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3 year old going to school first time - need ideas

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by kads, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. kads

    kads Senior IL'ite

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    Hi friends,
    I have list of question for u all..
    My 3yr old son will be going to montessori from this 9th aug,n this will be his first time to face any school,as before he was at home ..
    ---he will be going in morning time 8:30 to 11:30
    1)As per school he should be potty trained,n according to me he is potty trained,so i want to know, how do the teachers handle the kids, when they need to use restrooms...do they keep asking them and help them use it.
    2)or,if the parent is not 100% sure that his kid will inform his teacher when he want to use restroom,then diaper is the only soultion??or they also train them a little bit....as last so many months ,i am not using diaper for him,but accident do happen often..so whether i should use daiper for him or the staff in school will also help in this..
    3)I am really confused as what do u give ur kid in tiffin(lunch),as for me its the first time..i keep on thinking ,as what will he be able to eat byhimself...
    Can u ladies pl guide me in this ,as what should i give him in his tiffin box.

    PL let me know..

  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi kads

    1. i think the teachers do help the children. dont worry.
    2. i am not sure if a diaper is used.
    3. start with something he really likes. may be a sandwich or something.just practice on the same with your son. pack his tiffin. make him open it on his own and eat on his own till the 9th. so he will have the practice before trying at the school.
    all the best to you and your son.
  3. sravugarimella

    sravugarimella New IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Hi Kads,

    I had al these questions in mind when I was sending my son to pre-school. The best thing would be to check with the school staff itself about how thry handle these situations. I am not sure about US, but I will give u some suggestions based on UK where I live.

    1) The toilets will be easy to use as they are built speacially for kids, so there wont be any problem for ur son to use it. Specially you keep telling him at home itself that he needs to let the teacher know if he needs a Wee/Poo. I am sure they will help him out.

    2) Diapers are not allowed here, so please check with the staff itself. Be open about your doubts because its ur son who will be suffering otherwise.

    3) If your son eats sandwiches thats fine, else give him 2 idlis, or roll the chapathis and it will be easy for him to eat without making a fuss.

    I hope this helps, We as parents will be worried, but I can assure you they will be perfectly fine. My wishes to u.
  4. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Hi kads,

    I will tell you my experience here.My son started school when he was around 3 1/2 and he was potty trained. Like Sravanthi said,you have to use the right words with your kid so that he will understand what the teacher is telling him to do.At home itself,instead of using bathroom or toilet,tell him to use the potty.He will atleast start understanding that word since that is the most commonly used word among the kids to indicate toilet.

    Even after being so trained,accidents do happen especially since for the kid,the school is a new place.The teachers will change their clothes if accidents happen,so that is not a problem.See to it that you send a set of extra clothes in his bag so that the teachers can use it incase they need to.
    I have seen many kids wearing pull-ups in my son's class,so I think that may be allowed.

    Finally,make him wear pants/shorts which are easy for him to remove if he needs to use the toilet urgently. Whenever I put belts for my son,I have noticed that he never uses the potty even if he has to and ends up wetting his pants and this happens only at school.When he is with us,he tells us and we help him remove his belt and then he uses the toilet.At school,he is very shy to tell his teacher.
  5. kads

    kads Senior IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Thanks a lot ...
    I had been to my sons first day of school,teacher was supportive, as she told she will be asking him every hour to use the rest room.i have to give him extra pair of clothes to use incase of any accidents..
    snack will be bought by him,by turn .
    lunch is optional,can be eaten at school or at home ,personal choice,as i will feed him at home and sometimes to get use to, will leave him for lunch in school..

    Once again thanks all of u,it was of great help...
    The teacher said for potty training ,i should send extra pull ups with him...can anybody tell me whats this ...is this a kind of diaper or she was talking about the regular undies.....
  6. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Dear Kads

    Pull-ups are diapers only.You can go to any store and search for the same.

