Any ideas on how to prevent chances of Gestational diabetes for 2nd pregnancy?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by shravi, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. shravi

    shravi New IL'ite

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    I was diagnosed with GD in my 24th week of first pregnancy and was on strict diet. I dont want to repeat the same during my 2nd preg. Any ideas on how to prevent GD in early pregnancy? Need suggestions.

  2. renutn

    renutn Gold IL'ite

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    I am not sure whether this answers your question. But what I heard each pregnancy is different. Reason of getting GD in pregnancy is an hormone released by placenta which are insulin resistant. So if pancreas is producing insulin more than the required then chances of GD is less if it is producing in usual then chance of getting GD.
    What we can say is follow the same diet plan how you were doing in earlier pregnancy.
    Hope other ladies pour in some more suggestions..
  3. lochu

    lochu Gold IL'ite

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    There is no way you can prevent GD as its not a disease its how your hormones be have during pregnancy .Every pregnancy is different .Having GD during first pregnancy there is 60 % chance you will get it on the second pregnancy too.i had it on both my pregancies .The only thing you can do it is to eat fiber rich foods and watch your carbohydrates .Don't beat yourself for that .I took insulin for my second pregnancy and had a healthy baby so don't worry .I ve seen people faking their 27 week to pass the test and they try to avoid carbs for the entire week before the test and it is more harmful to the baby than the sugar .

    during my first pregnancy I completely refused to take insulin and I walked like crazy and ate less and less and during the last few weeks my sugars were uncontrollable and during labor my baby had lot of complication due to sugars and had an emergency c section

    for the second time I was very positive and I accepted the fact that I had GD and i took insulin and delivered a baby via VBAC and no complications .

    so don't worry Enjoy your pregancy and listen to your body
  4. mercyagin

    mercyagin Gold IL'ite

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    Diabetes develops when your body can't efficiently produce or use insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas that allows cells to turn sugar in your blood (glucose) into usable fuel.
    Visit a registered dietitian who can create a diet particularly suited to you, based on your weight, height, physical activity, and the needs of your growing baby, as well as your level of glucose intolerance. She'll also take into account your personal food preferences.
    One way to keep your blood sugar levels under control is to follow a specific meal plan. Eat a variety of foods, distributing calories and carbohydrates evenly throughout the day. Make sure both your meals and your snacks are balanced. You can you eat three small-to-moderate-size meals and two to four snacks every day, including an after-dinner snack.
    Don't skip meals. Be consistent about when you eat meals and the amount of food you eat at each one. Your blood sugar will remain more stable if your food is distributed evenly throughout the day and consistently from day to day.Eat a good breakfast. Your blood glucose levels are most likely to be out of whack in the morning. To keep your level in a healthy range, you may have to limit carbohydrates (breads, cereal, fruit, and milk), boost your protein (eggs, cheese, peanut butter, nuts) , and possibly avoid fruit and juice altogether.
    Limit your intake of foods and beverages that contain simple sugars such as soda, fruit juice, flavored teas and flavored waters, and most desserts – or avoid them altogether. These foods can quickly elevate your blood sugar.
    Milk is high in lactose, a simple sugar, so you may need to limit the amount you drink and find an alternative source of calcium. My recommendation would be milk made with soya powder. As I am pregnant, I am also taking it. Moderate exercise like walking is also necessary.

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