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africa and australia in the kitchen....!!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by sathya, May 18, 2007.

  1. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    it was just after my marriage...my mil said that vijay liked chappathis and subji no need to fuss over drinks or sambar rasam curry koottu etc...my childhood days were spent in a joint family and althought my mom made wonderful chappathis i was at a loss.. i had very little kitchen experience..my brother's friends gifted me with a chappathi maker..they had a good laugh imagining me making chappathis...

    it was a saturday afternoon ..and i was back home early from work.. so i thought i'll try it today..before he comes and surprise him..

    i got the dough ready ..( or so i thought..!) it was so thick that i found it difficult to separate it into small balls .after a bit of smashing and pulling and watering which got it more sticky then once again added flour..i managed to get two or three balls made..now to make chappathis..
    i tried rolling it ..it got stuck to the board and i had a tough time getting it out..no chance..i got the chappathi maker ..cleaned it up and smeared some flour then placed a ball of flour and smash..!!! it got stuck again..

    i was getting all panicky..no use trying chappathis?..should i call in mom who was just a km. away? ...will give it a last try i thought..

    i cleaned up the board with hot water..scrub scrub whew got it now to go slow on making chappathi...
    with quite a lot of flour on the floor and the board and all over the kitchen with some on my face too... i was able to roll out a few chappathis..thank god i said..its enough i can make some rice for myself..i put it on the tava..smeared with ghee..
    made the subji right..
    i looked a sight in the mirror..washed up and make up in a hurry..

    vijay arrived..smiled ..hey you look different he said..
    hey why are you kidding i said..do i look the chappathi run round..? i didnt ask him ..does it show that much. i wondered..

    after some talking we sat down to dinner.. i was nervous how the chappathis will taste...

    vijay started eating..is it nice i asked him..its wonderful he said..only..

    only...? i continued..

    ``only we have africa and australia in the kitchen'' he said
    i almost fell over myself in relief. so it was only the shape that didnt come right...
    now the chappathis come full round but nothing like the african shapes for fun..!!


  2. Monsi

    Monsi Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Sathya,
    Nice to read about your first encounter with chapathi making :) But in my case yesterday it happened with my Hubby Dear ...:wink: well .. since last 3-4 days I have Viral Fever and couldnt go in the kitchen. So hubby makes the food. I would say he is a nice cook and can make vegetables and parathas. But yesterday I wanted to eat chapathis. So... he made them. And ya... we had the Africa n Australia in our kitchen too :yes:
  3. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    so sathya,
    u have many memories up ur sleeve but u share only in IL glad u r here...liked ur versions of Africa and Australia....love aks
  4. hima

    hima New IL'ite

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    hai !!
    it was very nice to hear your words.. we both are in same boat.. am also newly wed.. i have a little experince in cooking ..but am not interested in eating chapati.. so before marriage i never did chapati. but my hubby likes chapati & parotas very much..

    it was a friday night.. i use to fast on friday.. my hubby asked me to make Parota for dinner..

    i got the dough ready ..( or so i thought..!) it was so thick that i found it difficult to separate it into small balls .after a bit of smashing and pulling and watering which got it more sticky then once again added flour..i managed to get two or three balls made..now to make chappathis..
    i tried rolling it ..it got stuck to the board and i had a tough time getting it out..no chance..i got the chappathi maker ..cleaned it up and smeared some flour then placed a ball of flour and smash..!!! it got stuck again..

    i was getting all panicky..no use trying chappathis?.. at last i found it how to make it.. then
    i cleaned up the board with hot water..scrub scrub whew got it now to go slow on making chappathi...
    with quite a lot of flour on the floor and the board and all over the kitchen with some on my face too... i was able to roll out a few chappathis..thank god i said..its enough i can make some rice for myself..i put it on the tava..smeared with ghee..
    made the subji right..

    My hubby started eating ... then i looked in to his eyes to see his expressions by eating it.. :) i asked him..he replied like this hmmmmm.............Quite Ok..but the shapes are different..coz u r maths lecturer ... so you can tell what shape is this ? (Geometrical Shapes).........

    i smiled a lot...so i think Africa & Australia are in my kitchen also......

    now the chappathis come full round but nothing like the Geometrical Shapes..

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