from within its my baby. :2thumbsup:


    Gitu, in India gender prediction is illegal and I'm irritated to the HILT with my mother in law and rest of the relatives harping about a boy :rant:bangthat I have NO desire at all to know if it's a boy or a girl. Honestly I'll be OK with anything. 3 days back, I have a lovely dream of having a daughter....I dreamt that I was dressing up my baby and she asked me for food :redface:. But my daughter didn't have much resemblance with me . :eek:mg:

    All the best with your u/s....it's always such a pleasure to see your baby inside you.


    Hi how are you doing?


    Hasya how are your tummy rumblings?? Hope they've settled down. Even I don't have any gender preference.......Hasya I feel our generation has changed and boy or girl doesn't matter much, as a matter of fact girls are much prefered with the urban indians but the older generations.......nobody can do anything about certain catagory with rusted minds (like my MIL) Witsend

    All the best

  5. suhaana

    suhaana Senior IL'ite

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    [​IMG]My Update -

    I'm going great guns. On Monday I had my scan and my gyne said that my progress is very good. I told the doc about my itching and he said that maybe its because of liver and gave me medicine. Yesterday I got my thyroid and liver function test done. I've also started applying Alo vera which has given me tremendous relief.

    Day before yesterday I got a solid shock of my life when my MIL declared in front of my friend that she has decided that when MY CHILD is born she will keep a maid and take care of my child by just monitoring the maid. HELLO!!!! what is this??? Did anyone ask me??? I was initially shocked and pissed but right now I'm just ignoring and keeping my cool. I just can't bear the thought of leaving my baby with a maid and MIL MIL and my entire being is repulsed with the thought of my MIL brining up my child!!!

    But now out of the blue my MIL has decided that this is what she will do!!! In my second month my hubby tried to brainwash me that the entire world leaves their babies with maids and scoots off to work and the kids are managed to be brought up well. ( He and his sis being one such case) I was absolutely stunned when he said this cause before I had conceived whenever we had ever discussed on this subject we would end up fighting as he was so adamant that he wanted me to be with the baby for the first 2 years and I would always resist.

    To be totally honest with you all, before I conceived, I was quiet sure that I wanted to continue working as I have been an aggressive, round the clock PR professional for 6 - 7 years and as of now am working for THE top airline brand.. As a matter of fact I delayed motherhood as I wanted to make a firm foundation in my career before taking the lunge.

    However, in these three years, specially las year when I had so many problems conceiving and long....llllllllooooooonnnngggged to have my own baby, my own outlook has changed and now that I'm in the family way, it's changed even more.

    Earlier on I would have this selfish view about my career that how can I give all this up but now I feel my career is nothing in front of my precious baby and I've become selfish about my baby. I want to bring up my baby, take care of my baby myself....even if I don't have a maid, I don't care a damn....I'm prepared to slog it out!!!!!!!

    I have so many dreams and aspirations of spending time and bonding with my LO....grow and experience my baby everyday and experience step by step growth of my baby. Most of all I wanna experience motherhood first hand and I have hygiene issues with a maid and am certain to the core that neither my MIL nor the maid are psychologically developed and capable of handling the baby's emotional and psychological development.


    Yesterday infact I had a chat with my DH and cleared it with him if he and his mom had made any such decision without checking it out with me. He cleared it that no such decision had been taken and he had no clue why his mom was saying such things???

    I'm slowly slipping the idea into his head that I'd be quitting till the baby's old enough to talk (finances are no issues). I guess it'llbe a rude shock to my MIL and trampling her self made plans but then she has no business and right to make decisions about me and my child and go ranting around the world about it that we have decided that we'll do it this way.

    I've decided that in the last months....7th or 8th or even 9th, I'll have an open discussion with my DH as well as MIL and let them know what I plan to do.........then lets see, if anyone thinks any other way......boy AM I UP FOR A FIGHT.........AND A FIGHTER I AM ATLEAST FOR MY BELOVED CHILD AND MY OWN RIGHTS .

  6. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    my update
    I am very much thankful for ur suggestions.I am doing better now and evrything is normal.
    I could feel like something moving inside..but not always and daily.

    thank you for the suggestion.I did not know the gender of the baby.Mostly next month i will know.I am not so interested wether
    its boy or gal.....but need a healthy baby.
    what abt you my dear?
    all the best for ur ultrasound.:thumbsup

    how is ur wrk going on..as u r not having afternoon nap.I find difficult after weekend to wrk on monday..as i will be used to
    hav nap on fri, sat and sun.dont take too much of stress at work.

    @ suhaana
    Those were not bubbles dear..i can make it out.but anyhow I am doing good now.wow such a nice dream u had.Yes, by seeing the
    anxiety of my MIL I would like to have gal baby strongly.
    could not see the image u have attached...

    hope all other gals are doing fine.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  7. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    hi suhaana
    I just read ur post and really moved.
    Firstly I would like to tell u that u r NOT A FIGHTER...and this shows how u want plan for your baby.
    All the feelings you expressed were absolutely correct dear...Do not compromise nywhere..it your kid and not maids kid.
    Never leave our kids with MIL.
    Be cool discuss with your husband and express how curious u r towards caring of the baby.Go out for dinner..or soemthing like
    and explain him regarding ur break of career and you will definetly continue after taking care of the child, as u already had
    firm foundation in ur career.
    Dont react immediately to the stupid situations which ur MIL have created.Think of it and explain ur hubby.
    There is nothing wrong in being selfish for taking care of ur LO....
    we know the pain of m/c and how we tried for the next issue.So never let down ur thoughts and dreams for taking care of ur LO.
    But what ever you do...u need to do with the support of ur husband.So stop thinking of MIL's actions and try ur best to get the
    support of ur hubby.That will work out better.
    I dont know why these MIL's interfere in personal issues.It's same all ovr the world...

    take care my dear and all the best.
    sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet dreams
  8. suhaana

    suhaana Senior IL'ite

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    Thanks Amul for your response. I've also planned exactly as you have said....take the dialouge slow and steady with my DH and I know he will listen to what I would like to do. Afterall I'm the mother and if the mother has no issues taking care of her baby herself then how is it anybody elses business to object.

    And mind you Amul, I've been married 4 years now and have seen it with all my friends and cousins that till the time the baby doesn't arrive everyone (especially the MILs) behave like tigresses that you don' worry, we'll take care but the moment the baby arrives on the scene and the initial coochicooing is over the MIL's (even the healthy ones) disappear from the scene like no one's business.

    My MIL is retired because she is left side paralysed with a stroke that occurred 12 years ago and is extremely poor in health. Though she insists on making the food and doing minor house work she barely has the energy to cope up with it all..........what is she talking of taking care of a new born??? As she's left side paralysed she annot pick up a baby (I feel very bad about that that she won't be able to pick up and cuddle her own grand child)


  9. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    hi suhaana
    i totally agree with you regarding MIL's escaping when the real scene of taking care of the baby.
    I found such cases with my friends.
    Tha's very nice that ur hubby will respect ur feeling and that will be the only weapon for u to take break and njoy with ur LO.
    But nyway..as u told she is paralysed..wat can she do if the maid left the baby and baby needs soemthing urgent.
    Be on ur decisions and plan accordingly.dont let ur hopes down.
    all the best:thumbsup
  10. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    I would like to ask the ppl who are wrking...how will you sit at your desk at the time of working?
    leaning to the back....sitting straight etc...

    I sometimes lean backwards..and sometime sit staright.
    but when I sit straight..I feel like some pressure on my lower tummy.
    what will be the best way to sit?

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