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Pandigai Naal...festival Day...normal Day

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by peartree, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Very nice write up madam.In Chennai we have the same paraphernalia as in olden days.Nothing has changed.The same maavilai, preparing dough, making choppus. my son, now 45, living in US, had been fond of making dough cups even when he was 7.He would do it so fast, count his scores and demand the same number of modhaks from me.
    Now we two live here seeing each other's face thinking of children who have flown away.
    Ganesh is ever charming.

    Jayasala 42
    kaniths, Viswamitra, Laks09 and 3 others like this.
  2. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    I remember walking with my Dad to select the clay Ganesha. A very difficult task, because all the Ganeshas looked good.

    Most of all this song is the one I miss here. I forgot to mention this in my first feedback. So yesterday the first song I played early morning was this one:
  3. coolmum

    coolmum Silver IL'ite

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    Dear @peartree wonderful write-up! When I read the line... tears are threatening to spill out...I was in tears, literally. And overwhelmed with happiness when your daughter stepped in :) Living in the far away land I wish I could do the same. Hope my kid would follow the same rituals which we are following now.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. PavithraS

    PavithraS Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi @peartree - This indeed is one of those straight from the heart posts. My belated wishes to you on the occasion of our most favorite Ummachi's birthday :)

    Hmmm... tense indeed.

    Aha ! There vaporizes your fears about how the coming generations are going to preserve the age old traditions and customs! Sometimes I too feel like there is a huge burden over my shoulders to preserve and teach my young one the deep rooted traditions of our culture, be it a simple pooja or an elaborate festive celebration. And then when my child, after the daily bath routine comes and stands in front of the altar reciting Chinna Chinna slokams, it strengthens my hope and confidence about the future generation.

    My take on this (handing over traditions) is to follow Bagwan Krishna's words, "Do your duty (follow your non intrusive/non offensive traditions and customs to your heart's content) without expecting anything in return (do not worry what is to happen after our departure). Fortunately the way of life you and me are following, like many others who have responded to this post of yours above, has been there from time unknown, is being practiced with or even without deep understanding, and shall continue to be around for many many ages to come. To ensure that, all we have to do is practice (continuing the customs) before we preach (expecting our children to follow). As long as we are perseverant about this, there is nothing to worry. All is well :)

    Thank you for this post !
    Viswamitra, Amica, periamma and 3 others like this.
  5. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    @peartree - I miss my childhood so much this week! I had called and the overwhelming sensation of Ganesha's processions in the background, made me miss home so much. The loudspeakers inviting us to various street's Ganesha pandal, the competition between the guys on whose Ganesha is the best, them coaxing us to go visit their Ganesha, the festivities at home, Mom's concentration when she's chanting the various mantrams, her modaks that I can never seem to match and the beautiful merging of celebrations at home and outside! Those are the things that we can never replicate.

    I told my DD that it was Ganesha Chaturthi yesterday and she responded in kind(missing India and friends and the way we had these community celebrations). I'm glad my DD got to experience it all first hand for a few years, experiences that she seems to have cherished. Her friends have been sending her pictures of the festivities and she is yearning to be there. Gives me hope for the future. Maybe kids will do whatever they can in their own small way!

    Thanks for the write-up. It sums up the sentiments of most of us away from home during the much-awaited pandigai days.
    kaniths, Viswamitra, Amica and 2 others like this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @peartree

    Beautiful write up and like @kkrish wishes I do also hope that Ganesha removes obstacles for our future generations and like @Laks09 mentions, your post sums up the sentiments of most of us away from home during the festival days. Having kids a little older than yours, I also feel that just I feel they have come to appreciate the importance of these festivals to me, it is time for them to fly away from the nest. I hope they will continue at least pausing for a moment on these special days thinking of how important it was to their mom :) Oh well, like you have so beautifully written all we can do is continue to do what we know best, take delight in little moments like the one your daughter you gave you and live cheerfully. Despite all that we go through, i know we are doing the right thing and when I meet a local parent at school, wishes for the festival and hopes that a national holiday to celebrate at least one of our festivals may not be far off, it makes my days and makes me extremely hopeful.

    Happy Ganesh Chathurthi!
  7. troubledmom

    troubledmom Gold IL'ite

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    Very nice writeup.

    Though I have been celebrating this and our other festivals for many years I could never understand the ‘what’s the big deal’ attitude of spouse and kids which I tried to overcome by frantically trying to recreate ever more elaborate preparations each year.

    But when I read your writeup it clicked in my head - for me it was a festival day, for them it was a normal day. For this insight alone which you mention in passing you get a big thumbs up!
    Laks09 likes this.
  8. peartree

    peartree Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you, @MalStrom :) Slipping thtrough hands like fine sand is such a beautiful way to put it. One of the things I was so particular about when I was getting married was that my spouse be from the same socio-cultural background as me, so that we would be in agreement on the values and practices I consider important. How naieve I was at 24 :)
    candidheart and MalStrom like this.
  9. peartree

    peartree Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you @KrishnaPriya3 ! Love your name... I was just telling my daughter the other day about a ragam Shanmukhapriya and was telling her what the various Priyas - Krishna, Vishnu, Rama etc. meant :)

    It's been over a decade now, and the feeling never goes away!!
    KrishnaPriya3 likes this.
  10. peartree

    peartree Platinum IL'ite

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    I know :-( Even regular days after family leaves is hard to get by. Whenever parents or in-laws leave to go back, we take a good week or 2 to come back to normal. We get used to them being with us so easily, that when they leave, the house feels to empty!! Festival days only make it harder.
    shravs3 and candidheart like this.

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