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A recluse or an eccentric or a future yogi?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by PushpavalliSrinivasan, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Our driver is a young man of around 28/29. I find him very strange from the present younger generation. He is a devotee of Vallalar and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He always keeps talking about Siddhas and yogis. He told me that he doesn't have any bad habits like drinking or smoking, and doesn't eat nonveg or fish and so it was difficult for him to find a bride. Further parents of girls ask him whether he got a house or in a government job. As he is not married house owners are not willing to give house on rent. When I asked for his educational qualification he told me that he studied up to + one.

    During our functions he was conversing with other drivers and all of them branded him as nuts :crazyand advised us not to keep him as our driver. But we did not pay any attention to their advice. He is very punctual and sincere and we can't find any fault in his driving.

    Today he told me that he went to the book-fair yesterday and bought some books. When I asked him what books he bought and for how much. He told that altogether he bought for 150 Rs and some old books sold outside the book-fair and also some new books. When I asked on what subjects he bought, he told me that he bought only spiritual books and Vallalar's teachings.

    He seems to be a man out of the ordinary and very naive. I really pity him and trying to make him understand the world around him. I do not know whether I will be able to persuade him to lead a normal life. As it is nowadays it is very difficult to find a girl even for a well educated and well earning boy. Hence I wonder whether he will be able to get a life partner.

    In the past many people like even Ramana Maharishi and Seshadri Swamigal were branded as mad. Perhaps this man also might become a siddha yogi in future. I pray to the Lord to lead him to the best path that will be suitable for him and to make him happy:) and fulfill his ideals.

  2. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pushpa Ma'am
    During times like these i always believe the quote explaining the essence of the Mhabharatha, said in tamil, "Dharmathin Vaazhvu thannai soodhu kavvum; aanaal dharmam nindru vellum" (Dharma will apparently be swallowed by treachery; but dharma will eventually sustain).

    Ma'am I will join you in my prayers that one young lady will see his values and marry him.
    This post reminded me of another post long ago by Aminroop about one of her friends who is a wonderful person and how many young ladies do not find him a good prospective husband just based on shallow values.

    Also it reminded me of the serial "engey Bhramanan" which shows how a young man who tries to live a true life of a brahmin was ridiculed by society.

  3. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pushpa

    Hope this young man finds the right path in his life....
    Now a days trusting anyone has become so difficult. I shouldn't be saying this, becoz I have not seen the person.
    Is he trying to impress you or is he this way.....
    I know in today's world to find a person with so much of spirituality at such a young age is very difficult.....
    I would like to say just be a bit careful with anyone around.
  4. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear PS ma'm,

    whether he is a yogi or eccentric, one thing is for sure. He is lucky in a way to have found you. How many people would have paused to think about that person's nature and help him fit into the real world? He seems to be doing alright for himself knowing what he wants to do and being on that path and I think he will continue to be okay! It is humbling to see how certain basic characteristics are so inherent. It does make one wonder.
    2 people like this.
  5. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pushpa Mami,

    Reading what you have said, it appears that this is a young man further on his path to his spiritual destiny. Yes, life could not be easy for a young man of this type. There could be two possibilities in this scenario. One, he would continue along this path or he might turn more worldly after a while. Who knows?

    There is a young man whom I know who is absolutely brilliant and excels in his field of work. He has climbed the ladder and is devoted to his job to the point of what we would call an obsession. However, he is very happy doing what he does, he is extremely religious - sometimes to the extent that comes across as strange - he works from early morning to night, going home only to sleep, has not married. He is around 40 now. The best thing he has done is to lead his life the way he wants to and has steadfastly refused to marry - any wife would go crazy if her husband wanted to live like this.

    Anyway, best would be to let your driver be as he is. Let him lead the life that is destined for him.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Mrs. Srinivasan:

    God bless Him with abundance of grace, health and wealth. He is the rarest of rare to have inclinations for topics of this kind at a very young age. Perhaps, he was a rishi in his prior life and came to fulfill some of his wishes. You can keep telling him that one can through right conduct and character can achieve same things one can achieve through austerity. When I read Lahiri Mahasaya's life, I came to know that he was asked to go and lead a life of Samsara by his guru Babaji. I read this book from beginning to end uninterrupted and was in tears many many times during the course of reading it. This book was given to me by an American friend in the US.

  7. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamala,
    So far he didn't even get a full time permanent job. His earnings will not be sufficient to run a family. We also have engaged him on part time basis from morning 10 to 2 p.m. But we are liberal with him and allow him to go early if he gets some driving assignment for 4/5 hours.
    We are just praying that he gets settled either way family or spiritual in life.
    Thanks for joining us in praying for him,
    sindmani likes this.
  8. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aruna,
    Thanks for your concern. He is not trying to impress us. He is genuinely interested in spiritual life and visits some siddha yogis in Thiruvanmiyur. I only wish they are real yogis and not fake ones. He says he daily meditates and he bought a book of Chakras and kundalini yoga and says he is trying to practice.
    Previously he was working for my daughter and she only recommended to keep him as our driver.
    sindmani and Arunarc like this.
  9. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sabitha,
    We are trying our best to help him in whatever way we could. But I am afraid that he will not be able to focus on family life and fulfill the desires of a present generation girl. Of course we can't predict anything and the Lord might be knowing what is good for him.
  10. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Satchi,
    What you have stated is true. He might pursue spiritual path or at a stage might change and opt.for family life.
    He reads only spiritual books and talks about yogis and Vallalar.
    We do not know what is written in his destiny. We only wish him good in whatever he chooses.
    sindmani and satchitananda like this.

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