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Ackward SMS from FIL

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by swathiZ, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. ShilpaMa

    ShilpaMa IL Hall of Fame

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    Exactly this is what I feel.. if you dig the grave you shall have the stench too... cos you were living with it.

    If marriage is about Openness and honesty then its also about timings.. and I guess it wasn't a wine that you left for aging.
    Simply delete it and if you find anything out of order in next visit then pls immideately inform your spouse.
  2. raha256

    raha256 Bronze IL'ite

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    OP, my FIL always use the word " Dear". infact when he spoke with me for the 1st time (before wedding) he called me "dear". after my wedding i could understand thats his style of talking. though we are not very affectionate FIL-DIL he always calls me this way. dont think too much. ignore this. if u r uncomfortable then u can tell this politely to ur DH. dont spoil realtionship in jus 1 sms. as others have said our elders are not good in gadgets. its ok.

    if u get such kind of sms again jus show it your Dh saying u got an SMS from his dad. stop it there. let him know. i think thats more than enough. DH is aware and u r aware of ur FIL language. thats enough.
  3. swathiZ

    swathiZ New IL'ite

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    DH and inlaws never miss an opportunity to blame my parents like this was not taken care during wedding, we were not invited properly for dinner during wedding and on all silly stuff which I just take it in one ear and leave out from the other. Trust is though there between us.

    I was newly wed and hardly spent a week before he flew. I had just not built up a rapport. It always is in my mind when I have to spk to my FIL on phone.

    I never thought in this angle. I wanted to hit the nail just because the family is facing quite a lot of issues as FIL has involved into someone.

    Yes but this msg is beyond dear...

    Keeping this thing of timing in mind, looks like its better to ignore. Though am afraid to go to their house, I have no options :(
  4. rkramadh

    rkramadh New IL'ite

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    Wow! It seems obvious to me that your FIL intended this SMS to the woman he is having an affair with!!! He hit the wrong button and sent it to you instead. Why on earth does any one here think that her FIL was sending it to the DIL intentionally?!!! Now, FIL is a jerk not for his fat fingers but for having an affair in the first place. You the DIL is safe, but in a terrible jam to have to either keep this under wraps from your DH or be the one to reveal it! Neither option is pleasant, hope your DH will believe you (provided you have ample evidence of your FIL's affair) and not think you are making this up. Good luck!
  5. shrikala

    shrikala Senior IL'ite

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    Swathi, i am just suggesting you to be prepared for all possible scenarios and questions. it could easily backfire if you bring up this issue. you have been living abroad with your DH for sometime and had visited india too. you should be able to justify/defend yourself why not all these days and why today.
    If your inlaws family already know about FIL affair then i would just forget this sms matter.
    if your DH and MIL dont know about the affair and you dont want to feel guilty of withholding that, you could tell your DH that there is something that has been bothering you but you dont know how to say it as it might be misunderstood and that you need him just hear it out.
    Give a lot of buildup and ensure that he understands you are not accusing his family, not trying to create an issue, not blaming, no revenge.
    After few days, once he is ready to listen to you then tell this sms incident and i am not sure how well it will go when you tell him you had someone check his wheareabouts.

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