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3 Yr Old - Not Eating Or Always Crying

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous in Parenting' started by sanjuruby3, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    He needs you and your time. He is missing you.He may need more time to adjust with the new environment. So help him with the transition. It will be tough on you but have patience. My son used to cling to me like a little monkey after his daytime hours.

    When you reach home, take him to bath room and wash his hands. Get something to drink and give some snacks. Once its done , sit with him on a sofa/ hold him, hug/ kiss/ touch him, talk to him or just be there for him. You can also switch on tv and play some thing and watch with him. I used to prepare tea for me and relax with my ds. Also, while taking him to bed , be with him there. It will help. I used sing lullabies and its like a drug. Even now, my kids love my singing ( only them :) ) when they go bed. I think they feel loved.
    My ds was a picky eater- only milk and peanut or pbj, that too once in a while. We talked with his daycare people too. Finally, we consulted doctor. They suggested us to give what we eat during our dinner time. I used to try many things. If he is energetic nothing to worry. It will be a good idea to have a schedule. I used to reach home by 6.0PM. 6-7 - be with them relaxing. 7: bath time- allow them to play and will be there. Once its done then dinner time, I used high chair for kids, and eat with them. 9: bed time. No change. Once they are done, my me time. Also , set expectations, if they eat a few mouth ful, they get half an hour screen time as a reward ( only big screen, aftee dinner ).
    I( working mom) used to spend atleast 3 hours for my kids every evening. It was tough. My dhs schedule was different, so he couldnt help much. My ds used to get sick every month. It took some time for him to adjust with the new environment. Now he ia smart kid and very independent too.

    So OP, it will also pass, so try to relax, try deep breathing when you loose patience.
    Most important, please dont ignore you- eat well and relax -find ' me time' and love yourself.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
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  2. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    he had adjusted to daycare in the way he goes without fuss. Yes there are days he cries a lot there. I think nap time, he is too aware and does not sleep there and gets cranky. He is not eating any food there and at home is the problem for me.
    I am so fed up.
    Days he is at home, by 11/12 he does not eat anything, and all he wants is canned whipped cream or ice from fridge or some other junk.
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Have you had his teeth checked by the dentist?
  4. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    oh, infection. He does complain about his mouth hurting a lot.. he gets mouth blisters ( inside of cheek) deep red often, because he is always thumb sucking probably, We got him checked and doc said it goes by itself.
    Once they appeared, cleared and again he was complaining.

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