Social Isolation In Usa

Discussion in 'Return to India' started by delmed, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Are you back to India sammygirl?how do you like it there now?
  2. NA1024

    NA1024 New IL'ite

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    Hi eveyone,

    Feeling lonely, sad and down may all be symptoms of thyroid problem.
    Depression is easily confused by many; i too, coming from a big family, thought i was missing India, and lonely. When, situation got worse, due to life and living abroad and stress..i did go to get a health check up. I had thyroid issues and now feel much better.

    Also, i you do want o meet people, google people meet who have similar interests and connect with one another. I found a bhagwad gita class like that. Hope this helps. Another, way is to volunteer at retirement home; when we are sharing our time with elderly they really make us feel so good. It is a win win situation. Just my thoughts..
    penpaal likes this.
  3. poovai

    poovai Platinum IL'ite

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    There are some who may prefer the needed social isolation from India. Time after time, only intention of relatives were 'money', how much I can get from her, this time? Due to lack of moral support and love even when I am with them, made me feel very sad. My son who was watching the ordeal for year after year... told me (many years) later, 'Ma, they are not happy to see you' heart ached, why I failed to see that, instead I was bending backwards to please them with more money during my visits. I am extremely sad to the core, every time after I visited India, it takes many weeks to recover from it.

    What can I say, some are very lucky to have loving parents/siblings in their life. For some reason, I feel like 'rejected' from their life from the beginning. As they say, 'sutta mannu otathu' (meaning, cannot reuse burnt clay for remaking mud pot), it is hard to mend a broken heart. Only time is the healer!

    Lately, so much news about ' Tamilnadu Amma J.' and imagine, how she would have led her entire life in isolation, and looking for that motherly love, she missed? But lived the life of 'Iron lady'....till the end or did it take away her life by the betrayal of whom she may have trusted the most?

    -- Just my rambling
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
    anika987 and joylokhi like this.
  4. smriths

    smriths New IL'ite

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    Absolutely, TOTALLY feel you, sister! It is crazy, how being with family still leaves you quenching for that familiarity you are so used to. I feel the same way every time I go back to the states. But I asked myself, why exactly do I feel this way and how can I possibly reduce it. One of the best ways is keeping in constant touch, I call my mother like 4 times a week, and skype them whenever time permits. I try not to think much about the food, but go to some nice indian restaurants if I do. These are small things that really matter to me, and make a big difference :) Give it a go. Oh, and first off, maybe tell your husband about your homesickness. Your family will be the best medicine to shoo away that homesickness.

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