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All We Need Is For Our Hearts To Be Brimming With Love

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by gamma50g, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    It's a question that plagues both young and old alike: Why do we veer into darkness? The answer lies in the simplest of truths – we all crave love. When that essential ingredient is missing, our hearts wander, seeking solace in fleeting substitutes to fill the void.

    As parents, our duty transcends material provision. It's about investing time, showering affection, and nurturing bonds that withstand the test of time. For love is the one emotion that binds us together, far outweighing any possession.

    But it's not just about giving; it's about receiving too. To be capable of love, our own hearts must first be filled to the brim. Yet, when love is withheld, our ability to give diminishes, leaving us grasping for fulfillment in hollow distractions.

    Let's rewrite the narrative. Let's prioritize love – in our families, our relationships, and ourselves. For in love's embrace, we find the true essence of fulfillment and purpose.
    Thyagarajan and mangaii like this.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Life is created because of love, sustains in love and eventually merges out of life because of love. We are given an opportunity to live again because of love and grace to fix the consequences of our prior actions. When love becomes unconditional, one recognizes that all are from the same source and therefore, there is no difference between you and I. Love is like knowledge and it never gets diminished when you share it with others. On the contrary, when love is given, more love will spring out of the heart.

    When we experience unconditional love, there is Self-love. Self-love is different from selfishness. When selfisness equates to putting us above others, Self-love puts ourselves at par with others and feels all are equal. It believes we are divine and so are others.

    Here is a meditation technique I taught the children sometime back.

    “You close your eyes and focus your attention to the place between your eyebrows. Assume that spiritual heart resides within you. Imagine that it is a fountain that can spray plenty of love but restrained by your mind that is focused on self. Now your single most objective is to remove the restrain and make the fountain function spraying plenty of water to the saplings that are planted by the Lord of the Universe around you. Imagine that your mind is firmly placed on top of your spiritual heart and is completely rusted. You have to find a good tool that can remove that restrain. You found intellect that is the correct tool that can unlock the mind. You also needed grease that need to be applied in the form of good spiritual disciplines to make the mind unlock quickly. When you do all of that, slowly the mind unlocks and suddenly, you notice that the love flows and sprays all over those wonderful saplings that are planted around you by the Lord of the Universe. They grow nicely and started yielding fruits and it makes you feel happy that you contributed to the growth of the saplings. Now you slowly open your eyes and feel relieved that a free flow of love has begun and now there is no restrain on your spiritual heart."
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. mangaii

    mangaii Finest Post Winner

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    I actually don't completely agree with this . Every emotion should have defined boundary. From my own experience if you love someone too much you get too invested in their life and kind of start controlling their life since you feel like you know what is best for them.
    I'm not sure about unconditional love since as a human being there is some sort of expectation that comes with any kind of emotion.
    I'm not saying we shouldn't shower love but honestly just do with limitation and least expectation .
    Thyagarajan, Rihana and Viswamitra like this.
  4. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    What is love? I never heard a word like this from my parents and never spoke in 'Me too' tone in return. Same with my wife and children. All we did was take care of each other. I call it LOVE.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    As we do for our pets Orions.

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