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Am Married, Other Guy Likes Me A Lot,please Help!

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by Belovedsister, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. coolgal123

    coolgal123 Platinum IL'ite

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    This man just wants to have some cheap fun with you on chat or real....you have fallen for his cheap flirty ways...dont ever do the mistake to think that he is in love with you......block him asap....if he still find way to trouble you, just inform your family members that he is stalking you ...he is just a cheap guy, having fun with gullible girls, dont come into his talks....
  2. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    Op, Initially I thought this one is a troll. I hope this is real.
    If it is real, sorry to say that, you have already contributed to this situation.
    I don't think a good man will talk this way to a lady. You have somehow encouraged him to continue this non-sense. You should have stopped him from the beginning from these kind of talks. He might have guesses that you are enjoying these talks to some extent. Look like you are vulnerable. These kind of bad persons target and test their victim this way. If they bend they black mail and use them. So please don't send or responds to his calls or texts . They are evidence against you.
    Hope you are not too late. (1) block phone number from text, whatsup and other similar applications. (2) if you see him and approach, just neglect. if he still persuade you , say not interested in this talk and walk way (3) try not to meet this person and avoid all those kind of situations. (4) if nothing works, inform your husband about it. Only you can face and get out of this this situation. Dont worry about what he feel by these actions.
    Your life is precious, save it. Good luck
  3. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Op....just checked your other threads.Your husband is a bloody cheat who cheats on his wife when she goes for delivery.I hope the effing cheat is more understanding of this stuff.
  4. Belovedsister

    Belovedsister Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi dear friends, thanks a lot for taking time to read and for kind and honest replies!

    First of all this is not a troll , this is the situation am going through and i have posted here coz i always get honest advices here, i love this forum though am not very active here!

    @yellowmango : yeah my dh cheated me but after that he was sorry for that and has sworn on my daughter that he will never ever think of cheating me again and wants only me in his life!

    I cant tell this to my DH coz he might start fight with him and eventually my name will get spoiled! and to top this my mil will put more oil to this fire.. and i dont want all this!

    The guy told me that he slept with his gfs while explaining that he is not behind me coz of lust and he already has so many girls for that and he swears upon all Gods and his mother that he loves me more than anything and no one else in this world will love me more than him. he has bought new sim just to text me and no one else has that num he told. He tells me that he deletes the chat every time and he sends screen shot of the cleared chat.i never encourage him, even he shows my chat to any1 there wont be a single romantic kind of word there. i almost always try to make him understand that what he is doing is not right! he says he knows that ,his mind understand but his heart doesnt. and he starts crying!
    i dont know why sometimes my heart believes his words and i feel so bad for him and feel bad for me as well. May be bcoz i always wanted/prayed that someone loves me the way he tells he loves me. i dont know whether he is telling truth or not,
    i know i understand that a good man will never talk this way to a lady!
  5. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Op...guys like him con women like this and then blackmail them into doing what they want.
    Just block him and don't entertain him.
    If you see him,just ignore like you don't know him.
    If he persists ,then threaten him with police action.
    Op....this guy is just trapping you.
  6. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    OP, please block him or change your number. He is a very cunning person. He is trying to test you in every possible way. He said he has slept with many. How did you react to that. That itself says a lot about his character. Have you spoken in detail about your husband and family to him. See how he is progressing. First hi bye then romance and all other stuff. He is checking how far he can go on with you. Stop it immediately or your life will be spoiled forever.
    He would have said the same things that he told you, to all the other girls who slept with him.

    Be firm in your mind and understand that he is a big cheat and that you are going to fall into a big trap. Tell him that your husband is having your phone n SIM as he has doubts on you. So not to call again.
    Is he a close friend of your husband. How he got your number?
    nakshatra1, IniyaaSri and anika987 like this.
  7. dsmenon

    dsmenon Gold IL'ite

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    Just read the first few responses and everyone has advised you the same. I repeat BLOCK HIM.. This will just create issues for you in the future and you don't have to feel bad for some stranger who did not eat because you did not speak to him. Let him not eat. how do you care?
    nakshatra1 and anika987 like this.
  8. SRK123

    SRK123 Silver IL'ite

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    Dear OP
    All we can do is give you suggestions online. you are the one to decide what to do with life.. So many of us have same opinion.. just give it a thought.. you dont want more mess in your life.. This is not called love.. Its danger dressed up as love.. please beware and save your life.. and i personally know this kind of people they go to any length to achieve what they want.. what is it that he loves, he barely knows you, he saw you and started loving you.. so now you know what he loves about you.. and what you are doing is wrong.. initial stages of cheating
    nakshatra1 and anika987 like this.
  9. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Well everyone has advised you enough.You are a grown up woman with a 4 year old and not some naive teen falling for seducing words.

    Let us assume even if he is a very good human being,why do you want to have a relationship with him even via text?He is not your friend or brother etc.

    The output of this relationship is no good.If you are still willing to go ahead despite all of our warnings,sad to say go ahead and find out for yourself what you will be getting into.

    All of us are not trying to convince you here,we are telling the fact.If you expect an answer from someone here to be OK with the relationship,you will not get one.

    We really hope you change your heart and block him out of your life.
    nakshatra1 and guesshoo like this.
  10. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    OP. When the person we love the most cheats on us (like your husband did), our hearts break a million pieces.
    Consider this, an educated and an orthodox woman like you even entertaining him is not surprising at all to me. Perhaps you were trying to prove (to yourself) that there are people out there who desire you when all else falls apart (like your husbands cheating)? It is a natural reaction for many. Trying to prove that you are still attrcative and desirable. However, this is going to cost you your relationship with your husband. You have forgiven his infidelity and you moved on. Your husband will not let this go. Sooner or later this will come to light.

    Sincere suggestion is you send a text saying not to expect any more messages/calls from you. After that, block him out of your phone and mind. You are taking comfort in the fact the he likes you. He doesnt like you. He just want to get between your legs (bluntly put). Do not fall for his words.

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