Chatter And Banter - Politics In North America

Discussion in 'News & Politics' started by Laks09, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    It is not so dire and not so cut and dried. States get to decide their own rules and practices. Roe v Wade was an SC ruling, so it applies to states too. Meaning, states cannot go against Roe v Wade. If RvW goes away, states will continue to apply their rules. So, it would depend on where the woman lives. In four states, it would lead to an automatic abortion ban due to trigger laws in place. Sad and horrible to contemplate that they have trigger laws (a law that is waiting for another existing law to get overturned/amended). Brings to mind image of shadows holding big sticks waiting behind Planned Parenthood buildings, waiting to pounce on women in line outside the buildings, the minute RvW gets overturned.

    Fate of women's right to choose in other states will vary. RvW getting overturned does not mean all abortions will become illegal all across U.S. automatically.
    Viswamitra and Laks09 like this.
  2. troubledmom

    troubledmom Gold IL'ite

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    This is really bad guys. Buckle up.

    By this time next week Rod and Sessions could be out and Mueller shut down. Then Trump subpoena halted. Then Gamble decision then Cohen, Paul walk free. Game over.

    Depends on when he is seated.
    Gauri03 and Laks09 like this.
  3. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Gamble v. United States is the reason why the GOP put everything on the line for Kavanaugh. They'd rather destroy 200 years of precedent and lose the midterms than let the Trumperor go to prison for treason. They've been taking money from Russian backed anonymous LLCs and shell companies for decades. The NRA has been laundering money for Russian oligarchs since at least 2011. Now they will do anything to get away with it even if it means destroying democratic institutions in this country and sacrificing democracy itself. Kavanaugh has made it amply clear he will vote to overrule any limits on presidential authority. He has gone on record saying that presidents should be immune from prosecution for criminal activity and civil liability. This is all about stopping the Mueller train. The case is on the October docket. We will know soon enough.

    The very strange case of two Russian gun lovers, the NRA, and Donald Trump
    Viswamitra, Laks09 and MalStrom like this.
  4. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    How about we start here? Assuming every worst case scenario plays out, what then? Where do we go from there? Fewer than 30% Americans vote in midterm elections. Can we realistically hope that this apathetic, or tamed as Dr S put it, citizenry will stand up for itself? What will a handful of protests garner, except a high likelihood of being murdered by an uber militarized police force? I don't see a Gandhi or a King stepping up to lead a mass civil resistance. Susan Collins' doublespeak this morning was terrifying. It felt like she had been prepped by the Ministry of Truth. Not only are they liars and criminals, they have mastered the art of gaslighting their followers -- stoking white grievance with their anti-feminist, anti-minority rhetoric. They even managed to turn anti-fascist into a pejorative! Hitler would be so proud.

    Most of us lead privileged upper class lives and we will probably be safe in our microcosms for a while, but unless something changes, gradually and silently our rights and freedoms will be chipped away. My question is if we do wake up to an Orwellian nightmare one morning, what are our choices?
    Viswamitra likes this.
  5. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    We will pick up the pieces and move on. We have a country to go back to. I worry for those who don't have a place to go to. Those who are truly stuck here.
    Viswamitra and Gauri03 like this.
  6. troubledmom

    troubledmom Gold IL'ite

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    I don’t know.

    But that day is much nearer than you think. The precipitous way this country has deteriorated in just 2 years is proof. the resistance to this guy was so energized and mobilized but they just spit in their face and showed them the middle finger and said they are gonna do it anyway... that is extremely worrying. Where is all that frustrated energy and fury gonna go? How will it expend itself? For expend it must. Already we had street fights and demonstrations between anti fa and far right last year but that was confined mostly to college campuses. Now it is worse. People are still quiet because they believe in rule of law and elections and still believe they are gonna be able to ‘vote the bums out’ but that will be proved one way or another in a month. It will be here soon enough. Let us see.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  7. ragnarok

    ragnarok Senior IL'ite

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    I wouldn't be so sure. The country has moved on too , to some extent, that it won't always be a warm welcome to workforce or other such things.
  8. troubledmom

    troubledmom Gold IL'ite

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    Maybe I misunderstood. Are you looking to get involved? You have made references to apathy before also but that is not true. They do resistance and protest differently here. And there is very much an active resistance look at the Obamacare fight, M ban, women’s march etc. Thing is people here do it in a more civilized considerate way so lives of regular working people isn’t disrupted. So we don’t have situations like so frequent back home where you can’t even get to work or school in the morning because of some bandh or strike blocking traffic. We still led a normal life for last 2 years because of this, inspite of all the protests.
    Indivisible is a nationwide group you can google for nearest one in your city and contact them. You can sign up for as much or as little involvement as you like. Or as fits with your schedule. Could be just making a few calls every week to more active hands on organization and protests. There are other groups too depends on what is your special interest like environment etc.
    Right now all the energy is into the midterms but these are also all active.
    Gauri03, Laks09 and Viswamitra like this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    When questioned about the great success stories of the people of Indian origin dominating the information technology world, Sam Pitroda, the former adviser to the Prime Minister on technology mission responded, "The Indians are the best in accepting changes and very well suited to the ever-changing conditions be it economic, social, political, business, technology and many others. They neither resist nor desist. They adapt and integrate."

    Back in India, post independence, we remained a nonaligned socialistic nation by blindly following the advice of the Nehru family. We had 25 year treaty with the communist nation. We listened to the dictate of the world bank and formed an open market economy in 1991 and welcomed capitalistic principles into the country. Prior to that, we allowed the British who came to sell tea through East India company to conquer our nation. The resistance came in the form of Sathyagraha/Non-cooperation movement without any force. Prior to that we have let Moguls to invade India and rule for several years. Alexander the Great conquered India as well. Our tolerance dates back to thousands of years.

    Laks09 likes this.
  10. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    The problem with all the resistance and opposition is that it is largely in the blue states that anyway won't vote for Trump. It won't matter if 10 million more people vote for the Democrat next time if Trump is able to replicate his electoral formula.
    Laks09 likes this.

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