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Finally, It Feels Like Winter!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Yes, there is snow on the ground, if not as much as predicted yet, still flurrying down and making driving difficult, making me wonder as to why activities must go on even in this weather. After coming back home, I bring the shovel out to clear the drive way. A friend has called, and we chat as I shovel. I hear a single bird go tweet, tweet clearly in a tree nearby. The lone bird enjoying the silence! I can understand that. I continue to talk, and a neighbor with her toddler stops by to say hello. The toddler I believe is not happy with the snow, it is after all just his second snow! I promise that come evening, perhaps he can go sledding with my DD who babysits him from time to time. In fact, DD’s name is the first one he had learnt to say and when he gets naughty at home and mom’s goes “S, oh no, who did this?” pointing to the mess on the floor, without batting an eyelid and with his hands on his mouth just like his mom’s, he goes “oh no!! P.…… did this?” shifting the blame on her in her absence! Of course, we see the innocence and delight in it. All that snow has brought such a flurry of activity as one after the other, each neighbor comes out offering hellos and help to one another as I continue to talk with my friend. My drive way is all cleared up and now I can take the car in! As I say bye to my friend, I smile for she has said something that makes my day better, makes me pause and send thoughts of love to the people I care for and love! A perspective I needed to hear, and I can already see a gentler and a better me who is willing to look at things in a different way! I thank the friend silently.

    I make that cup of coffee; the one I have wanted for the past hour or so, after I come in finally and enjoy it immensely after all that hard work. There are still things to be put away, tasks to be taken care of. As I go into the room what we call library. I see that books are all spread out on the floor. I told you we only call it a library because there are books there; in no order, not organized like one should be, or catalogued even, forget well. DS must have gone into the room in search of a book or two. I smile, still with the cuppa in my hand. I know I should be angry for it is more work now. But how can I when all I can feel is joy that my child thinks that book may be at home already and has gone looking for it, making the mess reminding me of his younger days when upon my chiding at the solar system drawings on the wall, he simply with tears in his eyes had said “But amma, I was thinking of solar system deeply and did not know I was drawing!” That four-year-old from then still comes through in this act, today! What is home if it is not a constant mess? And then, I do have another 4 hours before I pick kids back up before some more snow descends on us during the night!

    As I drive back again to pick kids from their activities, I am happy that all the five lanes are cleared. Just a few hours ago, as I drove them to the activities, the five lanes had become two lanes thanks to the very careful drivers following a path in the terrible weather, making way for others with those at least. The radio is playing some songs and I am wondering as to why I even bother with that station. But my attention is on the flurries, coming down in a hurry dashing towards my car, and disappearing even as they hit the windshield, falling prey to the hardworking wipers! It is fascinating though to watch the snow even from the car window and the hypnotizing effect it can have as they come flurrying down. I know it is going to be more shoveling, more coffee and more ruminations and hopefully smiles as the weekend rolls in with everyone back home after a flurry of activity for the week and the promise of more snow for the weekend, making it look and feel like winter, finally!
    Amica, girvani, umaakumar and 11 others like this.

  2. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Just a couple of days back I watched the winter routines of a YouTuber and thanked my stars for the mild winters in our state, in India. I could very well imagine what you described. Winter to us is less work and more lazying, cooking routine becomes a pleasure as we don't have the irritating heat and sweat! Winter is also a time with abundant supply of winter vegetables; I am sure you must be missing Avarekai rotti, uppittu, sambar and whatnot!
    Srama, kkrish, Thyagarajan and 2 others like this.
  3. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    Winter to me takes back to the old days of Namma bengaluru. ..
    The cold morning and colder water from the taps, everyone wearing different color sweaters making it a treat to eyes...
    Come winter and my mother used to prepare chakkali, nippatu, avarekalu mixture and other savory items and store in a box...
    Piping hot rasam and sambar. .
    Somehow everyone around looked pleasant and happy in winters,maybe weather does have a huge impact on a person....
    Amica, Srama, shravs3 and 4 others like this.
  4. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    Snow is beautiful to watch from our window without going out. World looks beautiful and pure! Flurries as they fall.... A sight to see. Once step out bundled up.... rest is easy. In New Jersey all four seasons are clear cut. In London.... It is all winter throughout except for a few days. I never understand when they say "It is a beautiful day" When I am in a warm jacket!!!! It is only mild winter, somewhat wintelike, severe winter and on and on. Though not much snow but it is biting dry cold. One has to travel in Public transport. That adds up.
    Delightful to read.
    Srama, kkrish and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey Sabitha,

    what a lovely word picture. I was almost there, enjoying the mild wintry sunshine, listening to that lone bird chirping in the tree. Enjoyed the picture of the neighbours, all so friendly and helpful, not to forget little baby wanting to push the blame on P. :roflmao:

    Can imagine what a task it must be driving in that kind of snow (dangerous as well) and clearing it up as well. But so long as there are so many friendly neighbours, who cares? An occasion to see people outside on freezing days and to bond over some outdoor activity, not to speak of burning up calories!

    Enjoy dear Sabitha and think of me when you are having fun out in the snow and listening to birds sing!!! :smile::smile::smile:
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    If winter comes can spring be far behind?
    Srama and GeetaKashyap like this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:This post and FB reminds my days in Delhi when I landed their first time around republic day when temperature as announced was at 4degree C.
    My spouse discovered how to adapt to such cold without central heating. A separate box for preserving winter dress taken out for use during Aug to Jan till holi ayeeray.
    We covered the pot with cardigan to endure milk turned into curd in 24 hours. Kidney worked overtime.
    Karolbaugh was close to huge lungs of the city and constant chirping of birds nice to watch from skydcrapper near parliament street. The carrot alwa hot with redolence mouth watering....
    Thanks for nostalgia.
    Srama, nandinimithun and GeetaKashyap like this.
  8. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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    So beautifully written !

    I was around there in the first week of this month, having helped my DD with all the winter purchases, fretting over landing right in the middle of winter- couldnt she have choosen a better place, couldnt she have choosen fall semester? I was told it has never been this good in the 1st week of Jan . DD , though rolled her eyes, "Mom, you over prepare" .
    I landed back home on Thursday. And got the news that a snow storm was expected from Friday night. Did we get her enough canned food, why didnt I get her some candles, would the untested snow boots be good enough. With the jet lag and waking up at odd hours my brain had enough to worry.

    Your post brings out the sheer joy of snow, which im my worry I had all forgotten .It also reminds me what better to bring out the human spirit than adversity. It is in tough conditions we reach out and support.

    Loved reading it
    Amica, Srama and kkrish like this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:Thatz axiomatic Truth.
    Well said thought provoking.
    But do remember to be kind to heart.
    SunPa likes this.
  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you. I have learned a new word today!
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.

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