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This Happens Better At The In-laws'

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by Rihana, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Food reminded me of another thing that used to be easier to do at my in-laws' place -- ordering food from outside. At in-laws', they have some menu cards lying around in the center table, we choose one and they order on the phone. At my place, it used to become a big project, and they'd say they have to go pick it up, it cannot delivered. Even after home delivery became common.

    All this talk of food making me nostalgic for food at both the places now. : )
    gorgeous23, Amica and Lalithambigai like this.
  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    That's nice! Each household has its own ways for meal times and coffee/tea. All feel OK and we also admire something done differently by others.

    I remember when my older child was writing essays for college applications, one prompt was "write about a family member or neighbor or community member who had a big impact on you." Since there was no such family member other than parents to talk about, and parent is so boring to write about (!), she chose to write about family dinner times. Somehow, we have always had dinner together.

  3. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    : ) When I look at the photos taken at my parents' place, I can recall the cajoling and nagging it took before each session. Thankfully, we already had digital cameras, so no tension of "wasting" precious shots from the 24 or 34 in each role.

    Aah... the "getting out of home" -- the time it takes for all in the caravan to get ready to go out. : )

    That's nice.. including you even if conversation not relevant to you. Maybe they knew you are storing them in the inner recesses of the mind to post in forums much later. :p
  4. KayKuyil

    KayKuyil Silver IL'ite

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    1.Food - I eat non-veg and MIL cooks great dishes.
    2.Plans on-time - ILs are OCD about time when it comes to making plans. My home is more relaxed and go with the flow.
    3.Cleaning - Again OCD about cleaning everything right that moment. We can come back from a trip at 2 am and MIL will run washing m/c at morning 6 to wash clothes from the trip.
    Rihana, Amica, meepre and 1 other person like this.
  5. Twinkel

    Twinkel Platinum IL'ite

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    Oh so many!!

    1) Foooood .. my mil cooks tasty dishes. Mom and Dad are good cooks too, but my mil, bil and dh all are excellent cooks. They try variety of cuisines and they've got blessed hands at whatever they try.. I cook as a chore and mil/bil/hubby cooks as therapy and passion.
    2) Frequent family get togethers ... At my parents, there were very rare occasions like weddings and functions where every one met and they weren't very closely knit, as my dad is only kid and his parents expired when he was a kid, and my mom's relatives were mostly out of India so I never knew what a blessing, fun and strength huge family can be!! Their presence is not just in fun and meetings, also in time of need!! Infact, when my husband was admitted for viral fever in hospital for few days, there were relatives pouring in who flew across the country!! There were many people and so much chaos that hospital staff asked me if my husband is a VIP of sort.
    3) Broad mindedness. My mil has been my strength and support all through my fertility struggle. When I was low emotionally, she lifted up my spirits, told me adoption or child free life are good options too and I need not bear so much physical and emotional trauma with ivf treatments going no where. Unable to see me in pain, my bil and cosis gave us option of them going for second issue and giving the child to us. Finally when I got pregnant, they are all celebrating more than me!! My mil said she's happy for her soon to be arriving grand kids, but happier because finally I've succeeded in what I've been wanting for so long. She's happy because am happy :)
    4) They never ever spoke of dowry or property I've got from my parents. My mil doesn't even know neither is interested in knowing the property I own or was given by my parents.
    5) Whenever something is cooked in bulk, like pickles, dry items like chilly powder, papads etc, or whatever is bought in bulk, like rare flowers or cute home decor items, my mil gets for my parents and my cosister's parents too :) and my parents are often deeply moved by these friendly gestures.
    6) We (both me and cosister) are allowed to wear clothes of our choice, free to choose our careers and queens of our will and mood :)
    7) It's been 7 years of married life and not one day or one instance where I felt I didn't fit in. Touch wood!! And our relatives joke my cosister and I might have been blood sisters in previous life, and I think so too :)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
  6. Twinkel

    Twinkel Platinum IL'ite

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    Sorry for the long post :( I didn't realise it... There are so many things left, I could write a book :)
    yellowmango, Rihana and SGBV like this.
  7. winterhue

    winterhue Gold IL'ite

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    Lucky you :)
    yellowmango likes this.
  8. winterhue

    winterhue Gold IL'ite

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    1) My DH's behaviour - he becomes a very happy and fun guy when he is at his parental home. Easy going, smiles a lot, doesnt bicker if things lie around strewn about.
    2) The neighbours - all relatives live next to each other, so everyone knows everybody, there is a smiling face always and since its not a "city", people still are interested in each other's lives in a positive way. I've grown up in a metro, where we barely knew the neighbours or shared a meal with them.
    3) Lots of space for the kids to run around and be "kids". Playing in the mud, jumping into the temple pond, walk to the temple and come back , while buying some knick knacks , toys etc. Simple joys without the hustle of the big city and the "mice in the wheel" syndrome.
    Rihana, Amica, KashmirFlower and 3 others like this.
  9. Twinkel

    Twinkel Platinum IL'ite

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  10. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    After a lot of thinking...
    1. My mil is an expert in home remedies related to hair. I knew nothing apart from regular oiling and shampooing.My mom was blessed with beautiful hair since birth and it grows like a weed even today.She was also too lazy to follow the remedies she heard during her growing years. I picked up the remedies from my mil after experiencing hair related issues.
    2. My hubby is a of master portion control, I learnt it from him.

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