2.5 Lakh posts in IL & Member Status Changes!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Induslady, Mar 19, 2008.

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  1. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear IL'ites,

    It is with great pride I announce that Indusladies.com just reached the awesome milestone of 2.5 Lakh posts! A BIG thank you for everyone who contributed in making IL such a vibrant community. Each and every one of you played a big role in helping us get here.

    On this occasion we would like to make a couple of changes that are aimed towards increasing the Safety and Quality of our community. As you know we have a method of conferring statuses (like New, Senior, Gold etc) based on post count. Today, we are making two changes to the member statuses. These changes will take effect on March 25th.

    The changes in a nutshell are as follows.

    • Several IL’ites make posts in “Forwarded Messages and Jokes”, “Games”, “Wishes”, “IL Milestones” etc with the genuine intention of fostering the sense of community we have. To keep it that way – and avoid artificial inflation of post count - we are excluding posts made in those forums from counting towards a member’s post count. This will take effect retroactively.
    • Members will get incremental privileges as they hit milestones
      • Members now need to be a Junior member (ie 50+ Posts) to get the following capabilities
        • Viewing attachments in IL'ite Meet-ups forum(so that strollers don’t see photos of our members)
        • Have a custom Avatar
        • Have a custom profile picture
        • Attachment Limit is 10MB
        • Rate Threads
        • Eligibility to become a local champion
      • Senior Members (250+ posts) will now have
        • Attachment Quota increased to 50MB
        • Eligibility to judge IL contests
      • Silver Members (500+ posts) will now have
        • Attachment Quota increased to 100MB
        • Get to participate in the reputation system (more on this soon)
        • Eligibility to be a moderator
      • Gold Members (1000+ posts) will now have
        • Attachment Quota increased to 100MB
        • Get a Free T-Shirt
      • Platinum Members (2500+ posts) will now have
        • Get a special IL Gift!
      • IL Hall of Fame Members (5000+ posts) will now have
        • Attachment Quota increased to 200MB
        • Special card signed by all moderators!

    As always, the IL team – administrators, moderators, local champions – will intently observe the community and we will respond with changes and improvements as necessary. If you have questions on this announcement, please DO NOT send a private message. Please ask your questions and comments here in this thread by clicking on "Post Reply" button at the bottom left. Please ask your questions after reading through the entire thread as several have already been answered in the thread.

    Finally, do you have a guess as to when we will hit half million (5 lakh) posts? If so, share that here and if your guess is right, you will win an IL T-Shirt!

    Please share your comments and feedback about this announcement in this thread - 2.5 Lakh posts in IL & Member Status Changes - Comments & Feedback.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2011

  2. Laxmi

    Laxmi Administrator Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear ILites

    The Member Status changes are completely implemented. In case you get a "Permission denied" message for any of the features like "Private Messaging", "View / download attachment", "Custom Avtar" options do check this post of Induslady where she has detailed the effective permissions for the various member status.

    In case the permissions are not matching that of your user status, do let us know we could troubleshoot.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding in making our community a truly quality driven forum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2008
  3. Laxmi

    Laxmi Administrator Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear ILites,

    The Member Status changes are being implemented.

    It might take a day for the user Promotion changes to be completely effective, given the nature of the large number of members in our forum. The queries for implementing the changes is set to run every hour. Hence during this time few members might face "permission denied" problem. Kindly be patient and allow the system to run smoothly.

    In the meantime for any of your support queries do raise it in FAQ thread, I will be more than willing to help you out.

    Also, please refer to this thread 2.5 Lakh posts in IL & Member Status Changes - Comments & Feedback where some of the queries/comments related to member status changes are already addressed.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2008
  4. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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