Hi I'd like to know if any member is in Indonesia. I used to live in Bandung ( Java Barat) and would love to know anyone who lives there (or had been there) and exchange experiences. Vidyasarada
apa kabar, Vidyasarada? Hi Vidyasarada, I used to live in Jakarta. Masa masa bahagia! Happy times! Have been to Bandung, seen the crater, eaten cholam cooked there, bought bangles made of volcanic stone. We have a lot in common???!!! affly Vidya
Selamat vidya24 Hi, Apa Kabar ! Terima kasih banyak untuk suratnya. Ya,betul, Masa-masa bahagia ! Dan tanah-air itu bagus sekali, kan ? We went there in 1988 looking for a ' short-break' , but the sojourn turned into a 14 year long mega-serial. Memorable days. And I came back thoroughly spoilt - the ibus do that to you, dont they ? So, did you cook sulphur flavored eggs in the hotsprings of Tangkuban perahu ? I dont eat eggs - even masala flavored, leave alone sulphur flavored- but have had to do the ritual everytime we went there , partly to amuse the guests and partly to satisfy the pestering warung kids who sold the eggs. We lived in a nice picturesque village called Sumedang , in an expat colony attached to a factory, on the outskirts of Bandung. Visited Jakarta everytime we had visitors , to show them around. And since every visitor from South India had Rudraksham on the shopping list, the local market always used to be on the itinerary. The very memory of those lanes still give me claustrophobia ! My only regret is leaving the country without getting a chance to see Toraja and Sulawesi. Sigh ! And, Vidya24, the e-mail id. I was using for a long time was vidya25 ! Three yrs. ago when i switched over to yahoomail, i couldnt not retain the same user name b'coz yahoo said it was already taken. Scrolling down the IL members list i found another vidya who shares my surname too ! Bye. Sampai jumpa lagi ! vidyasarada