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Mil ?!?!?!?

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by DKI, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. DKI

    DKI Platinum IL'ite

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    My husband and MIL have been having issues for many years now. He especially became upset with her when FIL was in hospital for a few days in December. MIL refused to go to the hospital saying it was not "convenient" She got irritated with him for having a special diet which she needed to cook. (they used to cater food from outside daily, but after this she had to cook for him).

    We have NEVER asked her to babysit, infact she has never even carried my son, even as a baby. All we ask is that she take care of her own things. I leave home at 6.30 and come back by 6 or even later some days. She won't eat food cooked the day before. And won't cook herself. There is no way I can cook and leave prior to 6.30. Is it ideal to have to leave so early? No. But everybody has situations, and mine is that my job is far away. This past week husband has been at home. She told him very clearly that if she wants she will cook and eat. Not to expect her to cook for him. Tell me, which mother says that to her son, young or grown up? When I get home from work I say hello and smile. She never smiles back and immediately says "why are you late/ why did you not call / I never ate anything / I never slept" All this even before I have kept my bag down.

    When my FIL passed away, I knew as a DIL it is my duty to care for her. I knew that this is a loss that you cannot overcome easily. But when she says she wasted so many years of her life being his wife, and that the biggest mistakes in her life were getting married and having DH as a son, it hurts. If it hurts me, just imagine how much it will hurt DH. She tells me "One day you will also be in my situation. Let us see how you handle it" Is this really something a woman tells? Basically killing off her own son!

    She refuses to speak to DH and my son. To me the only time she will talk is to ask what is being cooked. Or to complain about my cooking. Everybody has a limit, and I am really reaching mine.
  2. sindmani

    sindmani Platinum IL'ite

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    Ur mil is depressed or sad now . does shw watch tv programs. Hope she diverts her mind in something that makes her happy like watching good programs in tv or YouTube , reading stuffs that interests her .
  3. DKI

    DKI Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes. We have tamil channels on TV here. I also collect tamil magazines for her from the temple or my friends if they have any. Her time pass right now is calling India and talking to all the relatives.
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  4. sindmani

    sindmani Platinum IL'ite

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    Hope she is happy with all this. She has to stop thinking of her past . but her age is such that she won't like us advising.
  5. deepthyanoop

    deepthyanoop Gold IL'ite

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    Dear OP,
    This is a tough time for the whole family. Please dont pay attention to her mindless and hurtful talks. Let her talk whatever she wants. Instead of agreeing or consoling her, you just nod to all her talks. Maybe she just need a listening ear.Act like you are listening but at the same time don't take it to heart. I know it is not easy.. Hugs to you dear... This too shall pass..
    sindmani likes this.
  6. BhumiBabe

    BhumiBabe Platinum IL'ite

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    I think that she is clinically depressed and may actually need counseling. She is currently, very unhappy, unmotivated to feed herself, unrooted with only a phone connecting her to people. This is tough even for people who have their spouses with them.
    In India, there are specific processes to help a person mourn, but it's not possible to replicate that in a foreign country.
    You may not have much power to take her for counseling, but definitely bring this up with your husband. There are counselors who are willing to communicate via skype and FaceTime.
    Amica and sindmani like this.
  7. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    If she is like this now, I mean after the death of your FIL, then she may be clinically depressed.
    Almost all these symptoms clearly says that she needs urgent medical attention.
    Not just mourning or sharing her sadness helps. No amount of empathy or sympathy can cure a clinically depressed patient, unless he/she sees a professional.
    So, discuss this with your H, and do the needful. Her willingness shouldn't be mattered here. Because, she is anyway not in a right position to give her consent here.
    Sometimes, we should treat them like kids. Remember, how we take our toddlers for vaccination.
    Of course by force, and against their willingness.. but the intention is good. This is very similar to that.

    However, if your MIL is like this forever, then there is no point of wondering about depression. Perhaps, she has become too negative with this new marital status.
    Some very negative, moody and problematic people do exist. It is our fate, that we happen to be their relatives.

    In this case, it is best to ignore them.
    As long as she is able bodied, and she has access to all the needful facilities, then let her be.
    Don't bother about her lunch and dinner. Don't bother whether she is happy or not. Don't bother whether she thinks high about you or not.
    Just cook for her like how you would cook for the rest of your family.
    Give access to those magazines and TV shows if possible.
    Let her be free to chose what to watch, whom to interact with, etc.. and always be helpful whenever she is in need.
    The rest should be left at that....
    Since your H is in your side, you don't have to bother much about this negative/depressed person much.
    Just accept her , and move on
    sindmani and shreepriya like this.
  8. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Op,your mil has been like this for ever.
    It is time you started treating her like a normal family member.
    Stop catering to her needs 24/7.Stop making her the centre of your life. Don't stop your normal routine to cater to unreasonable expectations.
    Give her the tools and let her work on her life .
    sindmani likes this.
  9. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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    @DKI, It is odd, her behaviour. Not just after your FIL passed away but even from before. He interactions with your FIl, your DH and her grandson, all.

    Just sharing - An acquaintance realised his mom was on high functioning Autism spectrum range. She was working woman too. All thru child hood and even as a young man, he felt his mom was different, he told he couldnt feel her love, she was so different. He missed that affection and he is pissed off at her. He is an independent person, and move away as soon as he got scholarships to study overseas. It was after his nephew was diagnosed as autistic and seeing his nephew's behaviour, interacting with him, he realised his mum was at emotional levels quite like him. And slowly her actions, her coldness started to make sense to him. he still cant forgive her, but he knows she cant help it.

    Just a line of thought...
    sindmani likes this.

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