A Daring Truth..

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by anika987, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    The lie we tell the world but the truth we know..

    Sometimes be it social media or even to prove our lives run life..people do say white lies.

    Nobody likes being proven wrong.Inwardly,we know the truth but outside the projection is different.

    Of course perceptions are different and in many a times no one is right or wrong.

    However..what is the one lie you tell the society but it is not who you are?

    Just a fun thread:)
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  2. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Let me being with me..

    I act as though have a tough time with kid and home life.I tell people as though I do not have time etc I do that so as to avoid certain questions.

    Truth to be told,my tolerance level is very high and I do not take much pressure.I am relaxed and do only things that i love.I love being alone.Love doing things alone.I find it very liberating.I really find it draining to have people around me.I dread when I get party invitations not coz I hate people but I find it so boring.I am very happy being at home.Infact I get irritated even if my hubby stays in the same room for a long time lol.Lucky him:p

    I get questioned a lot coz of my lifestyle but out of curiosity and that is okay.

    I like to spend time with my close friends and people I love and that too only once in a month maximum and that itself is a lot for me lol.

    Before I used to be having self doubt and was worried for myself that am different from the others but now I have accepted myself.

    Still outside I act like how I miss partying and meeting people coz am busy but lol nope!

    I like IL coz I am truly myself,it’s virtual but hey maybe I could be disliked a lot in person.(Hope not! Fingers crossed)
    hee hee
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  3. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Another thing is I used to be super fake in Facebook.

    My pictures will show as though I live a glamourous lifestyle and I post my best pics.
    Lovely dresses, sunglasses and I make sure my hair flies a bit in the air…Every gal needs some glamour:sunglasses:

    Behind the scenes truth?

    I want to show off that I love an awesome life.

    I torture my husband to take 100 pics of me and he will get so irritated coz am not allowing him to enjoy the vacation.After the pic is taken,our fights will continue.

    Then I apply reasonable filters especially if it is a far off pic.

    I then try to post a pic which accentuates my best features and hides not so good.

    Then I post the pic and wait every 10 minutes to see who liked mine.mind will run “what if no one likes the pic”..lol and after few likes all is good.Every like is an instant gratification.

    Then am peaceful..Aaah!

    Behind the scenes true story?

    I wear a nightie and bun tied hair and eating aloo bonda (which is the silver lining:D )getting angry at my naughty child.waiting for my husband to get home so that I can scream more at him and vent out my frustration lol..

    It’s been sometime since i deactivated Facebook and life is so much better:)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
    chanchitra, joylokhi, maalti and 6 others like this.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I don't know if I tell these lies or the world and society oblige and make wrong assumptions by themselves. : )

    At a restaurant, we will be having an argument right from the time we start from home and wait for the table, and sit down and ... But, when they call our name to seat us, or waiter is taking the orders, or waiter pops by to ask "Everything good here?" we will give a beeg smile and say "yes.. perfect.." And then back to long face and arguing. : )

    During the pandemic, we started going for walks in the neighborhood more often. Mostly to argue out of earshot of the kids. Now, talking in Indian languages does not help, have to go out of the house. So, on the walk, we run into people we know or kind of know. Pause the argument, fake big smile. And all fake talk. "Where is P going to college?" "Oh wow.. that's a great place." "Naah ranking does not matter..." "What major?" "Geography?" "Cool!"

    The minute we pass them.. "Didn't the kid go to rhymes-with-marker* for high school"? "Yes.." "After all that $$$, studying Geography? Not even GIS!"

    And then, back to argument.

    Sometimes my friend texts me, "hey nice to see you guys go for walks regularly." :facepalm:

    *rhymes-with-marker = a high school in the area with tuition of $50K per year.
    messedup, joylokhi, SGBV and 3 others like this.
  5. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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  6. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Lol true even we argue and the minute someone comes start acting sweet and nice :) Then after they leave,again back to square one
    Rihana likes this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    A customer was complaining to shop owner about poor servicing of his equipment and their arguments turned into altercation. At this juncture, Thhe land line was buzzing. The shop owner was being enquired about his welfare.
    Shop owner was responding, “ hare yar! I am on top of the world “

    Knowing very well that my table is piled up with numerous case files, when boss over phone enquires how do you do at commencement of office hours, I respond “thank u sir. I am fine; And my life is in every file Sir”. Actually I must have been in miserable condition.

    When I suffer mild discomfort, I would not reveal to spouse lest she would put several restrictions that includes my favourites food & beverage. But she has intuitions to probe into my mind and discover level of my comfort. Yet I would fake & act as if nothing wrong and am normal & as usual.

    Entire world that one perceives is “ all maya” and it is fake so says gyanis and Maharishi. Fake world is cheating me and am Supposed to be eternally supreme self Himself.
    But in a rat race world to command respect from others, it is necessary to wear showmanship.
    anika987 likes this.
  8. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    ive been on the other side..
    i do not post and i am private person but i feel envious when my friends post romantic pics with their husbands and awesome family pics at vacation spots.
    sometimes when im going through a rough patch i feel uncomfortable as i have good intentions but unable to feel happy for others.
    im sitting here in old Tshirt and pajamas , uncombed hair, oily skin and tired..ive no interest in taking selfies and posting them..craving for that aloo bonda which @anika987 has made..haha.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  9. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    I think there is no need to feel happy or sad for others.

    One needs to be unaffected to an extent.

    The way to do is figure out your positives and not what you see in FB air Instagram.No one is going to post bad pics.

    Everyone wants to look a hero in front of others.

    I am sure you have many plus points and your reality is different from others.No comparison.

    When we start working on ourselves life begins.

    However..truth is more than the pics I prefer aloo bonda:)
    Thyagarajan and Needtobestrong like this.
  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you for sharing your perspective how artificially people live through the social media. I had a class with the children sometime back covering this important topic of social media addiction and how it impacts their minds. Most importantly, projecting the best part of our lives creates a strong impression in the subconscious mind that the life has to be a bed of roses. Expectations of likes from friends and family members for something we had posted and disappointments when they don't respond the way we expected, create a strong impression in our minds. Our ability to handle challenges in life is considerably reduced and our mind lives in an artificial world of praises and publicity.

    I have suggested to them that they should focus their attention to a) awareness of what to expect out of social media, b) establish connection only after determining the quality of such friendship, c) should engage in response or a post only after understanding the consequences of such posts and d) share things only after careful review of accuracy and how it impacts others. Like real life, we also need boundaries in social media.

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