A day without traffic jams

Discussion in 'North Eastern and Eastern States' started by write2sreejata, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. write2sreejata

    write2sreejata New IL'ite

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    Hi! Girls, Being a Calcuttan, I hardly have to travel in local trains. Last year I had to. Trust me it was altogether a different experience. My compartment was mostly filled with teachers, school and college students and office goers. But with every passing station, the hawkers outnumbered us. I was amazed to see that hawkers sell tea and even sarees (in easy installments) in the train. The school students mostly preferred to stand near the door, the group of teachers talked, gossiped, laughed out loud every time forgetting that they were doing so in public place. The office goers were interesting though; they were busy with themselves. The compartment was very busy-either the hawkers making vain efforts to sell or the clamor of the teachers or the whispering of the college students and the rowdiness of the school students.

    I hope this post will be interesting enough to join me...

    Take care, Sreejata.

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