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Appreciation For The Fellow Ilites

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by Viswamitra, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Reading beyond the lines

    There is a lot going on in the air about positivity these days in IL. The comradeship in this forum is extraordinary barring a few occasional frictions among ILites. During this holiday season, it would be imperative to spread the message of love to friends in IL.
    I know my friend @Rihana has already started a thread to give virtual holiday gifts to fellow ILites. But this thread goes slightly in a different direction. Even when we notice what the fellow ILites write, we just take their writings to the FP section with general words of appreciation for their writing.

    But there is an inherent intrinsic value in each one of the ILites and they exhibit their great characters in all their communications one way or another. It could be anything such as their intention to help, unconditional love, extraordinary friendship, providing a quick response to solve some issues, quality of what they write in IL, creativity, fairness, writing skills or any other factor that creates profound impact beyond IL. In simple terms, ILites are changing our lives beyond just interaction in IL.

    Every ILite can cover as many ILites as they like. Let us create this chain and take it well into the year 2019 or beyond. It is important to capture the great qualities of all ILites and therefore, this is not a competition for who gets covered more and whether a particular ILite is preferred by someone as opposed to another ILite. It is more important to cover as many as possible through participation from all ILites. Even if some don't notice those qualities of other ILites, they will begin noticing it now after reading your responses here.

    Thank you in advance for your contributions.

    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
    vathsala30, periamma, kkrish and 7 others like this.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Let me begin my contributions here in no particular order. I may come back and add more ILites later as and when I think of others.


    Her life experience sharing adds so much value to me. Every time I read her content whether it is in response to my thread or anyone else, I learn so much. She is a perfect example to learn it is not how long we live that matters but how much experience we gained that makes the difference.


    How many things one can be well-versed in? She appears to be a living example to learn whatever we do, we need to do with complete devotion so that the end result would be as good as her work here in IL.


    How living in the present moment comes naturally to her? What is the secret? How can I step into her shoes and learn this technique? I know she comes back to real life after a bout of such enjoyment, but when she is in present moment, the feelings expressed by her motivates many of us to experience the present moment.


    Simplicity, principles, regulated life, precise and measured responses to ILites, etc. define her as a great human being to observe and learn some of those traits from her.

    Let me come and present more such emotions later for other ILites.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I have written to seek her blessings sometimes, while other times, I have written to her saying what is the right thing to do in her situation. But one thing I have consistently received from her, as my elder sister, is nothing but unconditional love. She never showed her anger to anyone leave alone me. Yes. I am talking about my lovely sister @iyerviji who I passionately call as Vijiakka with her permission.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Ekaliva learned the lessons from Dronacharya without the Guru's knowledge by merely observing the manasiha Guru. Similarly, I had a manasiha Guru in IL as well. He is an outstanding writer, reader and has great sense of humor. He is humility personified even though it is difficult to see his pink face for such appreciation through his beard. His knowledge is many fold like Jayasala madam. He is definitely a role model giving me confidence to write more and more. Yes. I am talking about @Cheeniya Cheeniya Sir.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
  5. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    What an Assignment @Viswamitra Viswa sir ? I loved it. I have tried my best. This is no backscratcher... whatever I felt in past few years Here we go In alphabetical order .. if I missed someone will come back.

    @Amica - Straight-forward and down to earth personality. HIghly Impartial and shows fairness in all her posts and responses. A very like able person who can make friends easily with anyone. It always feels so good to interact with her and one will leave with a happy heart interacting with her.

    @Gauri03 - Young and Wise. Excellent puzzle make and solver. Every interaction I had with her simply amazes me. Such a lovely approach to mind over matter and provides useful tools to enrich many people’s lives positively. I would like to say one can learn a lot by just observing her and lucky are those who get to interact with her in real life.

    @GeetaKashyap - Multi-talented super Woman. Knowledgeable in many areas. Whatever art form she touches it just turns out the best or out of the world. I love her snippets and poetry. Fan of her drawings and cooking recipes. She is like this evening drizzle who gently touches every single heart that comes her way. Her Rain songs thread is a fantastic example to show her love for people or music or life is beyond regions/ languages and is Universal.

    @GoogleGlass - Fun loving and a very humorous personality. stands True to these lines of great poet Bharathi - Tamizhan endru sollada thalai nimirnthu nillada .. Gives eloquent and crisp feedbacks with subtle message. Has a unique style in writing be it poems or snippets. Miss the humorous posts. Practical solution provider and A good friend for all.

    @kaniths - Another younger sister but I see a lot of my daughter’s qualities in her. I love all her facepalm moments. She is one curious learner. Belongs to the Intellectual elite(IL-ite) group. We have had healthy arguments too. Never hesitates to apologize. Very free spirited young woman. Her doodles are extremely creative. Love her puzzles too. Multi-talented. A good friend forever.

    @kkrish - Extremely Humble and down to earth simplicity is her forte. Extremely knowledgeable in her field and sharing it so well that even a child can understand the topics. Someone with no Ego Loving and caring personality. A well defined role model

    @maggi32 - A lovely friend one can ask for. Hides all her pain and shows only happy face for others. Naturally very fun loving mischievous. Wants to see everyone happy. A tindi expert and at the same time is health conscious too. Weight lifter not just physically but lifts heaviness from other’s hearts. Generous person with good social responsibility too but never shows off. Miss you miss you come back enough vacationing and going around the world.

    @Mistt - A very kind and gentle friend. Always offers encouragement and have motivated many of us to write and share. A nature admirer and takes lovely photos. Encourages others to share their best too. Makes sure her friends are doing good and never hesitates to check on us. Also when someone shares something offensive never hesitates to report or stand up for the original poster. Has a lovely heart.

