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anandi a chapter short story in my life

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by sunkan, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    Aunty do u still knit for others….
    Yes, please come in …aunty I have this wonderful wool sent by my father’s friend and he wants a nice sweater done…I have finished this but am unable to understand where I am wrong…the sweater spread out gave a very broad one with no height…so I told her it is wrong and she needs to knit it. Well !does she want me to do it for her or teach her…she said, no aunty, I don’t have the time kindly knit for me…money in not a constrain but …time is. Now, I was jolted as to what the time could be, she said one week as her father’s birthday is around that time. I said ok let me give it a shot but help me open this up I need to restart…even there she said aunty I don’t have the time…anandi I have known with a few acquaintance not a very high mental capacity but neither can u ignore her she was shrewd. But I could only pity her, as none came forward to marry even with a hefty dowry and her father had high irritation where she was concerned, more worried that what would become of her after him. He had a nice house in her name but anandi can never bother to cook wants to be pampered even at an age of 35. So now coming back to the situation. I opened the wool and spun it into balls in my machine and got ready to do it. The next day anandi landed up with the full amount for my knitting gave it in advance and warned. Aunty don’t ring up the home. But, I said once it is over u need to collect incase I finish it early how do I let u know…Don’t mention about the sweater but tell what happened anandi has not come to the class and I will understand. I was getting more amused with her behavior. I agreed for the suggestion, then came to know she wanted her father to believe that she has knit the sweater for him…So the day came and I rang her house. But anandi was out and her father picked up the phone..
    Hello is anandi there?
    Who is this …I am her knitting class teacher please inform her as to why she is missing the class…He sounded very very irritated but agreed to inform her. She came the evening took the sweater and happy with the finish so overwhelmed. Next day informed how her father could never believe that she could have knit such a beautiful one for him.
    regards sunkan
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006

  2. safa

    safa Bronze IL'ite

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    A nice chapter from life, Sundari. The way she has chosen to express her love is very interesting..
    You sisters came together with stories?
  3. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    is nice

    Dear Sundari,

    A nice story, a wee bit cryptic. Good though. Is Sathya your sister?
  4. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    she is my sis

    dear vidya and seena,
    she is my sister and bambi's mother, who has been relating to queries thru her son and me long before she became a member here...she is also the daughter in law of the grand father lakshmana sharma who's receipe of nature mrs.seetha is writing here....it is sathya's proding to write, made me write sure just wanted guidance from u all sometime, some things, just happen and u laugh abt the incident..regards sunkan
  5. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    Ammu how abt 2 cups of tea:

    Those were the days of no T V and we had a lot of space in my house so expanse with guava trees. That day as usual was bright sunny and all activities of squirrel running around and birds all seem at peace. My mother had taken my younger sibling along for a film with aunts. It was a joint family and all went for a matinee so that they be back for making dinner…
    I and my friend Rani were at our usual game like chimps we were climbing the step and then holding on to the guava bark to hang for sometime and then jump down go back to the step. This we continued without tiring.. as we enjoyed the swinging moreHeard appa’s voice who was an accountant always at his table of large books, both me and rani ran over and gasping stood before him. Noticed he had an old gentleman friend with him and he was talking with him. When he saw us he said: Ammu u know how to make tea?. I was hardly 12 but shook my head with great fervor to make it for him. He said :then I want two cups of tea for both of us…and we ran into the kitchen, only then realized I did not know the measure, but rani was an expert she said just take the tumbler of the davara tumbler set and take two cups so I poured it and put it on the kerosene stove,[those days no gas] and then once it started boiling under instruction from rani I added the tea and sugar and let it boil. I was anxious all the time whether I add the milk, but rani kept saying wait it has to turn honey in color, so after that the tea was done. I poured it into two tumblers but the quantity was a little over half in each. Now what to do, if I pour water it will get spoiled, so I looked around what to compensate with. Saw a coffee filter, opened it and added two teaspoons of decoction to the tea and it looked fine to me… took it to my dad, he and his friend took a sip and asked: Ammu is it coffee or tea. I ran away with my friend not able to tell anything….in the evening I had a earful from my mother that was a different story…. Regards sunkan
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2006
  6. safa

    safa Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Sundari,
    So sweet ! Please, it would be good if you write a book remembering all such sweet/ bitter experiences of life..

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