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All About Educational Toys/books To Keep Your Child Occupied.

Discussion in 'Toddlers' started by blindpup10, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    All About Educational Toys/Books to Keep Your Child-Occupied.

    This is a thread to talk about sharing ideas about children toys-

    I have a 9- month old. I am buying age appropriate toys. Please share what kind of toys/ books/ activities that you do with your child.

    Let's start this post by gender of the baby/ age/ location.

    Example- DS/9-month-old/ US.

    This introduction will help others to know what toys are available for the age.

    What are the toys/ educational toys/ picture books/ story books do you use for your child?
    Is there a favorite toy and why does your child like it?
    What is your opinion on these toys.. do they help your child to improve skills or how do you engage your child during the day?
    sindmani and KashmirFlower like this.

  2. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    DS/9-month old/ US.

    Lately, my DS is starting to stand up and he crawls around the house- Therefore we bought him a Fisher Price Walker. The one which he is able to push. However, my son hasn't pushed it yet :tearsofjoy:. All he does is to stand and even walk by holding sofa/ wall. Maybe I was pushing him to walk, by getting this toy early.
    He also has a bunch of teething toys/ rattles/ activity cube.
    He loves the activity cube. Just drives me crazy listening to the non-stop music.
    He also keeps himself busy through out the day by exploring every inch of the living room.
    We watch youtube pinkfong rhymes it was his fav channel for awhile.
    Now he is expanding beyond pink fong. A bit of relief to my husband and me;)
    sindmani and Rihana like this.
  3. viki123

    viki123 Silver IL'ite

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    Nice Thread, my DS is 2 and my living room is filled with his toys every where. Here goes the list:
    Infant - 9 months: Play gym was his fav toys, from 2 - 9 months. He explored it like any thing. When ever he crawled and move out of it, we used to place him back. There were few rattling toys and teethes which he hardly played with.
    9 months-one year: This when he explored the whole house like any thing, he was every where and every thing went to his mouth. So i started giving soft fruit, cheese etc instead of teethers . At this stage he liked musical toys, like pressing button, looking at lights etc.

    1 - 2 years:
    Walker was his fav toy
    Toys which wheels and thread, he would pull those along with him.
    giraffe 3 wheel walker.
    Alphabet train (he will push it all around the house)
    Tri cycle
    Other block toys to put blocks.
    Stacking cups (This is his bath time toy)
    Sometimes he would get bowls & spoons and do cooking and play with them and pretend like eating. For this I did not restrict him which helped in developing his eating skills.
    There are other toys like ball, cricket bats etc which he plays some times.

    Rhymes Chu-chu tv, little babybum and Hoopla kids are his fav. These just run as background while he is busy with toys. Recently he started dancing and enacting for his fav rhymes.

    Brown bear Brown bear (all time fav)
    wheels on the bus music bus
    Good night moon
    Animals tough & feel books
    spot goes to school
    There are other books for alphabets, numbers, colors, shapes etc. But as soon as i open then, he will sleep or point to brown bear brown bear.

    When ever he comes and messes with my work, i though him to help me.
    Now he helps in unloading dishwasher, folding cloths. He will trash the remaining food or any thing on floor and puts his used cups & plates in sink. Of course i have to instruct him to do it. Hope slowly he develops that habit.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
    sindmani and blindpup10 like this.
  4. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Leap Frog/ Fischer price etc.
    Dr.Seuss books - started with Green Eggs and ham, cat in the hat, Mr. Brown can moo, Foot book etc etc.
    building blocks
    Wooden puzzles from Melissa Doug.
    Reading does wonders and We started at 3 months.
  5. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    You also couldn't resist posting? :) I went down memory lane yesterday after blindpup started thread.

    Melissa Doug - classic toys and puzzles.
    Other prized possession in our house was a toy stroller. The doll (not Barbie, thank you!!!!!) used to get seated in it with care that put to shame the care with which parent buckles in child into the car seat.
  6. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    My LO is 2 yrs old and i am literally thinking thinking.. and looking at her toys bag for recall what was her fav at 9 months.
    so in your suggested format
    DD/9 months/ US
    ~ Activity walker ( she loved it and used till 16 months till she started walking hersef)
    ~ all tiny colorful toys, she used to lick, switch, lick switch ( rinse repeat)
    ~ gym mat (so useful) . .it was worth all the money.
    ~ activity cube, stacker
    ~ picture books - I started bringing books very early and she loved that time see pics and listening my comments.
    ~ at 1 point in her life, she loved soft toys ( may be 10-11-12 months)
    ~ rhymes always
    she was less active at 9 months as compared to other kids
    DD/2ys/ US
    ~ I can not define anything. She likes dislikes every days..she spends 1 min on 1 thing then changes, full house scan, rinse repeat so can not say what she likes what not and she likes gonig out more
    ~ rhymes, cartoons, stories ( she started listening to stores bedtime but loses patience)
    sindmani, viki123 and blindpup10 like this.
  7. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks all for suggesting. I will try some of the toys that has been suggested.
    @Rihana- toy stroller sounds such a cute thing! I would have loved it if I was a kid :tongueclosed:
    @sanjuruby3- Thanks for suggesting great toys. I haven't bought a stacker yet. That is on my purchase list.
    @jskls- leapfrog looks like a fun thing. I will go ahead buy it.
    I do some reading with Dr.Seuss books. Thanks for suggesting- Melissa Doug.. all her books look interesting.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    sindmani and jskls like this.
  8. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    Awww.. so cute that your DS is helping.
    I have an activity chair, I use only in the morning. During the day.. He is around the house, playing with his toys.
    Its a good idea for teething... I will try soft fruits/ cheese. Right now.. my DS struggles to chew :(

    The author of brown bear, brown bear is Bill martin?
    Is this the right book I am looking at?
    sindmani likes this.
  9. viki123

    viki123 Silver IL'ite

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    Activity chair is a good one, my DS has it but he used to take the toys from it and play with them. I forgot to include Jumperoo in my list. it was his fav till he out grew it.

    That's fine, they will learn eventually but keep eye as he may choke. Yogurt melts, shredded cheese are also a good option to start.

    sindmani and blindpup10 like this.
  10. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    Stacker and Learning table got delivered! Excited for my DS to use it
    Thanks for suggesting guys.

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    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
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