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Music Epidemics

Discussion in 'Interesting Shares' started by jayasala42, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    The whole world is talking about the shaky virus-CORONA.Every phone call has got precautionary steps for avoiding corona. There are cartoons of pilot doing the job from'home'.
    Schools are closed.No shopping, no marketing.Always home made food.The news paper contains analytical research articles on so many habits that haunt the society.The oldies talk of century old health practices of washing hands and legs before entering the house.

    For a change we entered a concert hall. The concert was cancelled and there was some talk on 'music epidemics.
    We just entered and had a nice day.

    In Chennai there is a seasonal serious infection that is grossly under-diagnosed. It is caused by a resistant bacterium, Musicobacter. It is probably the only bacterium that spreads through ears.
    The affected individuals show the following symptoms and signs:
    Selective amnesia: The person forgets exactly the name of the raga in which the singer sings and recollects a list of related albeit wrong ragas Sometimes, long-term memory will be hyper-active. He may say “I heard GNB singing this in 1948 at Academy on a Sunday evening when it was raining heavily.”
    Violent epileptic-fits like movements: These include shaky movements of the head associated with uttering of words like “ Sabash! Besh Besh!” even though the concert has not yet started . Sometimes violent, jerky, highly irregular movements of hands collide with each other . These movements are erroneously called talams.
    Acalculia (difficulty in calculating): The above said movements are sometimes associated with chaotic counting of fingers or even toes! It may occur even during an Aalapana. The people sitting in the 1st row may even confuse the singer.
    Voracious appetite: The affected individuals have voracious appetite. They visit the canteens soon after a varnam (usual opening number) is sung. Not visiting the canteen during the thani avarthanam (solo percussion) is considered a sin.
    Hypersomnia (Increased sleep): They are found sleeping with a snore that perfectly synchronises with the shruthi box's ‘SA Pa SA'. This is commonly seen in morning lecture demonstrations.
    Ornamentitis: Specially affecting women.Particular in knowing about the colour and shade of the artist's saree and about her jewellery.
    Praecox performances
    : The individuals develop intense belief that their offspring is a prodigy. On hearing them sing ‘Ba ba black sheep,'' johny johny, Yes, papa" they immediately identify an M.S. lying dormant inside.
    Podio philia: This denotes the intense craving for occupying the podium. This is common among the chief guests who invariably talks at length or even exhibits his singing talents.

    Treatment: As the disease is self-limiting it settles by mid January only to recur next year. Since the severity is inversely related to music knowledge improving good music appreciation is the best prevention.

    one disorder the author has omitted is'jealousitis,found commonly in singers when accompanying artists or contemporaries or juniors
    receive better appreciation from the audience /critics or some awards.
    Unlike other symptoms which vanish soon after the music season,this symptom stays for ever.

    We had a hearty laughter though the talk was about 'music epidemics'.
    What to do next? Turn the pages and learn about CORONA.

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