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Another Morning......

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    I open the patio door to let the pup out! The light outside is magical. The beautiful hue of the morning sky transitioning from light pink to deep orange has me standing rooted, transfixed at the door with the cool breeze blowing across my face. I notice the moon, the crescent moon with Venus shining bright by it. I do not know about you, but the crescent moon is the most fascinating one for me – it is a teaser. It is beautiful and it is always telling me that there is more to it and that if I am patient enough, I get to see all of it….eventually. How beautiful that is!

    I know I am running late for my walk. I smile – running late for a walk. This morning I am glad I am not physically running, and it is only the time that is running! But I want to enjoy a moment more. As I drive out, I am amazed at the vastness of the sky. How many mornings have I not seen it, the same sky but then some mornings are entirely different, aren’t they? Maybe, I woke up on the right side!

    We walk at a pretty fast pace, two yoga teachers, masks on, chatting away, gasping for breath as we go up and down a hill. I wonder at the irony of it all – two yoga teachers with a need to walk and talk. If you are wondering about what we had so much to talk about, well you know us girls. Always something. I do a lot of silent walks too, mostly with my DH. Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty to talk but early morning silence is something both of us enjoy and, moreover, he has an audiobook telling him a story in his ears while the nature around me talks to me. I have never been able to run with my headphones on. Walking with those will be painful though I have done it when a book is really interesting, just one time and I simply had to finish that book.

    I am ready for my yoga class. Yes, I am crazy like that. I feel the pain of all those walks from the past week to this morning ease away and get those ‘aha’ moments as I stretch away. I remember my yoga teacher telling me that regular exercise works from outside in, while yoga works from inside out. As I feel the uneven earth under my feet, I realize that I absolutely have to focus or else lose my balance, even if the thoughts are motivating ones only. I do not know about you, but for me walking, running or even the day to day activities seem to tighten me and the only way to unwind is with yoga – allowing each limb, each part to stretch and relax. As I go through the poses with my students, I feel my body thanking me.

    As I place my palm on the cool grass, looking skywards gazing at the other extended palm, mind fixed on the quick-moving whiffs of clouds revealing that moon that is playing hide and seek, I smile. The moon still looks lovely in this beautiful bright sky. I feel the raw energy going upwards from the earth into my hand as a gentle breeze wrap around us. I take in the intelligence around me. I think of Sri M referring to the imagination that sets us apart from the intelligence around us, which knows only how to exist. But we, with our minds know how to take off!

    If I have done one good thing during this ongoing break, it is doing yoga outdoors. It has been a win-win situation for me and my students, even if just a couple of them. The occasional plane, the passing clouds, the birds perching down on the branches, the sounds of early morning, not to speak of feet planted firmly on the cool grass.and, looking at something like this
    20200912_095647.jpg only upside down is something that can only be enjoyed, not explained.

    As I lead my students through Shavasaa asking them to be an observer to any thoughts that flow by, any sounds they hear around them or, the colors they may see, I wonder if they are enjoying the classes outdoors. I get a response when a student after the class reminisces with a smile “It is only the lovely sounds of the birds, the insects, and of course the flowing pond water. The energy I get after the class is immeasurable.” Now, I am convinced that this was indeed the best decision. As I offer my words of thanks, I am aware of the cooler weather, the fallen leaves here and there already, the tomatoes that are refusing to ripen on the plants because of lower temperatures and, wonder how much longer we can do this. I hear the same student as if reading my thoughts chime in with a “don’t worry, we will layer up and do outdoors as long as we can!”

    PS: Forgive my sloppy titles. The whole idea that I have to put all these thoughts under a title and boxed in........while I get it, sometimes simply becomes hard.

  2. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes dear Srama!
    I am with you this morning too :))

    Don't blame me, when you write, I know that nature is calling me and my nature will not refuse such calls!

    I don't know which one I enjoyed more...a morning or another morning. But why choose. All mornings will be good with you penning about them!

    How I envy your enthusiasm to do yoga! What is so great about wanting to bend oneself in various twists and turns and feel the burn in the muscles till the muscle tells you I am hurting?! Ooops, sorry if I hurt you and the great yogis of yore and now. This nut is yet to crack the secret. But no worries, even if my joints screech, I will do my minimalistic yoga :))

    There is no denying the beauty of nature that Almighty gifts us abundantly. The moon, full or crescent has inspired many a poet and the morning sun when it peeps into our homes, the heart warms up indeed. The grass under the feet and the wind that wafts are miracles themselves which we often forget.

