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And The Dance Continues....

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Oct 31, 2018.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    A friend of mine who had just attended a dance performance is excited and teary eyed at the same time about how the child continued to dance without missing a beat even when the music stopped accidentally in the middle of her performance. Apparently, there was not a pause, not a blink, not a look of confusion but only steady beat of steps accompanied only by the sound of anklets around her feet on a quiet stage and an even quieter audience. While I can clearly see the immersion of that child in her dance, I cannot help but feel that she is the epitome of "Sthira sukham asanam", bringing ease and steadiness to the position she is in; dancing away to glory not letting the silence preventing her from continuing her dance.

    I am thinking of my grandmother a lot these past few days and very fondly. As I make rangoli in front of the house, I can almost hear my mom whispering, "Look at that! So like her grandmother". Making bisibelebhath over the weekend, I almost hear my mom again, whispering "Look at the way she cuts her vegetables. Just like her grandmother!" My grandmother was like this big banyan tree who drew everyone to where she was stationed. Staying put where she lived, she could draw everyone and their family to where she lived and could show her love profoundly to them, accepting whatever love they brought for her or didn’t in their relationship, she made a temple of her favorite god where she lived leaving aside all religious expeditions, as a practicing ayurvedic doctor, she helped anyone who has shown up at her door and took what was offered to her in return; teaching me to bring ease and steadiness to my being, in the position I am in - "Sthira Sukham Asanam". My grandmother never stopped dancing; no matter what!

    As I drive home, I notice a girl jumping rope on her driveway and why not? It is after all that rare beautiful day for this late a time in October. The trees as if in agreement are still colorful, the sun has decided to co operate and shine bright and just as I take a turn, I catch the sight of a blue jay fly joyfully and perch itself on a that branch amidst the golden yellow leaves with the sun shining on them. It was a spectacular sight yet, I wonder about the winter that is not far away, thinking of the branches that would be bare soon but I end up smiling for; no matter the leaves, the branch will be there allowing that bird to come back and sit – steady and at ease in its position “Sthira Sukham Asanam”! The dance continues! While I wish I had captured that bird on my camera,wishing I were walking and not driving, I am grateful that the mind had captured it enough to keep that smile on my face.

    As I reach home thinking of my grandmother, I am thankful for that parent who had sent me a note that my grandmother must have been such an inspirational woman and spirit to have a grandchild like myself, also hoping that I find ways to honor her spirit.

    I fondly think of


    and wonder if that is how the dance continues in our own lives no matter where we are, hopefully steady and at ease in our position - Sthira Sukham Asanam!
    kkrish, Urmila, jskls and 14 others like this.

  2. periamma

    periamma IL Hall of Fame

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    @Srama well said very nice one.i remembered my grandma who was such a noble woman. Every day night before going to bed I think of the elders who inspired me with their best qualities.
    Mistt, Srama, girvani and 1 other person like this.
  3. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    Dearest Srama,

    It was simply beautiful. The little girl was dancing with her own rhythm, grandmother pouring out her unconditional love to bring all together and your gratitude all made my day start beautifully. My maternal grandmother passed away when I was three but I very well remember how she gives us a ball of rice in our hands and her funeral. My paternal grandparents passed away before I was born. My paternal grandfather lived with us until I was 18. He was the man of honesty, principles and unconditional love. I learned so much from him and my little son was born on his death anniversary. I feel his presence. Thank you Srama and we will indeed continue dancing with joy every moment.
    Srama likes this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts. Our subconscious mind emulates everything we see that impresses us especially when we were younger. (I realize I am addressing it to a woman and I can't say "we were young" to her as she remains always young). Many people creates impressions deep inside our heart and we realize it only when others point them out. Grandparents are always very special. My paternal grandfather died 6 years before I was born but he created a wave in his life and defined how one should embrace the world. Throughout my life I have heard many of his students (He was the principal of Guindy Engineering College) telling me about his great qualities. My paternal grandma was very affectionate to me and always save everything she prepares for me to come late in the evening and eat.

    My MIL was very close to my mother through out her life and my MIL used to admire her way of cleanliness and cooking. When I cook and clean here in the US, she always comment that I am more like my mother.

    I really enjoyed reading your snippet's third paragraph. I know nothing escapes your attention. I simply wonder how many things that are practicing "Sthira Sukham Asanam" without us noticing it in a rhythmic manner. The Sun showing up everyday at a scheduled time and departing, the Moon doing the same, earth rotating at the same pace at its axis, plants growing a little bit everyday without us realizing it, heart beating without us directing us to beat and so on. What we are grateful for is only a handful and what we need to be grateful for is like an ocean.
    Srama likes this.
  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @periamma

    Thank you for your response. It is nice to see you here in my snippets! All of us those amazing people, don't we but unlike you some of us will not think of them as often as we should!
    periamma likes this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Vani,

    Now you should know that a response from you puts a smile on my face even before I read it. Thank you for being that rock solid person and friend. While I have not known my grandfathers, I have been very fortunate as far a grandmothers are concerned - the influence of strong women is tremendous in my life. While my mom's mom passed away just a few years ago at some 93, my guru(another grandmother) three years ago, my own paternal grandmom passed away just a week at a ripe age of 95, peacefully in a split second - she lived well and able till almost the last day! We are very fortunate.

    When we think of all these people before us, what else can we do but dance in joy and take strength from who they were and what they have passed on to us. Amazing isn't it?

    Thank you as always for your response. Love to your little ones. Have a lovely day!
    girvani likes this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    Thank you as always for your lovely feedback. Many a time I wonder about my place in the universe and all I have to do is remind myself that it is at the right place! It is when I have those moments of clarity, do I get to see the beauy around me. I wish I could live like that all the time. Like I mentioned to Vani, I am one of those fortunate people to have had a grand mom all these years and at her passing last week, there is nothing but a celebration of her life between all of us, her grandchildren! Knowing that she made a difference despite the innumerable difficulties is something I like to focus on.

    Anyways, what you write here is what I think many a time! As I teach about the inanimate earth, I marvel at how

    much change actually happens! There is magic all around us and even catching a glimpse of it can make our day!
    Viswamitra likes this.
  8. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    Thinking of grandmother a lot.
    From childhood. .. Many impressions are laid in our brain and stamped.
    That is the basic I or me. That does not change. When grow into adults, do many things in life, study, settle down, learn a lot..... But the basic sthira sukha asanam remains the same. Everything else is an appendage from it. People around us who know our grandparents see a little of them in us. And life or dance goes on!
    Srama likes this.
  9. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sabitha,
    You were really blessed to have interaction with your grandmothers. Alas! Both my maternal and paternal grandmothers and also the paternal grandfather passed away before I was born. My maternal grandfather who was alive when I was born also passed away when I was a toddler.
    My mother lived up to ripe age of 94 and until she breathed her last she was managing on her own. Whenever any function in our family all her grandchildren would be surrounding her and she would be teasing and also giving good advice to them.
    She died on Telugu Newyear Day and I was blessed to spoon feed her food on the auspicious day. She told us before hand that her end was fast approaching and we all also should have our lunch. Her beloved nephew her only brother's son and his wife and my younger were also with us.
    When old people die without much suffering it doesn't affect us. The ceremonies are performed like celebration after the initial grief.
    Srama likes this.
  10. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    Thank you as always for your feedback. As much as we think it is natur or nurture only, it is constantly both. Knowingly or unknowingly life makes an impression on us!
    And that's it Syamala! You nailed it. I was stunned that I did not realize how much I was like her till I started observing me, myself!

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