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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    One day we have beautiful spring weather with life around us swaying in joy, pretty flowers coming up and the next, well I am scampering to move all my pots indoors only to take them out the next day so that they get the abundant ’summer sun’ along with the unexpected rain - jackets and blankets washed and put away only to be reopened and reused again! If mother earth is healing, she sure is making sure we understand that! She does what she wants, and we bow in deference and understanding. Just ask my broken back and ‘eye rolling family’ with heave a regular ‘oh no, not again groan’!! They cannot see me do it all alone neither can they help without a groan or a moan – especially moving the pots in and out!

    As much as I am against multitasking and am awfully bad at it anyways, here I am, listening to an audio book…...while driving. Do not scowl – book is better than the repeatedly played songs they call music these days or the opinions that is fed as news. Anyways, I hear the author go whenever you are upset, pause, smile widely, and release a deep exhale and lo, even as I do that, I see a family of deer emerge to cross the street. The smile only widens, as I slam the breaks making sure that the car behind me is far enough and that smile stays put for the rest of the day.

    It is stormy outside, the rain pours in torrents and stops only to give a brief respite and just like that the sun shines and even as I say “how wonderful it would be to see a rainbow” as I look through the window, there it appears like magic to my DD going in the background “you are really so annoying mom”. All I hear is a smile and some surprise in her words! I hear phone go ding ding with pictures of the rainbow from friends who were thrilled to spot the rainbow on their drives home.
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    We are sitting out finally enjoying the pleasant warm sun, reading, lazing and the incessant barking of dogs makes us look and looking back at us is that deer……with a “look, look people” even as we went “look, look deer” Resized_20210528_123500_329593527762810.jpeg . Despite all the noise around us, it decides to continue to stare, graze as it wishes and slowly walks away like it has all the time in the world as we are left wondering as to how come it is alone from the herd. Though we have had more cloudy days than we care to remember, the sun showing up every now and then makes life around seem spectacular with the lilies in the pond blooming, the beehouse I have brought is sitting as a reminder…to put it up in a spot away from the house and a bumblee (like my DD called a bumblebee as a child) comes close every now and then threatening me . The pond Resized_20210527_144530-EFFECTS_325117965165455002.jpeg Resized_20210508_153136002.jpeg is a haven to fish and a couple of frogs, and I am reminded of a heron sitting innocently waiting to dive in, not so long ago. I wonder how many fish are left.

    I look at the long-forgotten book in my hand….and as is my wont, I open a random page and there is Marcus Aurelius telling me “Look around you and see that everything that happens is the result of change. The universe loves nothing more than to change things, rearranging their elements to create new things. Everything that exists now is a seed of what is to come. Nothing around you is in its final form”. I sigh, I know that is the truth.

    As I sit typing this snippet, I am looking out the window at the pouring rain, beautiful green around,
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    yearning to sit on that swing, thinking about change. Even if ever changing, grateful for that nature surrounding me. As I continue to stare, I am reminded of my yoga teacher telling us that we need to learn to reach out to the circuference of our circle, take what is needed and always come back to that center, center of who we are - even in the ever changing world.
    Scorpio707, Amica, SuiDhaaga and 6 others like this.

  2. Mistt

    Mistt IL Hall of Fame

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    @Srama As usual, nice snippet with nature pics, our surroundings and end with a great quote. I really loved that beautiful rainbow pic and your friend captured it amazingly.
    Srama likes this.
  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Mistt,

    Thank you for your first feedback. You post such lovely nature pictures too - I see them often but I promise I will make it a point to comment and everytime I see your pictures, I think of your name "mist" and smile. Very apt!
    Mistt likes this.
  4. Mistt

    Mistt IL Hall of Fame

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    Srama, so sweet of you. You lifted my spirits! :grinning:
    Srama likes this.
  5. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Srama,
    It was a wonderful delight to through the snippet of Rama, the nature lover.It is a soothing balm to the distressed mind.Well done.Congrats!

    Jayasala 42
    Srama likes this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear JS ma'am,

    thank you for your sweet comments. It is only in nature can I find some respite from all that is going on in the world right now. I do pray that life comes back to normal or a new normal soon. I decided to add pictures so that we can all revel in nature. I will be happy if it has helped you even a littl. Regards.
    Amica likes this.
  7. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear nature lover,
    Nature knows that we need a change and every season gives that change! Imagine a world where nature is the same in all seasons!!! How dull it would be!. Now...something to enjoy every season. All seasons have a beauty of their own! Beautiful pictures, rainbow...made your day. you enjoy life with all aspects....very positive attitude. (During the pandemic positive is a dreaded word). I am saying about real positive.
    No kid helps without a groan...especially when it comes to chores n the house! Be happy they are not saying No!
    Enjoy the good weather.
    For us here in India hope good days would be back again! Hope!!!
    Srama likes this.
  8. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    I like my new name :) Thank you for that and your as always awesome feedback!
    I now we are all waiting for some kind of normalcy to return, even if it is new normal. things are easing up for us here in US but then concerns are still in place and people are still taking precautions. I can only imagine what's happening in India. But this too shall pass....only we want it to pass quickly!

    I always enjoy reading your feedback. With staying put as much as I can at home, nothing else to do but admire the nature around me.
    messedup and shyamala1234 like this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    What a delight it is to read your snippet in the early morning hours. At the cost of repeating myself of what I had mentioned earlier to Shri Ojaantrik, you really bring all of that happening around you, in front of my eyes through words.

    I know the ritual of moving pots in and out. Fortunately, all three of us are plant lovers. We move them in and out based on who has looked at the weather first and more friendly to the plant on a given day.

    Podcasts are my favorites to listen while driving a long distance or listening to the commentary of an ongoing football game. I often listen to melodious bhajans and only once so far when I returned from the airport, stopped by a police officer for speeding. The officer asked, "Why were you going above the speed limit?" and I responded, "I was soaked in devotional songs and got carried away by the series of green light in front of me as though they are giving green signal for my spiritual development. The offier laughed so loud and let me go with a warning. I will try audiobooks someday now that you had mentioned in your snippet.

    Thank God you paid attention to the road by stopping the vehicle for the family of deer to cross. We see a lot of signs of "Watch for deers crossing" at many highways in Florida. Only once, my wife was screaming from the passenger seat to pay attention to the road in the evening hours and I slammed my break only to see a Aligator was trying to cross from a conservation area into a residential complex. Thanks to my car, it took a U turn and went back to the conservation area.

    Someday I will show up at your door to spend an hour to sit in the swing.

    Golden words of wisdom from your Yoga teacher.
    Amica and Srama like this.
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks for walking me through Rain & shine & through verdant green and bloom. I enjoyed reading mother and a Nature Lover.

    Srama likes this.

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