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A hair raising question!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Subbu
    I am also reaching CBE by the noon on 20th by Kovai Express. I guess I look ok with my beard. Let your photographer click a few snaps and show you! I look forward to meeting you all! Incidentally, I'll be returning by Monday morning(22nd) Chennai Express as I could not get a seat in Kovai Chair car.
  2. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear cheeniya sir,

    How did I miss this post? I think men look very good sporting a beard so after our engagement persuaded my hubby (then fiancé) to grow one. And like our fav PGW says, men at that stage of matrimony stoop to any level to please their partners so there he was, handsome with a french beard. While everybody gave me the credit for turning him into a handsome guy he went around telling all and sundry that I had asked him to cover his face.And there i was.. one part of me blushing and the other thoroughly embarrassed.Your post brought back memories of more than twenty years ago.:)
    Also,it was only yesterday that my maid (yes, the same stylish one) saw our wedding picture and commented" what, that boss-a? so handsome?so different? "And I quickly silenced her with "yes, but now old, No?":biglaugh
    I agree with you….why does there have to be a reason to grow a beard .You just do what your heart says,right?:)
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Mindi
    Don't tell me you missed this post because it was hidden behind my beard! I have to agree with you that men look better with a beard!:biggrin2:

    Big B is a role model for people like us! It's a pity that such a facility is not available for ladies and even the few who are blessed with it become uncles! (If an aunt grows a moustache, she becomes uncle nah?)

    French Beard is indeed groovy stuff! I tried it once but it did not suit me having been blessed with a chubby face. People said I looked like Bulganin, the former PM of Russia! I now sport a a beard that is more like a well manicured lawn! Since I have reached an age when no action of mine needs any reason, people have stopped enquiring about my beard! It is good that every old chap is credited with a certain degree of insanity!
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I used to have a nice mustache right from my young age until I migrated to the United States. Many of my colleagues who were friendly with me politely told me that a clean-shaven face with no facial hair is considered professional in the United States. After much thought and despite resistance from my spouse who liked my mustache, I had to make that sacrifice and became clean-shaven.

    In the meantime, my son grew up and at some point of time he decided to have dreadlocks. My wife asked me to speak to him telling him not to do it but my consciousness did not allow me to do that. One fine day, he came home with dreadlocks and we both were shocked. He grew that for nearly 3 years. Eventually, it was too hard for him to maintain and one fine day, he decided to take it off. While we felt very happy about his decision, he decided to sport a beard. Now we learned to live with his choices and after all it is his face and he has every right to do whatever he likes with that.

  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa
    Yours is a kind of face that will make a nice background for a dense mush. When I saw your picture in your blogs, I thought that something was missing but I could not put my finger on the exact thing. Now that you mention it, I can see it. I entirely agree with your wife about the value addition of a mush in your case. Why Americans have a pathological hatred for a mustache? I googled for the images of US Presidents. I was surprised to see that Roosevelt was the only guy who sported a mustache. Abe Lincoln had a beard without a mustache! Can you beat it?

    I like your son's sense of freedom. I am glad that he is aware that a man's freedom to play around with his hair lasts only till he is 50 or so. Thereafter he can only sulk about what he wants to be and what he really is, hairwise I mean!
  6. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Haha! Good question, actually. Perhaps this could be the reason?

    No matter what I did or said,
    You exit as per your own wish.
    The money and time devoted stood
    As a colossal waste. I only wish

    I had this knowledge then
    When I spent a fortune
    In saving you from being thin.
    But you ended up like a dune

    On the wrong place. Yes. My chin
    Instead of being there on my top,
    Letting people to say that I've been
    Empty both in and out of my top.

    Can anyone be less faithful?
    Tell me! Oh my dear fallen hair!
    My care for you was so much full
    Yet, now I'm like a penniless heir!

    People who are ingrateful to someone
    May just act like you, I guess.
    Not being there when needed, can
    Put someone to extreme distress.
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear RGS
    You are fast becoming the Ogden Nash of IL! It is not just a question of rhyming hair and heir. I do not know how much of the former you have but when it comes to heir, there is not going to be anyone in future in IL who can stake a claim of being your heir! When you write a poetic FB to a heart-wrenching thread, your lines grip our hearts like a vice and FBs in verse to a lighter thread tickle our ribs! Bravo, RGS! You are an asset to Snippets!
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  8. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Anna enjoyed reading your hair raising question.My brothers dont have a moustache, my son sometimes keeps french beard. I like french beard. I am also a fan of Big B. When I came to Chennai I recognised you fast because of your beard. For some men it does not suit.
  9. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Viji
    Your FB has confused me a lot. Are you saying that my beard does not suit me or was it a general statement that some men would be better off without a beard? My association with my facial fungus is over four decades old and even if it does not suit me, I have no alternative but to let it stay.
  10. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Anna sorry if Ihave confused you. You look so divine in a beard my dear Anna I was saying about other men not you. Once again sorry. Anyone seeing you will feel like doing namaskaram to you

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