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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Balajee, Aug 10, 2021.

  1. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    "Hi, I am in town. Thought I can come and say hello"

    "No problem. You're welcome (That was a shameless lie) But you see, I am still unvaccinated"

    _Y"What!!!! You are unvac ,vac, vac.."

    ".. cinated" I completed the sentence. The person at the other end put the phone down with a loud bang Poor chap, he was obviously in a state of shock. I heaved a sigh of relief. The threat of a visit had been warded off.

    And I wasn't lying. I still remain unvaccinated. The wife and daughter have got their first shot and are waiting for the second, but I haven't been jabbed yet thanks to 'A-OO"

    Sneezing has always been considered a bad omen among Tamils. It was fine if you sneeze in even numbers but odd numbers are a strict no=no. A bad omen, they are. If you are invited to some auspicious function either don't sneeze or make sure you sneeze in even numbers. If you sneeze once, make sure you force yourself to sneeze once more.

    But when it comes to COVID 19 vaccination, the number of sneezes don't matter. Odd or even sneezing is bad omen. That means you have a cold and you got to wait until it says bye. Twice vaccination camps were organized by my colony's RWA and I developed a sneezing fit before both. My family doc put his foot down. " No vaccination until the cold goes off," he said firmly,
    Such advice is not to be sneezed at. So I remain at home, enjoying the blessings of a self-imposed quarantine spending a helluva lot of time with books, music and occasional TV. No hassles. and no regrets. You see, I am an asocial extremist. People fearing that I could be a living talking bio=bomb would stay miles away from me, leaving me to mysekf.
    I really don't know whether I should consider my pre- vaccination sneezes as friends or enemies . They ensure that nobody approaches me to make some idiotic conversation. But I am not able to move out and roam around the town. though as a fanatic social isolationist I am sure I can keep Lady Corona at bay.
    Thyagarajan and messedup like this.
  2. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Balaajee,

    so the a-choos are keeping you away from the vaccination eh? I don't know the pace at which vaccination is being done in India, but you need to take care of your self - first get rid of that cold and second get vaccinated. You can continue telling people you are unvaccinated, but do take care.

    While I consider myself somewhat an introvert (though others will disagree), I am relieved to be able to be out and about. With mask/no mask story going on, I feel it is better to get vaccinated, even mask up and go about our daily lives, especially for children.
    Balajee and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. Hopikrishnan

    Hopikrishnan Platinum IL'ite

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    If you've got vaccinated people in the household going out and coming in, remember that they could bring in the contagion and give it to you. This is nothing to sneeze at. Make sure you isolate yourself from those two outdoor walkabouts.

    You can now get the JNJ single shot vaccine. I am sure you'd be thinking that if you hold out long enough, you'd get a no shot vaccine eventually.

    [still in Edit time...so adding link to the lingering effects of the no-shot vaccine (aslo known as the Covid-19 infection)]: COVID-19 (coronavirus): Long-term effects
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
    Balajee and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Balaji,
    You can say to unwanted visitors that you are un vaccinated even after getting vaccinated if it is a lie. Small lies are ok....you need not be Satya Harischandra!
    But get vaccinated for two reasons. One is your wife and daughter go out and they can bring the virus with them and as you are the only one un vaccinated in home virus would like your company! Another reason...if you happen to have some other problem and happen to go to doctor there is every likelihood of catching the virus. I do not know about Delhi...but in Hyderabad hospitals are a big breeding ground....not much care taken.
    So get vaccinated immediately and be safe.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Others have said what was at the back of my mind.
    Spouse & I are vaccinated some two months back. Before and now after vaccination, Spouse was sneezing and it is always a session if she starts sneezing I used to count upto six - even- when invariably her sneeze stops. But fear grips me when she continuewith seven...OMG....

    SOME ARE GOING AFTER ASTROLGER SEEKING PARHARAM AND PARIHARA STHALAMS. a friend of mine observed those hutment dwellers along coouvam river none sneezes and “0 “ infected with COVID virus.

    But the fear now is in nearby states its nextgen new variants DELTA one gripping. 36% new variant patients are from these districts. There is an apprehension that existing vaccines permitted in. India are not effective against Delta.

    I can’t write God Bless for you. But I wish you all the best.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Balajee,

    COVID has become stronger with its new Delta and Delta+ variants. Here in the US, most hospitalized are with these variants. Take the vaccination as soon as possible. Enjoying your own time is okay even after taking your vaccination.
  7. Hopikrishnan

    Hopikrishnan Platinum IL'ite

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    Quite often when many come around to a point-of-view and there is nothing significantly opposed to that, I get concerned. Shouldn't there be a rationale to oppose the crowd of lemmings, all headed the same way ?

    If a guy has had a good innings (i.e., a happy and entertaining life), should he not expect a trouble free exit, back to the pavilion? The OP may have this in mind. Sure.. there is a finite chance that he'd catch that darn Covid-19 virus, it will go into his lungs and do its thing. He would not be able to exchange oxygen for carbondioxide in his lungs, and choke to death.

    However, should he, also not think of the positive things ? Like the total avoidance of the phase of life where he could be an invalid for a few years -- causing horrid sufferings to his spouse and children. What could be better than choking to death in a few days instead of being an invalid, lingering, and causing a lot of suffering for his family for a few months or even a few years with them struggling to take care of him ?

    If only Covid 19 can guarantee a short suffering followed by death, quite a lot of people would choose that voluntarily. Not having to live in India may be a great positive factor.

    They'd mutter to themselves before they are attached to a ventilator: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."....and take what comes next. [Thank you, Charlie Dickens for that quote from the Tale of Two Cities].

    I can (being not that much younger than the OP) understand the hope of the OP to use the Covid-19 infestation in the country to skip over the invalid phase of life... and head direct to death. And actually wish him good luck in his quest.
  8. sln

    sln Platinum IL'ite

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    A delightful excuse to avoid vaccination. When children sneeze elders always say "Dheergayusu,purnayusu "I take this opportunity to repeat the same for you. Avoiding vaccination will in the long run create problems for the unvaccinated as more and more travel restrictions will come into force once the vaccine availability improves. In the mean please take care.
    Balajee likes this.
  9. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    I can even tell people that I have tested COVID positive to scare them away. But th problem is much as I would like to get a Jab, my cold refuses to leave me. In fact it crops up just on the eve of my appointment for a shot as if it knew. Just don't know how to hoodwink it Sabitha.
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    A lady visited resident of all her important friends & relatives just to surprise them. She was asked reason for her sudden showing up.
    She responded that she had been declared COVID positive and advised twenty one days home quarantine. Since her absence would be felt by them, she decided to meet and inform them for next three weeks none should visit her residence!
    Balajee likes this.

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