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2 Kids Vs 1 Kid

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by user100, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. user100

    user100 New IL'ite

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    Hi Ladies,

    I see that having one kid is becoming more common these days, which was not the case during our parents time. I want to get some clarifications on the reasons for this.

    In case you have only one kid and do not plan to have second kid, can you please give your reasons why you wanted only one kid. Also, did you regret your decision of having one kid in case it is passed the time you can have second kid.

    For the ladies who have two or more kids, what was reason for you have to have more than one kid. Also, do you regret the decision.

  2. Jas82688

    Jas82688 Silver IL'ite

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    I can share my experience here .. our elder daughter is 5 years old .. younger is 1 year ..we initially thought 1 is good but preferred second baby since my kid can have a blood relation after my husband n me .. u know having a sibling is great pleasure which I always enjoyed .. she is now very much happy after her sister born she plays with her and we don't have to worry about checking for company for her ..

    After they grow they will have much moral support if they have sibling they can help each other .. otherwise it's a lonely feeling for 1 kid ..

    Siblings share a lot which they won't share with parents lots of silly fights then patch ups all r memorable

    It's just my exp ..
    sangeethakripa likes this.
  3. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    Agree with jas's points. My younger one is a gift to elder one and vice versa. My ds was kind of silent one. I felt really bad that he has to depend on me for every thing . He will not have any blood relationship and his kids will not have any uncle or aunt. I can't imagine that situation. Also thought I need more people to love me. I was feeling very lonely in US. That s when I went for second one. Also, I thought pregnancy as an amazing & beautiful experience with all its challenges and wished to experience it one more time, atleast.

    They have age gap of three years. My daughter brought lot of colors into our life.My son got good company. They fight, they love, they support , learn new things, share many things .. what not. They don't have to go outside home to find a company.

    My sons communication skills improved a lot ( he didn't talk much till 4years) because of the chatterbox sister . He is very proud to have a cute little sister and is very protective of her. I wish it remain that way through out this life

    I can't imagine a life without my siblings. So I thought my ds should also enjoy those childhood moments with siblings.

    It was/is lot if work for me, with job and no help. But it is really worth it. What is more beautiful than the tiny hands around your neck, their hugs and kisses. Going for second one was one of the best decisions in my life.

    I like to have more and is even ready for adoption, but my dh dont think that's practical with our busy life. So settled with two kids. There are many who don't want kids or are happy with one. It all depends on one's preferences,priorities or choices in their life
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    sangeethakripa and sindmani like this.
  4. ZenSojourner

    ZenSojourner Silver IL'ite

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    I had 6 brothers and sisters - but only one son. I always thought I would have a second child but I never remarried and it is now far far too late. I don't really regret it, but its not what I planned or thought would happen.

    Raising one child as a single parent from 3 years old was not a bed of roses. Two children might have been harder - or it might not have been. No one really knows what might lie down the road not taken.

    I would definitely have stopped at 2 kids though. OVERPOPULATION being the problem that it is, plus ... I already raised most of my siblings. Really, before I had a child of my own I was responsible for raising all 3 of my younger siblings, including the one who was only 22 months younger, LOL! Two kids would have been enough. One child, as it turns out, has also been enough.
  5. MonikaSG

    MonikaSG Platinum IL'ite

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    I too have 2 babies. Both have the age difference of just 1 and half year. Second pregnancy was obviously unplanned. Did a lot of struggle with them. But now my elder one is 3+ and younger one is 2+. They both enjoy each others company. Don't need anyone else. Keep playing dancing singing also they are very naughty do lots of dramas to put me in trouble but all that is still enjoyable. The thing that keeps the mind relax that they will be there for each other even if we are not. They can share all those things which they cannot share to their parents. They will have a good companion in all the paths of life.
  6. latharamesh1964

    latharamesh1964 Bronze IL'ite

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    My first one is a daughter and second son. Initially i did not wanted to have a second one due some issues prevaiiling at that time then decided to have (will always say due to public demand). They have a difference of six years. My son was with me only for 11 months till the time I was feeding him. Then his eating, sleeping, playing everything was with my daughter. His world was his Akka. They went to the same school, he was the darling of all my daughter's friends. She used take care of him so well. The efforts/struggle I took to raise my daughter for the first five years..... my son just grew up in a flash.

    Now they are grown. My daughter is married but holds a clear position for brother & husband and their relationship is still continuing with my sweet son inlaw party to it. He is also very fond of my son and the three gang up to have fun.

    I am blessed to have such darling children (now three including my son in law) who are the only source of strength of my otherwise not a so so good life.

    Latha Ramesh
  7. BhumiBabe

    BhumiBabe Platinum IL'ite

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    I would also like to know how parents with one child feel - as they grow, of course. When I was young, I wanted 3 children, but now that I am a parent, I am happy with my little boy. I'm not sure if I would feel the same in a couple years...
    sindmani likes this.
  8. anupamag

    anupamag Gold IL'ite

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    I have a sweet daughter(almost 13yrs),she is the biggest blessing in my life. When she was 5-8 yrs age, she used to compare her friends with siblings and ask us, now she has outgrown of it. She is a very active, compassionate and social child, makes friends easily and is outspoken. I have told her that I cannot imagine sharing my love and time which is her share with anyone else, so she understands and has accepted it. We never wanted a second one and have not regretted our decision. Pray god to keep this love, laughter and peace with us and everyone else always.
    sindmani and BhumiBabe like this.
  9. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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    Mother of two kids here.

    Well I have a sibling and I cannot imagine my childhood without him .So yes, Dh and I were pretty much decided on two kids. But when DD was a toddler, work , handling her, her frequent falling sick, and home was so tough, that we couldn't plan the second one. I had my son after 5 years .

    Different personalities, different interests , 5+ years age difference, gender difference - yet the companionship they provide each other defies everything. When i see their camaraderie , their fights and fun , the getting on each other's nerve yet looking out for each other - I feel blessed. In fact I started longing for a third, even now I have a twinge of regret that I didnt go for another one. I would declare it to be the best we have given our kids - is each other. And I constantly stress that they maintain this strong emotional bond always. And it is my secret prayer too .

    When my daughter went to hostel , the one who missed her most was her brother. The family dynamics when we are 3 to become 4 is totally different. DH , I and Dd used to play - was fun and laughter. But when DH, DS and DD and I play there is pandemonium and suspense - you never know when there is laughter, when there will be tears, when there will be a fuss and when there will be wounded egos. At the end of it all there is calm though. And the desire to play again the next holiday.

    Yeah, hope my kids grow up to feel the way I do about my sibling.
    GoneGirl and sindmani like this.
  10. cliona

    cliona Silver IL'ite

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    Hi. I was very happy with my daughter who is now 8 years. Then slowly, I started to think about future fast forward when I get old ..... our lives..... that's when I felt the need of more than one kid in terms of support and being there for each other....
    Now, I have a one year old son. Quite a gap.....as I took time to get ready for second one....
    Although it is a lot of " work" to raise the kids... I guess they grow up very fast.
    Of course having siblings is next best to having parents. I get a lot of support from my siblings...

    There is a discussion about having second kid in IL , the pros and cons. It's too good. It helped me a lot to decide. I don't remember the thread. Please read it.

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