    I am glad that you write about all of the nature and more and keep our sense and sensibilities alive. Thank you.

    L, Kamla
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    Yoga rejuvenates the body and mind simultaneously. One of the suggested methods for controlling the five senses is Kumbhaka (retention of breath). That capability expands as one does Yoga often. If there is one activity one can do to create a healthy body and mind simultaneously, it is Yoga. I was reading a book of Ramana Maharishi a few years back and one of the authors talked about doing Yoga outdoor during the sunrise. He explained that one should walk bare feet in the grass that carries a drop of water on its head. He went to the extent of explaining that doing Surya Namaskar for a period of 45 days observing the Sun appearing slowly out into becoming a bright ball of light is a wonderful experience. When I read your snippets, it feels like reading a spiritual book. Sometimes, I feel disappointed you ended the snippet too soon as I like to continue reading more and more. Someday, you should write a book of all your thoughts. Many will benefit from it.
    Thyagarajan, Srama and KashmirFlower like this.
  4. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamla,

    This indeed in my lucky day and I wish there was a love button instead of just a like button! Thank you for another feedback - when it rains, it indeed pours :)

    Nope, you did not offend me at all! I for one, am sure glad that I lean on to yoga so much - I am not lying when I say that every single time I bring myself to mat, I only seem to feel that incredible moment of surrender and joy. The truth is we all get there when we have to :) Like our Jois says, practice and all is coming....whatever that all is!

    You are no less nature lover than me - look at you explain the moon, the sun and all that. We are alike more than we know Kamla! Thank you for this wonderful feedback.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    You are incredibly nice to me. Thank you for these very encouraging words. I am completely touched.
    While I had heard of the benefits of walking on grass and walk when I can, I have to tell you feeling the energy of mother earth the grass alive with that early morning dew is something else. While zoom classed were going alright, a time came when we simply had to meet in person. While I have been shy to do yoga outdoors, this pushed me to do exactly that. I am sure my neighbors watching us might be shaking their heads but thankfully they are all friends and even contain their dogs indoors till my class is done.

    I truly feel fortunate to be doing all this that is certainly helping me and hopefully others in good spirits. Thank you sir for your feedback. It indeed feels like I have received a bonus what with our dear Kamla and you giving me these wonderful feedbacks and encouragement.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabitha,
    Now in present times better to do things outside as much as possible. I keep all my doors and widows open except the main entrance door. Free flow of air. Concept of yoga outside is an excellent idea. Many more may be interested and join yoga!
    In UK one can meet people from other household only in the park and not inside the house. That too maintaining social distance. Enjoy outdoors till winter.
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    Guess what our warm weather days are alsmot over :( I now wonder what I would do going forward - now the doors are always open with dogs running in and out.

    Yoga outdoors is th ebest thing I have done,s o love it. May be able to push for a month or more so - I hope to enjoy it as long as it lasts. Thank you my friend for your feedback. Enjoy the free flow of air!
  8. Afresh

    Afresh Gold IL'ite

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    Hello there!
    Long time , I know!
    Trust you to always brighten up days with your morning descriptions
    What would i not give to be your neighbour :) .. I am serious
    All credit not to you , but also to your kismet to get to stay in those beauteous surroundings ;)

    That's what my imagination associates with the words you weave.
    But seriously, to get to learn and do yoga with you and then learn to breathe in the world with open lungs and your eyes.... won't that be just somthing :)
    A dream to chew on for a few minutes and then back to business!
    Thanks @Srama as always
    I somehow just love what you always write
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
    Srama likes this.
  9. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Afresh ,

    How refreshing it is to read your feedback. Thank you for your very warm words. I would love to have you as my neighbor too - I cannot imagine the joy your chirpy attide can bring. The admiration is mutual. As for kismet, I am with you - I am grateful for what I have and I am even more grateful that I manage to stay tuned to the beauty around me as much as I can. On a srious note, with the situation in our world right now, while I have my down moments, I do realize that I can help in little ways.

    Thank you Afresh. You are so warm and it comes through your responses. Thank you for cheering me up as well and putting a smile on my face. Your words mean a lot.
    Afresh likes this.
  10. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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