Anyone Else Living Abroad Feel There's Not Much To Life Apart From Work And Chores

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gamma50g, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. gamma50g

    gamma50g Finest Post Winner

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    India was very different. Despite working, I always found time to travel, read and have a lot of spiritual activities.

    However, after coming to US, life has become very monotonous. Its almost always chores and ferrying kids to and from classes not just during weekdays but more so during weekends.

    For folks luving abroad, how do you relax/have fun/unwind apart from movies, hiking and eating out?
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
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  2. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    I think its more active in the USA with the regular potlucks and hindu temple events . Even the meetup groups were a little more active for me. I found more bowling groups and even the shopping areas were more reachable than here.
    I am back in India now but I had a much better social life than in India. (which is much less anyway but still better)
  3. pranavi1987

    pranavi1987 Gold IL'ite

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    hello OP a very good question, I felt the same way like you when I moved to USA about 11 years ago after marriage, my life was super busy in India, had always handful of things to do.

    But there are N number of things to do here as well, In our busy lives ,life doesnt become monotonous we make it that way.

    One thing mostly people ignore is, we always forget to spend time with a beautiful soul that is "You", you read it right if you spend time with "yourself" you will know how beautiful you are?

    I am a full-time working mom with 2 active kids and one is toddler, the ways I unwind myself was

    1. I play with kids, take them to library learn many things from them.
    2. I read books - obviously very limited time, but even if it is 2-3 mins if I am able to read something, I feel accomplished. Some time I just read when kids are playing or scribbling.
    3. I do Yoga, meditation and took a certification in it.
    4. I try to learn Ayurveda
    5. I am(have been) learning carnatic music, I sing in temples.
    6. I try to learn atleast "one drop of music" every day, any new thing related to music, some times from Kids knowledge.
    7. Will play piano( not trained) just like that with kids
    8. Learning with kids gives me lot of joy, learning some thing to keep brain active.
    9. I meet friends have nice dinner/lunch with them spend time with them.
    10. we go out on weekends local temples/ kids playzones/parks.
    11. I love cooking, so will explore options in healthy cooking.
    12. I wrote couple of stories in Indus ladies, but from past few years kids are keeping me busy need to look for ideas to write.

    one thing I follow is "learning" some thing be it art, be it cooking, be it music that gives me lot of joy, even if at all I dont step out few days at a stretch( that is rare in my case) I never feel stressed or lost.

    we have life to live the fullest .
    Hope this helps :)
    Mistt, lavani and sonal1611 like this.
  4. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera IL Hall of Fame

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    I live in the USA and think that if one can keep a regular routine, there is no question of any boredom. I have lived most of my life in India and seen the changes over time. There was times when one could land in a friend's or relative's home without notice and treated well. Then, the telephone and mobile phone at that changed everything. Now one was expected to call before thinking to come. Most of the meetings now happen on phones.
    In India or in the USA, the only days available for meetings are the weekends. For weekdays, everyone is busy. Another issue is, transport. If you do not know how to drive or have no car at your disposal, the only alternative is Uber or Lift.
  5. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    Agree with the calling before visiting thing. I do that even before visting my ground floor friend .

    But in the USA atleast, it is easier to get a cab or a ride and go somewhere. Here in India, even with so much public transport, I am weary of going out just because I realise the amount of time I will be spending in the traffic. I found those meetings are reduced incomparison with the ones in the USA.
    Almost every tuesday we used to go for a movie because the tickets were for 4$. I never understood those science fiction movies, but I went anyway :D
    I was always last int he bowling matches but I still went. Movie here is so time taking business just for the commute.
    lavani likes this.
  6. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    India is not different either. at least what i have noticed during my visits. my brother in law and his wife were busy with work. Weekend with their kid school stuff . with having a maid and cook lot of work done. Sis in law just staying in home doing not much or in internet or tv.

    relatives do not call or visit like before. neighbors same , thing are different as the social economic background is not same. people hesitate.

    not saying usa is great or bad. ultimately it comes to individual to manage their time and social life.
    sociallifein30s likes this.
  7. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Unwind by going to Costco in the weekend with no list : ) Happen to see the Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer for $399 : ) Serve a pop quiz to better half asking if I should buy it. He a veteran of such quizzes by now, doesn't blink or ask questions like "for whom?". Says, get it if you want or need it. Doesn't say "can always return it." Then, I do my favorite math calculation of how many dum biryanis $400 can buy and the dryer doesn't enter the cart. I leave the aisle feeling strangely loaded with self-permission to splurge in the next aisle. Amazing what not buying something can do towards the retail therapy bliss.

    When we compare India versus U.S. times of our lives, we should factor in that we are comparing the kid-free times of India with our most busiest parenting years of the U.S.

    Oh yes the ferrying around... That's one reason I insisted each kid get their driving license as soon as the state allowed.
    gamma50g likes this.

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