5 Things Corona Virus Nightmare Taught You

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by senorita2019, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. senorita2019

    senorita2019 Gold IL'ite

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    We are all staying in isolation, schools closed, super markets wiped out, all entertainment centers closed, travel is limited, people dying, virus spreading. This is not something many of us are used to. Even when there were blizzards/hurricanes its probably for 2-3 days or one week of chaos but this is months. Most countries closing down.

    what did you learn from this experience. My learnings ...

    1.Keeping my needs low
    2.Rationing my things and using it wisely
    3.How to workout without a gym - yoga at home and jogging in park
    4.Reading on kindle and watching good shows instead of being stuck to the news channel and freaking out.
    5.Being grateful all the more for the freedom we had.

    Pls share your views.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2020
    sindmani, rachaputi, Amica and 8 others like this.

  2. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    That it’s good to be an introvert !
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  3. NOW

    NOW Gold IL'ite

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    I know !! We already practice lot of social distancing I thought .. nothing new ;)
    SinghManisha likes this.
  4. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    1) so used to being on my own that having my own family around me is a nightmare:D

    2) I thought my home was not so clean until my child is being Home 24/7..now I realize what I did before was good enough.

    3) How I miss fitness and how healthy it is to workout..nothing like being in a group, feeling motivated.At home, doesn’t feel so motivating.

    4) I used to think I did not have any life but having people at home,doing more work makes me realize that grass is greener.

    5)I used to have a routine,get up early and now getting up late makes me feel sick literally..one good thing is no alarm to wake me up.

    Adding one more reason..no need to meet people we are forced to meet!bliss!:)
  5. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    1. When people are self-isolating, strange things happen. Long lost friends write me emails, and ask how I am doing, whether I have enough bathroom tissues, and food.... in that order:lol:.
    2. I have more time to fritter off. I am sure this is different when there are young people at home that I am supposed to take care of.
    3. I cannot visit anyone willy nilly without informing them to prepare. As I enter their homes, they will disinfect my aura with some kind of spray, and direct me to the nearest bathroom sink to wash my hands upto my armpits.
    4. Cannot visit children; because those are the ones we want to protect from us. This is the weirdest one of all. However, this has all along been the case, even without the Corona Virus.
    5. Diets would be shot to hell. We have food in the fridge, and people are merely sitting at home humdrumming.... or drinking/snacking.

    Note on the Humdrumming procedure:
    1. Sit yourself in a chair at a table.
    2. Rest your elbows on the table, with your palm down.
    3. Thumb down, raise all other fingers up.
    4. Put pinky down first to make the nail hit the surface, then put the ring finger down nail-on-surface, then put the middle finger down, then follow up with the index finger. Do as comfortably fast as you can. Strong nails would make a good sound.
    5. Go to step 3, and continue.
    [ you can recognize that steps 3-5 is an infinite loop]

    If you are bored with humdrumming on your own, you may buy a mechanical contraption that can humdrum for you. There was a model called "The South Dakota Humdrummer", probably referring to the state where people humdrummed a lot.

    This contraption has four carved wood human finger forms, suitably mounted, and riding on a camshaft. This camshaft is mounted and operated by a rotating handle by seated human.... YOU!.... A camshaft (for a non engineer) is a design that can transmit an orthogonal motion in a sequential fashion, when the camshaft is rotated. All you do is to place that humdrummber on the table, and rotate the handle -- the rotary motion will sequentially bring each wooden finger on the table for a tap. At a good speed of rotating, you can hear one or more horses on gallop. Thus the mechanical fingers would humdrum on the table for you.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2020
  6. EverydayBloom

    EverydayBloom Gold IL'ite

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    Practicing pre-retirement life ;)

    Things that I learned in these couple of weeks:
    - Life is so unpredictable
    - Importance of having emergency fund
    - Got chance to spend quality time with loved ones.
    - Got to think about others without wiping out the stuff in the stores ( i did put down my need which was left only one on the shelf)
    - Just prioritizing basics: shelter, basic food needs, health and family
    - Passing the time with limited resources..
    sindmani, Amica, SinghManisha and 2 others like this.
  7. Caughtinbetween

    Caughtinbetween Gold IL'ite

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    I so agree with the first point . who ever said its blissful to have family around.
    i happened to quit my job to find a new one just on time during corona and oh god i already feel its a blunder. i was so used to sending baby to day care for the most part ( they also closed) that i can see now how tough its to manage her whole day . never knew she was this strong willed . with H doing wfh , i have to look after her and study which is a total chaos. just hoping this ends soon.
  8. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    1. Postponing joining a gym was good after all. Am used to the equipment at home and routine is uninterrupted.
    2. The practice of pruning out negative and toxic relationships is bearing fruit now. The ones I have are what I need and look up to in such times.
    3. Not being part of big whatsapp groups is great!
    4. Netflix and Amazon Prime Video ki Jai Ho.
    5. I love my Instant Pots. If not, meri tho death ho jaati. (If not all this cooking would kill me)
    Thyagarajan, ashima10, Amica and 7 others like this.
  9. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I am wasting way too much time on WhatsApp.
    rachaputi, Amica, Cheeniya and 2 others like this.
  10. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    1. Uncertainty of life re-iterated and that things can change in a matter of few hours even by microorganisms
    2. That I can cook all 7-days a week, 3-meals a day and make it not non-optional for my kids :)
    3. Never thought I would ever go this paranoid about running out of vegetables, fruits and other groceries.
    4. Routine is very important otherwise it's crazy!
    5. Just can't stand jokes & memes in social media after a few days

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