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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. surekhap

    surekhap Platinum IL'ite

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    viswa sir, thank you for the great write up.
    @jayasala madam thank you for the thought provoking feedback .

    After reading this two posts my mind went through a lot of introspection, and many questions araised that needed to be answered.

    According to the viswa sirs snippet " I" refers to the soul but not the body and all the relations and worldly pleasures are related to the body but not to the real "I" which is the soul.

    According to jaya madam though we know the truth we can't ignore the relations and worldly attachments.

    My mind went to a lot of questioner and finally came to some conclusions, i don't know to which extent that is right, but i would like to share it h ere.

    spirituality means to know that the "god" is the ultimate, he is the thought he is the act , he is the truth, he is the false , he is every thing.

    He is "I" and he is "you". we think that we who decide to be good or bad , but i real we are just the puppets in the hand of the ultimate, whether we chose to be good or to be bad he is the one who decides it . The soul what we call the real "I" is nothing but the god himself.

    In bhagvat geeta it is said that i am the culprit and I am the victim. He is the hero and he is the villain. Its our foolishness that we think through our good deeds our soul can be liberated or united with the ultimate. The truth is the soul it self is the god the ultimate.

    Knowing the truth and believing it self is the liberation . once we believe it we know that we are just the characters directed by the ulitmate power and we have to do what he decides. We are just "nimithra mathras"

    waiting for the further discussion to what extent it is right.
  2. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Surekha,
    We may be just "Nimittha mathras", I agree. But should we not use our discretion when doing something and think if it is right or not? I think we should. Ultimate result we do not know. But we should think.Otherwise everyone would think they are Nimittha matras even if they do wrong knowingly saying they are puppets in the hands of God. So what I feel is that JS madam is right in saying that we can't ignore the relations and worldly attachments (it does not mean Viswamitra is wrong, he is also right)....thinking of a naive person (me).
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  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear jskls,

    Thank you for your response. As Smt.Jayasala mentioned, it is not my formula and it is based on Adwaitha philosophy taught by many saints in the past. I just reduced it into an equation that is easily understandable. That is all.

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  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Ramya,

    Thank you for your second response. I am glad to see you have chosen a path to develop unconditional love and that is a great start. I struggle a lot but as you say the first step has to be to review our actions and understand where we failed to show unconditional love.

  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Balajee,

    It is a nice thought. Interestingly, Ramya and I were in a similar conversation about how to have universal brotherhood and love for everyone without any discrimination. The purpose of all religions is to tie the followers to universal love and understand that all are one. Unfortunately, the practitioners didn't recognize it resulting in intolerance, hatred and rage against each other.

  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Surekha,

    Smt.Jayasala in her response only said that a thought that it is possible alone would help answer the question, "Who am I?" She mentioned that it is not practical for everyone to engage in contemplation of "Who am I?" simultaneously to fulfilling the responsibilities to spouse and children. Therefore, she suggested it would be an ideal formula for those who struggle to just do their duty without hurting others. She also mentioned that salvation is not reserved only for select few and eventually every soul would achieve it. She only mentioned some practical difficulties and she never said that we are only puppets in the hands of God doing good or bad.

    She only talked about residual auspicious and inauspicious impressions encrypted based on our past actions. God also has given free will for humans to pursue the path that they would like to proceed. They can either decide to experience their Karma and move on towards salvation or continue the cycle of birth and death. Will of the Lord prevailing eventually is about the results of the actions and not actions itself. In Bhagavad Gita, when Arjuna was asking a question whether he is committing a sin by killing his relatives especially when they need help to understand dharma, Bhagavan responded by saying sometimes it is the grace of the Lord that releases such people from further sins as they understand what is dharma but fail to practice it.

    Our life objective is to become a better person at the end of each life. Our good conduct and good actions help us remove our bad thoughts. Habits die hard and therefore if one practices good conduct, it creates indelible impression.

    I believe I answered your question with the best of my ability with my limited knowledge and I leave it to Smt. Jayasala to explain more.

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  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    You are very correct. "Jantunam narajanmam dhurlabum" said Adi Sankara meaning, "it is very rare to get human birth". Human beings are the only species that has the discriminating faculty to eliminate all our sins and merge with the divinity in us. Intellect is given to the human being to discriminate right from wrong.

    Manobhava of observing the relationship/friendship and attachments knowing divinity in us also resides in others as well gives a totally different perspective.

  8. surekhap

    surekhap Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear @syamala1234 and viswa sir, i think i didnot put my feeling in that correct way .
    I didn't mean that we should justify our bad act saying that we are nimmitha matras .

    let me try once again to put my feelings correctly.

    according to my knowledge spirituality says that every soul which is present in every living being is nothing but the god himself. Once we accept the truth there will be no good or bad, as once we achieve that stage of understanding we understand that "I" and "you" are the same. as we can't think of harming our selves we cant harm others.

    there will be no discrimination like poor, rich, intelligent, ignorant. and there will not be any scope for the worldly emotions like love, hate, anger, fear.......etc.

    we cant be angry with our right hand for hurting our left hand while cutting vegies, we cant be happy or feel gratitude for the right hand which helped to tie a bandage to the left hand. as we know that both hands are ours . like wise we (all the living beings) are same having common soul which is nothing but the god himself.

    If we are helping others means in a way we are helping ourselves, if we are harming others means we are harming ourselves.

    I think this time i have put forth all my feelings correctly. i don't know how far i have made it clear.

    please make further discussion so that i can modify my thoughts.
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  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Surekha,

    It is clear now what you intended to say. There is nothing more to add to your response above.

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  10. Shina

    Shina Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Viswa sir,

    You have wonderfully and succinctly put such great knowledge in this snippet . Reading your thoughts makes us contemplate and reading our responses motivates you to contemplate further and come up with more beautiful snippets. Hope this cycle continues and we all keep motivating each other to introspect further and move ahead in our individual spiritual journeys.

    This is what i understand from reading various sources. (forgive me if i have misunderstood what i have read or am not making much sense and feel free to correct and guide).

    The body as matter ( prakriti) is constantly changing , its purpose is to house the unchangeable soul albeit only temporarily. The cycle of birth and death keeps repeating until we attain liberation. Just like the waves that keep breaking onto the shore , disappear and reappear in continuous cycle but ultimately they are a part of the ocean.

    We need to have a desire to seek knowledge.But knowledge is almost useless if not utilised into guided action.To gain proper insight and understanding, knowledge needs to be put into practise.Without alert practise liberation cannot occur.

    But we must work our way up in accordance to where we are at currently rather then trying to fit into the ideal way of being straight away. For example, as long as we live under the effect of maya our emotions must be lived on a human level in such a manner that they become purified.

    It is natural for us to feel grief if a loved one dies and trying not to grieve only leads to suppression of our true feelings and it is not natural which leads to imbalance and thus not advisable. Whereas for a realised person it would be natural to not grieve as their attachments are completely destroyed through immense acquisition of knowledge and its practise.

    What i understand is that while immersed in the sea of samsara, one should keep oneself afloat by holding onto right understanding (which comes through seeking the right knowledge ) and try to swim towards the shore of liberation.

    I like the way Adi Sankaracharya has succinctly put in Vivekachudamani that:

    The seed of the Samsara tree is ignorance, identification with the body is its shoot, desire is its first leaves, activity its water, the bodily frame its trunk, the vital forces its branches, the faculties its twigs, the senses its flowers, the manifold pains arising from various actions its fruit, and the bird on it is the individual experiencing them.
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