To Buy Or Not - Contemplating Getting A Puppy

Discussion in 'Pets and Animal Lovers' started by swiss, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. swiss

    swiss Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Friends

    i have never had a pet ever and not even actually petted a dog. I think i am little scared of them. I have an 8 yr old single girl is lonely, who lovessss pets and i am also beginning to warm up to the idea. Any tips for a first time pet buyer. Is this doable? We are in usa .
    What do you do during india trips?
    Also Do you let it all around your house? In india i have seen pet dogs outside the house only.
    How to train it. Is there some place where one can get familiar with dogs before actually buying?
    Also what is the pet ownership expense monthly?

    please help me make a decision.
    My husband is not open to the idea.

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    1) you will need to board the dog at a kennel or in someone’s home. Or if you are lucky a friend may be willing to look after the dog. Boarding kennels cost anywhere from $35-70 per day in my area
    2) you will have to keep inside the house. In many places it is illegal to chain a dog outside and it is an in humane practice. If you leave a dog outdoors for a long time and it barks the neighbors will most likely call animal control.
    3) you can go to puppy training places at stores like Petsmart
    4) expenses will depend on size and breed of dog. At a minimum expect to spend several hundred dollars a year on vet exam, vaccination, flea tick and heartworm medication, food, toys and treats. If your dog becomes sick you can easily expect thousands of dollars in vet bills. Pet insurance is available but has a lot of exclusions.
    5) you can see if there is a rescue in your area that will let you foster dogs
    6) if both spouses are not fully on board then I would advise against getting a pet. It will be a huge commitment for at least a decade.
    KashmirFlower, swiss and abcd5 like this.
  3. abcd5

    abcd5 Silver IL'ite

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    Buying a pet is a long time commitment and if you are ready for that, go ahead.
    Annual vet checkup $100-250
    fleece and heartworm $10/month
    Food $30-60/month It depends on the brand you pick.
    Basic obedience training $100-500
    My dog was very naughty, and he had so many accidents, so I have ASPCA pet insurance. I was paying $35 when he was young and now he is a senior dog, so I pay more. Emergency vet cost a lot.
    Boarding a dog overnight, $30- $70/per night It depends on the dog’s size. In my city it’s very difficult to find overnight boarding during a long weekend, so you have to plan.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
    KashmirFlower, swiss and MalStrom like this.
  4. swiss

    swiss Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you for ur response, we are both working , so pre-pandemic times , does the puppy stay home by itself? Is it safe? Have u restricted some areas for the puppy around ur house?

    i am in the process of convincing my husband. Both of us haven't ever owned pets before. The expenses are a little concerning, may need to start a pet savings account too in addition to kids. We live in a rental townhome and are visa holders. But we are already 35 and 40 each, if not now when can we do this. I think its good for a single child development to have a pet Atleast. Fingers crossed
  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I adopted both my dogs when they were out of the puppy stage, but I still had a crate for them to retreat into and I used baby gates to keep them out of certain areas till they got used to the house.
    Another thing you will have to dedicate some time is for potty training if you get a puppy. And puppies cannot be left alone for the entire day like adult dogs since they can’t hold their pee for so long.
    One option is to get an young adult dog from a rescue, where they can also give you more information about the temperament of the dog. I would also add that if finances are a concern then think twice. No matter how careful you are the unexpected often happens. If you don’t have friends willing to watch your dog then even a 3-week trip to India can incur boarding fees of several hundred dollars. If you are in a rental and the puppy damages something you’ll have to pay for that too.
    One of my dogs drank a bottle of cough syrup that my visiting parents had left out by mistake. The resulting trip to the emergency vet and a single overnight stay cost me $1500.
    Hopikrishnan and swiss like this.
  6. swiss

    swiss Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you for the reply. We don't have any friends also who are pet owners, so all this info is quite helpful. Are u aware of any training for first time pet owners? We r nervous and excited!
  7. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes dogs can be expensive and are long term.
    We are also thinking but i have small kids and my H is against it. Many of my indian friends got it.
    Some additional points what others did not cover yet,
    1. Rescue dogs - can come cheaper but may have health issues. You are adopting a dog here.
    2. As you said, you are in rental, you have to take out dogs frequently for pee and play time irrespective of weather.
    3. Need to invest in dog things and dog food. Unlike india, we can not give our desi roti/chawal.
    4.IF you buy house etc, have to have fence. and have to be careful when you walk him out so he does not poop on others yards.
    5. You want energetic dog or friendly, who sheds less or shepherd.. They all have personalities.
    6. They like to chew and poke holes in leather sofas.
    7. Our neighbors spent 3000$ on their old dogs leg surgery. After some time, its like family member. You can not think of money here. All emotions.
    8. Check you apartment policy.
    9. You will need frequent dog training/vaccination etc visits.
    I know my H does not have patience for kids so certainly not for dog. As we mature, with all work stress, we are not ready to give up certain life style and each everything living thing needs tending. Be it plants or animals or babies.
    So make a wise decision. They are friend for life time.

    I feel now pandemic is a good time, since all of us are at home and easy to train dogs and walk him out. Now weather will also get better soon. I heard prices have gone way up now because of many people buying dogs being alone and for therapy.

    Once you bring in one, can not give up after 10 days.
  8. abcd5

    abcd5 Silver IL'ite

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    Did you check with your apartment office? Mostly townhomes/apartments charge refundable pet deposit, non- refundable deposit and pet rent per month. Some apartments have breed restriction and weight restriction as well. I took my dog to PetSmart puppy training program and in that time that was the cheapest option.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  9. nuss

    nuss Platinum IL'ite

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    OP- just a suggestion. If you are not ready for a dog, have you considered a smaller pet that your child can easily take care of?
    My 5 yo wanted to get a puppy. But we know that with our lifestyle a dog is not a good choice. We travel a lot which makes it hard to have a pet. My DD read about a lot of different pets and decided on a hamster. Since hamsters are small, they much easier to take care of. Although we haven't traveled since she came home, we have been training our cleaning lady to take care of our hamster in our absence.

    If you are okay with a cute rodent, give it a try. Our total expense is very low. You will spend ~$300-400 on cage and toys etc. but once everything is in place, it will be $10-20 a month.
    Hopikrishnan and shravs3 like this.
  10. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    Exactly!! I came here to say the same thing!
    I know a family whose 9 year old was crazy about pets... But, like you, the family had no friends with pets, no experiences and living in an apartment complex and both parents working. How does one leave the pet if travelling !! All these questions were coming up!

    They bought a goldfish for her last year... The little girl loved it and was responsible and took care of feeding, cleaning etc... It was easy on the family during the pandemic lockdown - they didnt have unforeseen issues

    This year, they got 2 little colorful lovebirds... The girl is dancing with joy!

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