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5 months old is adamant. Please help

Discussion in 'Infants' started by cutiepie66, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. cutiepie66

    cutiepie66 Gold IL'ite

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    Born on July 9th 2014.
    She can crawl with her body and knees.
    Trying to stand by holding.
    Keeps every little thing in her mouth and trying to bite everything.
    I am not able to read books to her as she wants to grab it and keep i in her mouth. If its not given, she cries badly.
    She gets bored with old toys easily and keeps exploring new things.
    Doesn't sit quietly for a minute.
    Doesn't sleep properly.
    If she wants something and if its not given, she cries badly.
    Expecting me to hold her always. Will be with others for 5 to 10 minutes and after which she will start crying so badly and we all will be afraid as we think what might have gone wrong. If I take her in my arms, the very next moment she will smile at the one who was holding her previously.
    Wakes up in the night for 5 to 6 times.
    I am working from home and if she cries and if I hold her, she wants to grab the keyboard and type like me.
    I am super tired because of her. How do I manage? Why is she so adamant?

  2. swaran

    swaran IL Hall of Fame

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    Sorry to ask...what is that you expect a growing baby to do??
    You are trying to discipline a 5 month old baby?!!

    I dont find any issues with your kid,You are stressed out...you might be suffering from postpartum depression

    new mom and job pressures might stress u a lot..please dont restrict your baby...she needs to learn and explore things..

    5 month baby will try to explore things and this tendency will increase and keep growing..infact its good..

    Bringing up a kid is not an easy job..Mothers need to compromise many things for the sake of baby and believe me there is nothing much you would feel you have lost when you see your kid growing

    chill out!!!...ask your hubby to take care of household chores(if you are managing alone) and ofcourse your baby...there are many threads in IL which you can refer to cope up with postpartum depression..relax yourself..

    Happy parenting!!!
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  3. cutiepie66

    cutiepie66 Gold IL'ite

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    @ Swaran: True. May be I am depressed. :-(
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  4. CrayoNess

    CrayoNess Platinum IL'ite

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    She sounds like a normal baby. At that age they want to explore things, they do not care about books. They want to bite and try toys and other things. Night feeding/waking up is also still common. Try to do your work while she is napping. When she is awake you can carry her in a sling or similar while you do dishes etc. Ask your hubby to take care of her when he is at home so that you get some rest.
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  5. oysterzzz

    oysterzzz Gold IL'ite

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    You were trying to read books to a 5months old? I think what all you mentioned is common. Like everybody said, you might be stressed. Try arranging a maid. does your baby sleep in a cradle? There are springs available in market, try that. My kid also never used to sleep for long hours, but a cloth cradle with a spring helped me a lot and made life easier. Also a soothing music during the sleep will help a lot.
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  6. Chitravivek

    Chitravivek Platinum IL'ite

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    @cutiepie66 I really don't know what to say. I want to bold the word BABY ! Yes your baby is acting very normal. Did you think that babies will listen to what you say all the time. Oh please youre barely getting started you have other milestones where this will just keep getting worse or should I say she will keep acting even more normal. Your baby seems to be a cutie pie. You better enjoy holding her and playing with her now as this phase will never come back. My DD is 4yrs now and I keep looking at the videos we made as she was baby and feel depressed. I want that phase. I have a 11 month old son too and wonder where all the time has gone.

    All you need is a vacation and enjoyment with your baby and husband. You need to stop worrying.
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  7. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    Sorry to say but I am surprised that indeed you wrote all that about a 5 month old Baby.

    Reading a book to an infant!

    She is not adamant at all but in all the senses a normal baby.

    Try reading some books on parenting and Child development.There are also many good web sites you can make use of.

    Try to be patient & relax.Enjoy this phase;she will soon out grow you.

    Follow what others posters have suggested above.
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  8. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    CutiePie - My baby is about same age( will be 6 months next week). This is completely normal behaviour.
    Infact, You should feel proud that you baby is crawling, standing. :thumbsup
    My baby does not do these things yet. Like everyone said, may be you need to relax and give some time off to yourself.

    Have some help to manage baby. That will give some time away to calm your mind.

    It is very difficult to do any work with baby. On weekends I can not do a thing when I have to take care of baby and by the end I realize weekend is all gone and I still have pending tasks for baby ( forget about my time, my stuff)
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  9. Orchids1

    Orchids1 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Cutiepie, Congratz on ur baby!

    Is it possible she is teething. Teething pain can also make her wake up multiple times in the night. Give her something like a teether and even if she is not teething babies put pretty much everything in their mouth. This is one of the ways babies explore.

    Its probably a stressful time for you. Try to take some time off every now and then to relax. Leave the baby with her dad/nannie/grand parents if they are around to help.
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  10. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Cutie, hugs to you. I can see that you are stressed out and need a break Thats all there is to it. When was the last time you got your manicure done? Dont remember, do you? Honey, take a deep breath! Take it again! And agin until you calm down. thats the only mantra.

    When it comes to parenting, there is no right or wrong way to go about it. If you want to read her books, try getting those soft fabric books which are cute, have some texture and makes sounds. I have read books to my child since she was in-utero. No kidding. By the time I was 9 months pregnant, i knew which were her favorite rhymes; I sing twinkle twinkle little star and my star used to move. Its OK to read books to the baby. As a matter of fact, I strongly recommend it. We are not attempting to teach them. We are just creating time where we can cuddle and just enjoy each others company. Like i said, a fabric book is the answer to the problem.

    Everything she is doing is what a 5 month old typically is expected to do. She is on the right track.
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