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2 Month Old Ebf Baby Reflux ?

Discussion in 'Infants' started by Hosanna, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. Hosanna

    Hosanna Bronze IL'ite

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    My DS just turned 2 months old and he has kind of silent reflux which started when he was just 2 weeks old. I was eating lots of garlic curry and too much milk which caused his reflux. He would arch his back cry and scream vomit or spit several times a day. But as soon as i stopped dairy and garlic from my diet he was normal and would not spit up anymore since last 1 month. He was born 2.44 kg and now 4.35 kg at 2 months check up.

    Eventhough his weight gain is pretty good since i told his pediatrician that he is cluster feeding for every 30 min or 1 hr he wants me to supplement him with hypoallergic formula and gave me a list of it. Now my question is should i really need to supplement him with formula. I am not against formula but hypoallergic formula sell for 2 times the cost of regular ones also read from reviews it tastes horrible. Can i go ahead and use the regular formula for lactose intolerant infant by similac which i have tried this week, baby has no issues with it. Pls advice me. Thanks

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Did your pediatrician give a specific reason for the hypoallergenic formula? Is your supply sufficient for EBF or is the doctor asking you to give formula to increase weight gain? If you are supplementing just for quantity and the baby is able to tolerate you should be able to use any infant formula.
  3. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    If possible give your baby your breast milk as much as u can. It’s best for baby and mother both. My baby had reflux, doctor told me to keep baby in standing position and keep burping after every feed. I didn’t give formula.
  4. Hosanna

    Hosanna Bronze IL'ite

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    Dr asked about how the baby is feeding, i said sometimes in evenings he eats very frequently so he said baby could be hungry and wanted to eat more. He assumed i might have low supply actually i never pumped my milk else i would have told him how much i make every 2 hr.
    Paed wants me to try hypoallergic since baby reflux got better when i stopped dairy so milk based formula would not suit him. First of all i never told him i wanted to supplement baby with formula because i believe he is gaining weight good. May be i shld start giving him top up regular formula of 1 oz daily if he accepts it i will continue the same.
    When nothing is serious why should i introduce hypoallergic formula it will be really hectic. I do not want to argue with paed so just nodded and left.
  5. Hosanna

    Hosanna Bronze IL'ite

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    You know what when we went for 1 month check up i told about the concern of baby vomitting(once per day) and spitting up(2 or 3 times) and some days he would be very fussy grunting arch his back in pain. Immediately dr asked me to completely stop my milk and go with formula for 2 weeks to see if condition improves. But fortunately we went to urgent care 2 days later for other issue and discussed about the issues with new asian dr and he said baby is perfectly alright and to continue to offer my milk never to stop and give him formula. I just followed the same and now baby is doing well he does not show any reflux symptoms. When all is going fine now regular paed wants me to try hypoallergic formula to supplement him. Yes i do hold him upright for 30 min after feed and elevated his bed. It helped a lot. Nowadays i just put him flat and also hold just for 10 min he is doing fine.
  6. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    If you have good supply and baby is able to take your milk then I would try to pump and offer a bottle in addition to your feeding him. If he is able to gain weight like this then you may not even need formula.
    If possible I would also take a second opinion.
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  7. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    I am very surprised why any doctor or pediatrician would suggest any formula if baby is gaining right weight and everything else is normal. All I heard is mothers milk is best and only if it’s not available formula should be given. You should change pediatrician I think. I was also very anxious when my baby had acid reflux. You should eat healthy food like green leafy vegetables, fruits etc then you and baby don’t need any vitamins or any supplements. Take care
    Hosanna likes this.
  8. Hosanna

    Hosanna Bronze IL'ite

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    I think i have good supply because if baby did not eat for more than 2 hrs i would feel heavy. I do have a breast pump at home i will pump and give my milk will see how it goes. Initially i tried offering formula in bottle but he simply rejected it so used dropper. As you said he should take in bottle too once in while so that it will be helpful for me when i am taking him out.
  9. Hosanna

    Hosanna Bronze IL'ite

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    Not sure why the pediatrician takes the issue as more serious thing when i don't even portray it that way. Good that i got second opinion from the urgent care dr so i am not worried. Yes its time to change ped as of now all the good ones are not accepting new patients so without any choice i booked this guy. Did you follow any diet for reflux. how long did your baby had reflux before he outgrew it. Were you dairy free while breastfeeding. I just started incorporating more veggies and fruits in my diet for 45 days i was on just 2 or 3 veggies and just apple in fruits, idli dosa rasam rice only. Dal also makes him too gassy.
    ProudIndian likes this.
  10. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    I didn’t follow any particular diet. Now I feel I should have. My baby had acid reflux till 6 months. As she started turning in 3 months age her digestion got better. I also learned many things with experience. Keep simple healthy diet with fruits and vegetables and lot of water. I had dairy but very little. My mother used to give me soaked methi seeds to increase milk supply. She used to make Kheer with cracked wheat, jaggery, almonds, soaked methi seeds, poppy seeds, flex seeds, pumpkin, sunflower seeds etc.
    I couldn’t do same for my second baby. I see so much difference in both kids immunity, behavior, intelligence etc. so keep giving your milk as much you can. There is help available.

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