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A milestone in your daughter's life

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by Shanvy, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Shanthi
    Dont worry. Everything will work out fine. Kids these days are ultra smart. seem to know everything. I only have one child boy 13 yrs old. He asks me questions like when we see something on t.v or newspaper or radioe tc. I never hesitate to answer his questions and do so matter of fact. So he knows what puberty is changes in girls body etc. boys etc. They also show education videos in school. last year i went to see the video that htey showed and its very simple and explains so very nicely. Dont worry at all.
  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi all,

    Thanks for all the replies. actually it is sumisen who is now very much under tension ...

    For me, now my daughter is very clear. she is one of two/three girls still left in her class. here is what i did. i took her for a check up to my gynaec.general. she said she was fine. so my worry is over. and now she understands what is what. She takes a napkin with her. And for a few days i gave her a feel of napkins by giving her panty liners.

    I only hope she is so brave when it actually happens...and i am keeping my fingers crossed.

    As per gynaec, the new average is 8-9 years:confused::confused:. the average has gone down. I have a friends whose daughter attained puberty at 8. every month was a torture to her until the kid could understand things.....
  3. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi shanvey

    I can understand that becoz i am amother of two daughters but if u have explained everything & prepare her for the event than u need not worry as the kids today are much more smart & knows abt the biology more than what we knew at our age.
    With my youger daughter as she was in a coed school there science teacher mrs. Shalini took a one hour class of all the girls above class 7th & explain that very nicely & ask girls to brong a napkin in bag as precaution & she also kept some with her in the school if some girl needed it suddenly.
    If the psychological education combines with biological facts of the life r told to kids they adept very quickly.

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