    @parineetha - Lovely friend and always spreads cheer. Her writings are something which you read once and it stays within you forever. She has the knack of writing in such a way that it touches all the 5 senses. Whenever I think of her I am reminded of fragrance from fresh flowers. Very sweet and kind person.

    @PavithraS - She is like a sister to me. Shows ultimate respect and values peoples & relationships more than anything. A kind loving soul and very practical too. I love her writings though she writes(or should I say in the past tense) mostly in Tamil I wish she had shared her knowledge equally in English too. I am sure she would have been a constant FP winner then. She is a great Poet and writer. I would love her to come back. Pavithra if you are reading this please come back. Miss you & your writings very much!

    @periamma - Like a real Periamma. Shows caring and gentleness towards all. Shares life experiences nicely and always encourages everyone to have healthy relationships with one another. Highly encourages every new entrant be it stories or poetry or snippets. When interacting with young she understands their issues well and offers practical solutions. A very kind and nice person.

    @Rihana Rih-ji solution provider. Very different thinking analytical approach and gently strict too. Knows to value people and opinions. Offers Healthy debates and conversations. Ready to offer any advice extremely resourceful. Writes beautiful snippets. Would like to read more of her snippets. A very encouraging personality. Also never hesitates to point out mistakes in a gentle way

    @Srama - Love all her snippets and writings. Like her feedbacks related to schools children education etc. Very patient and live in the moment personality. Sometimes will make me wonder how I missed seeing this in nature. Now whenever I see a feather or flower or leaf or feel the breeze or see the snow Her writings come to my mind. Beautiful personality at heart. Glad to have read her writings.

    @viswa sir extremely knowledgeable in many different areas especially Spirituality. Like a child shows willingness to learn new things. Very socially responsible and gives back to the community in a big way. Offers great advice and adds value . Always looking for ways to improve oneself and a community as a whole. Greatest quality many people can aspire for. Thankful for the puzzles he create too
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
    PavithraS, periamma, kaniths and 10 others like this.
  6. joylokhi

    joylokhi Platinum IL'ite

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    First of all thanks for the opportunity to make us think of the contributions of our members and appreciate their role in our lives.
    As u would have noticed, Although I have logged into IL at least for five years as of now, my original posts are quite few and far between. I prefer reading up of wonderful write ups by so many here and give my responses to those that interest me or where I have something to add to.
    Those whose contributions I often read up without fail . Im mentioning the ones I remember off hand and would add later as and when I can.
    Every write up of hers is so full of indepth knowledge of the subject alongwith her personal life experiences that has lessons to be learnt.

    It is common knowledge to everyone here in IL how each one of her contributions are appreciated by each one of us . This I feel is due to the fact that She is a wonderful person at heart with no pretences and that reflects in all her writings and am sure in her behaviour with all she comes across. Blessed to be get the acquaintance of such a person, and have often expressed my desire to meet her in persom should the opportunity arise - such is the effect of her writings!

    Your responses to the many posters from IL i have read with great interest . We belong to the same age group but their ends the similarity when I see how far u seem to have progressed in your spiritual / humanitarian quests . Your responses have made me realise your very balanced approach to life and stable, empathetic nature.

    Suryakala sister has so selflessly been giving us information of all topics of our cultural activities, festivals etc. Now being marghazhi season it is wonderful that each day I log in first thing in the morning to hear the pasurams , together with getting detailed meanings thereof .

    @Rihana and @ yellowmango:
    I am clubbing both of them together here, although both of them are wonderful contributers in their own right.
    My first foray into IL started with reading up responses to both of them in the relationships forum after I had penned my views on MIL/DIL conflicts and negativity in IL over this. I find they have very balanced views and advices given by them were sincere and meant to ease whatever issues were brought up.

    @sindmani, especially to convey my thanks for getting the maximum likes from her for my responses here.

    @Cheeniya for the wonderful humour based with real life experiences . An elder in the true sense, whom I would surely like to meet in person should the opportunity arise.

    I think ill stop here for the moment . Im sure there are many others whose contributions I may not have added, but will continue later.
  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Being an originator of this thread, I was going to ask ILites to write about other ILites except OP. But when I read the responses from @jskls, I was in tears. Do I deserve this? May be it would help me to more vigorously work towards everything she said about me.

    @joylokhi, I am grateful for your kind words of appreciation. I will do my best to make your words come true.

    Now, I feel if these kind words are going to motivate me to improve myself better, why not I accept it humbly and gracefully into my heart without making that get into my head?
    Greenbay, Rihana, Amica and 2 others like this.
  8. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear V sir, @Viswamitra ,
    I am not very good at receiving compliments and don't know how to react. I am grateful for your words. upload_2018-12-20_17-24-44.png
    I am a little busy with a lot going on - will certainly write once I get a breather in a few days.

    Dear Lakshmi @jskls, I don't know what I can say other than I am truly touched and feel extremely grateful. Thank you for your loving words!

    Happy New Year!
    joylokhi, Rihana, kkrish and 2 others like this.
  9. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    @iyerviji maa I have never seen a person filled with content. From her writings one can understand how she finds happiness in little things. I understand at her age many people will have complaints but she shares her little happiness for others to enjoy. Her snippets tell loud and clear that living with content is a sure road to lead a satisfying and fulfilling life.
    iyerviji, Greenbay, shravs3 and 7 others like this.
  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    @sokanasanah Generous with his time. Focused and thoughtful responses that show the attention that went into composing them. For threads in any sub-forum of IL. Promises to come back with more if in a time-crunch, and always does that.

    @kkrish - Has a big heart. A big big big heart. If I could emulate a small percentage of that grace and class, I would be eternally grateful from the bottom of my regular size heart. : )
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2018
    nuss, Greenbay, satchitananda and 6 others like this.

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