Dear friends, This poem is in reponse to a mother's heartless act of throwing her girl baby in a dustbin, discarding her as a piece of torn rag... The irony is police found her on the " children's Day'...... We women should hang our heads in shame pray and wish for the safety of girlchild She Watery cushion cuddling her, she thrives Her limbs grow at a silent natural pace Closed are her eyes and tiny her ears Yet fully aware of life and its vibrations She doesn’t know the pangs of hunger, Her tiny pouch is filled without asking for She kicks gently and coos silently She is tenderly molded, perfectly modeled Wet and glistening like a pearl in an oyster, She is a magic of the creator Created within a mothers womb The magic is gone The day she is born Seems she is a load too heavy Even to that woman who bore her for months Reasons are varied, result is the same She is left to the earth and winds By the mother who proceeds nonchalantly to Bear only sons! Are such women Mothers or man – making machines? Women so heartless to finch at a girl But who don’t mind bleeding and dying for The pride called son! Let such un – womanly women and their uncouth men Break down, vanish and get annihilated Heralding and welcoming the birth of a GIRL – Child Into a safe and halcyon world Where girls of any color and race are received with Joy, triumph and grace! Hail and happiness to thee oh girl child Welcome, welcome and welcome again!
And Now Sarojini Naidu Has Come Out Of Her Mobile! Dear Ambika, You have the knack of using simple words to convey something very profound; something the words were not originally destined to convey. I have been an avid reader of English poetry for some time. But I got vexed when poets started using very difficult words beyond the reach of prosaic people like me. I first started using dictionary for reference and then I found out I was reading more of the dictionary than of the poem. But I am at home with poets like you; to whom even small and simple words pay their homage and yield their fullest meaning to help you achieve your poetic mission. You pulled my heart strings with these words: She is left to the earth and winds By the mother who proceeds nonchalantly to Bear only sons! Are such women Mothers or man – making machines? Women so heartless to finch at a girl But who don’t mind bleeding and dying for The pride called son! Ambika, may your tribe increase! The tribe of women and the tribe of good poets like you. Thanks for giving us a good poem. Without you IL was very prosaic. love and regards, sridhar
Dear Ambika, Its really a very good poem, expressing the thoughts of some good people with loving heart.. The message of the poem affects our hearts intensely.. We can pray for all the girl children not to face such situations.. Thanks for sharing an excellent poem with us..
it is fabulous.... dear ambika, where surrogate mother and prayers of million kind going up for a child let alone boy or girl...there are many who would give any amount of money for a piece of that live something in their womb.. this poem has been a luxury to some to just discard and walk away in gender discretion...pity are those souls who having the pride of place in the world to contribute something lively should do was heart rending to read but a nice piece....regards sunkan
Beautiful poem.. Dear Ambika, Nice to interact with you after a long gap. A beautiful poem this time.. I read the first 2 lines & the para again & again with my hands moving all over my tummy - it brings back all those wonderful memories of pregnancy. but the last few paras brings tears. whenever I read about a girl child thrown into dustbin, my heart literally bleeds.. such woman are not only un-womanly they are un-humanly (inhuman). Inspite of education & so many awareness programmes, its unfortunate that a girl child is considered a curse in this society. Let's pray for the girl child & pray for a change in the attitude of the society as well.
Dear Ambika, Really, what are these types of can theybe so heartless....your poem brought tears to my eyes andmy heart is also can one....? Anyway, i guess this is the reality called LIFE and we should pray and hope for the time when girls will notbe found in dustbin! Very well written poem :clap ...thanks for sharing with us and making us also share a moment with his unfortunate baby girl....hope she will be safe!
thanks all the way... Dear friends We all feel a great desire to give vent to our strongest feelings, emotions and responses - my poem SHE was triggered by one such strong emotion and I feel very good that it evoked fine responses from you all. To quote Mother Teresa -" The greatest tragedy of life is not hunger or disease, but to be unwanted. Why are some girlbabies being born carrying the tag 'unwanted' along..?? Why are they being killed/discarded so can some women who themselves were 'girl babies' think on those grotesque lines..?? These questions haunt every conscentious member of the society, but the sad fact is, there are some women and some men who are so regressive and ruthless in their thinking, they perhaps may not think twice before indulging in the act of 'throwing their girl-babies' in a dustbin or a gutter.. Yes, we all need to send out positive vibrations and welcome thoughts to save the lovely buds from withering and dying.. I thank each one of you again dear friends, for liking my poem and the thoughts it contains.. Regards ambika
So fantastic Dear Ambika, :clap You have poured your heart out in this poem.WheneverIi hear of girl foeteses being aborted there is a pang in my heart, I liked the para about man making machines, Keep up the good work. Regards, Meenu
belated thanks Dear Meenu Thanks for your compliments. Somehow I was under the impression I thanked all the friends who responded and so I missed out on thanking you. Sorry about that.. Pls be as prompt and sweet in your appreciation ..because kind words of appreciation work wonders. regards ambika
Dear Ambika, your poem is very nice. How could a mother do that to her child? The result of the female infanticide is now showing in States like Bihar, Punjab etc. There are so many men there who could not marry for want of girls. Punjab men are marrying women from Indonesia and Bihar men are getting brides from Kerala (I read an article about these two incidents in The Week). I hope our people wake up to this and stop female infanticide. But sad to say, I am seeing many reports in dailies about even male babies thrown in to ditches, marshy puddle etc. These all seem to be babies born out of wedlock. These she-demons could atleast leave the babies on the doorstep of any church or house or any such place, where the baby will not die.