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A Jagath Guru With Guiles

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jayasala42, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    AS Duryothana lies dying on the battlefield,,he enumerates
    many of Krishna's misdeeds during the war.He accuses
    " Aren't you ashamed for having me struck down unfairly?
    Aren't you ashamed that you have had so many kings who
    were fighting fairly and valiantly yet being killed by crooked means?You killed Bhishma by placing SHIKANDI
    before him.You behaved viciously in having the elephant of the same name,Ashwaththaama, killed and made our teacher cast down his armour.You struck my dear friend Karna when
    he was in difficulty,trying to pull out the sunken wheel.
    Had you fought fairly, you would never have won."

    V. S. Sukthankar,editor of the Pune critical edition of Mahabharatha
    called Krishna ",a cynic,who preaches the highest morality,but stoops to practice the lowest tricks.An opportunist who teaches a God fearing man to tell a lie,the only lie to be told in all his life!;He is a charlatan who advises a hesitating
    archer to strike down a foe,who is defenceless"

    Krishnas defence is that the only way to defeat evil is with an evil.
    It is extra ordinary that the epic manages to balance the worldly
    and the Divine identities of Krishna..It does not gloss over the contradictions nor does it try to idealize him.His flawas are there for all to see.
    The mother queen Gandhari, who lost all her hundred sons,curses Krishna to have the meanest death.
    A few days later,as Krishna lies resting in the forst,an ordinary hunter mistakes him for an animal,pierces the sole of his foot with an arrow.It kills him.He does not have the noble death of Mahabharatha war.Flowers do not sprinkle from heaven.He dies like an ordinary creature in the forest.It is the meanest
    death in history.Is it the epic's way of condemning Krishna's mis deeds?

    Vyasa, the author of Mahabharatha was well aware that
    Krishna was Lord Himself.Had he desired he would have
    depicted the cleanest and the most perfect picture of
    Krishna without giving any room for anyone to pass
    evil comments on Krishna.But he never tried to do that..
    The epic manages to balance the worldly and divine
    identities of Krishna.IT does neither gloss over the
    contradictions nor tries to idealize him.His flawas are
    there for all to see and learn
    Yet with all these guiles,we see Krishna as the best teacher
    as seen in Bhagavathgita
    We find that Krishna alone accepts the whole of life.
    And he accepts it not in any selected dimension but in
    all its dimensions.

    Krishna is against repression. He accepts life unconditionally.
    He does not shun love; being a man he does not run away
    from women. As one who has known and experienced God, he alone does not turn his face from war. He is full of love and compassion, and yet he has the courage to accept and fight a war. His heart is utterly non-violent, yet he
    plunges into the fire and fury of violence when it becomes unavoidable. He accepts the nectar, and yet he is not afraid of the poison.
    Nature is manifest God, and God is manifest nature and
    that is what Advaitha means,. We can understand Krishna only if we clearly understand this concept of Advaitham , that only One is .
    There are basic principles which one must learn from teachings of Bhagavad Gita to get, if one wants, to the right state of mental and physical strength.

    1. The 1st principle is listen, listen and listen. In the first
    chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Krishna only listened to Arjuna.
    One must learn to listen to others. Out of 18
    counselling sessions which Krishna took with Arjuna,
    one full session was devoted only to listening to Arjuna.

    2. 2nd principle is to remain non-judgmental while
    listening. This is beautifully described in Chapter 2 shloka 10.
    While listening, Krishna did not show any signs of anger to
    Arjuna even at those extremely difficult moments.

    3. 3rd principle is that every answer should be validated
    by reasoning. Throughout 18 counselling sessions
    between Arjuna and Krishna incorporating 700 questions
    and answers, Arjuna was given proper reasoning, either experiential or based on sound logic. Krishna never forced Arjuna to believe in what He was saying without getting convinced about it.

    4. 4th principle is that of reassurance. Krishna
    re-assures Arjuna on two occasions. Firstly, when he
    said that “I’ll appear whenever there is adharma”
    meaning thereby that whenever there is injustice
    someone will come and set it right.

    Again in Chapter 18 shloka 65, Krishna says that anyone
    who takes conscious decision and interprets things
    with full devotion, there is no reason why he or she
    should not become happy or healthy. He again assures
    Arjuna that he is going to be successful.