    Diapers-we have to put it on the baby and stick the sides.
    Pull-ups-are diapers in the form of undies.The kid will wear them just like he wears his undies.The advantage is that when he has to use the potty,he can remove it just like an undie and put it back too.Most toddlers start using pull-ups from around 1 1/2 to 2 yrs.These are sometimes called training pants.
  7. kads

    kads Senior IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Thats the reason the teacher asked for pull-on.As my son is potty trained according to me,and i dont think he will spoil his pants unnessaray(i mean pee in pants)..what do u say ???do i make him wear the pull ones or should make him wear the cloth undies and then the pant....and if i dont use the training pants then should i make him wear the undie or directly he can wear the pants,so that it will be easy for him to remove and pee comfortablely,or it looks odd if the child is only wearing the pant directly compare to other kids ,when they toghter go for bathroom...

    Pl help me with all my confusion(as i get drepressed so soon,i cant tell u):-(.
    PL read it slowly and carefully n try to answers my questions..:)
  8. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Dear Kads

    Pls treat pull-ups like undies only.If you make him wear pull-ups,undies are not necessary---otherwise ,it will be like wearing 2 undies..hee...hee:lol:

    In our house,a whole packet of pull-ups is just sitting there in the shelf for the past 1 1/2 yrs.We thought we will need it for him at school but he never used the same.The teacher told me to make him wear normal underwear because she felt he was too big for pull-ups(he was only 3 1/2 at that time but he is so tall,nobody believes his age:roll: ).So,right from day 1,he has been on normal underwear and if he wets it,the teacher makes him change to fresh clothes.

    Please,either use a pull-up or an undie.Pls don't send him to school without any of those .Imagine him removing his pants to use the potty and lo and behold,there is nothing else under that:oops: . The other kids in his class may make fun of him---kids will be kids ,they will never realise that they are making fun,but it might hurt your kid's feelings.He can wear his normal shorts or pants over the pull-ups or undies.

    And last but not the least,pls don't get tensed over this...over time you will realise that this will become the least of our problems.Let us brace ourselves for the much bigger issues that will come up in the future.:thumbsup
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2007
  9. kads

    kads Senior IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Hi sunitha,
    Once again thanks.
    Reading ur first line ,really middle me laugh.As i had understood that pull-ups and undies r one and the same,my confusion was whether ,if he does not use the pull-ones,as i dont want him to wear any kind of diapers, can he only use the pant and not the undies,but as u said its neccessary,i will make him wear the undie and then the pant(rest his teacher will take care )if she does...he is not at all in the habit of wearing undies at home ...(my fault) so was worried.

    As u told ur son never used pull-ones n his teacher helped him everytime.thats really gd,As reading this ,i remember i had been to parents meeting ,there i asked two of the teachers ,if the kid want to use the loo or pooty how would u follow him,so one of the teacher said ,he will have to tell me ,when he want to go to the restroom,i will not ask him......at the same time i asked the other teacher the same thing, she told i will ask him every hour for loo..just see the difference between both of them,so we have to go according to teachers not me or ur kid can do anything..

    I know man ,this problems r not so big and will get solve with the time ...but as u know mothers r concern for the first time atleast,then things get normal....but WHAT PROBLEMS R U TALKING ABOUT,WHICH WILL COME LATER :mrgreen::mrgreen:..LET ME KNOW ALSO..IF THERE R SOME PROMINENT PROBLEMS THAT I CAN SOLVE THEM BEFORE HAND...OR U WERE TAKING ABOUT THE common problems of life..hehe

    N yes...one more thing(i started feeling u as my guru):-D..how did u trained ur son for not wetting bed at afternoon times while taking naps...as during night i make him wear diaper ,in afternoons he wets the bed.i make him pass loo before he go to sleep but then too after an hour he will pass again...night times i didnt even tried of this....but know i want to make him learn this...
    can u help me in this too....
  10. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    Re: some questions for all moms ..

    Oh,I feel so elated to be your Guru:yes: that too on this:mrgreen: .

    As far as training is concerned,I was lucky I was in India till my son was 2 yrs old.In India,diaper is really not a must and it is used only when we take the kid outside for long periods.So at home,we never used diaper for him.

    I've never had problems during afternoon naps,I usually make him go just before he goes to sleep and just after he wakes up.These days however,I just leave him alone,he is going to be 5 in Nov,I think he is big enough to realise when he has to go and will do it himself.

    You may want to check here

    we ilites discussed this quite in detail here.This is my post in that thread.

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2007

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