    5. 5th principle is depicted in the last shloka of Gita (18.78)
    which summarizes the importance of a good doctor-patient
    (teacher-student) relationship where Sanjay says to Dhriharashtra that when there is a Healer like Krishna and a patient like Arjuna, there is no reason why there will not be a victory..
    Flaws apart, Bhagavath gita has a sound welcome not only among common man, but also among all world
    leaders,politicians, historians, philosophers,psychologists
    medicos and great economists and Acharyas
    There cannot be a better teacher than Krishna.
    Krishnam Vande Jagath gurum
    gamma50g, paru123 and Thyagarajan like this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Not sure it is relevant yet I reproduce what I read elsewhere.
    When Lord Krishna returned home after the battle of Mahabharata, his wife Rukmani confronted him “How could you be party to the killing of Guru Drona and Bheeshma, who were such righteous people and had a lifetime of righteousness behind them.”

    Initially Lord Krishna avoided her questions but when she did not relent, he replied, "No doubt they had a lifetime of rightousness behind them but they both had committed one single sin that destroyed all their lifetime of righteousness”

    Rukmani asked, “And what was that sin?”

    Lord Krishna replied “They were both present in the court when a lady - Draupadi- was being disrobed and being elders they had the authority to stop it but they did not. This single crime is enough to destroy all righteousness of this world”

    Rukmani asked “But what about Karna? He was known for his charity. No one went empty handed from his doorstep. Why did you have him killed?”

    Lord Krishna said, “No doubt Karna was known for his charity. He never said ‘No’ to anyone who asked him for anything. But when Abhimanyu fell after successfully fighting an army of the greatest warriors and he lay dying, he asked for water from Karna who stood nearby.
    There was a puddle of clean water where Karna stood but not wanting to annoy his friend Duryodhan, Karna did not give water to a dying man. In doing so his charity of a lifetime was destroyed. Later in battle, it was the same puddle of water in which the wheel of his chariot got stuck and he was killed.”

    So what I understand is that one's one act of injustice can destroy his or her whole life of honesty.
    gamma50g likes this.
  3. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    IT is normally stated that good karmas and bad karmas will never get compensated against each other.Good

    karmas have good fruits to be enjoyed separately and bad karma phalas have to be experienced separately.

    That is why in Jyothisha sastra no parihaaram is suggested for any bad karma and the sufferings have to be

    experieced separately.THe pariharama are for mental

    satisfaction only.Even in case of Dhritharashtra all his good deeds had different phalas and

    the effect of his killing of hundred birds was not at all compensated and all his 100 sons died in Mahabharatha war.

    There seems to be no plus,minus business as far as karma is concerned.The fruits are ordianed separately.

    Jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    Intetesting. Please keep sharing more like this.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    In Mahabharatha War, every action taken during war time is a reaction to what had happened before.

    1) Bhisma practiced righteousness all his life but erred only once by becoming a silent spectator when a woman was humiliated in his presence especially someone who is a grand daughter-in-law. When he was killed, Krishna told him that was his greatest sin besides standing by the side of Adharma.
    2) Drona's weakness was his son. Because of infinite love for his son, he compromised righteousness a lot and remained a silent spectator of many evil actions including defeating the Pandavas and sending them to the forest.
    3) Karna spent his entire life practicing dhana because of his father's advice in order to overcome his association with Duryodhana. However, he called Draupathi a whore in the court because she was married to five brothers and he said it makes no difference whether she wears something or not when Duryodhana ordered to disrobe Draupathi.
    4) Even when he was willing to help Pandavas for their victory, he first asked them to sacrifice their vengence and consider fighting the war as their duty to establish righteousness and to relieve the Hasthinapura citizens free from evil rule.
    5) When Duryodhana's body turned Vajra due to his mother's penance and when he became undefeatable, He asked Pandavas to find the way to kill him on their own as promised to Balarama not to help them to kill Duryodhana. However, he tricked Duryodhana by telling him that making his mother see his undressed body is a bigger sin than anything else in the world resulting in Duryodhana wearing leaves around his waist which is why Bheema has to hit him in his thigh to kill him much against the rules of Gada fight. Duryodhana claimed full right to Hasthinapura depriving his cousins even to get 5 villages.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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