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Urgent Suggestion needed ..problem with husbands friends wife

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by vaishnavivishnu, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Platinum IL'ite

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    Not a good idea. It should not be Eye for an Eye.
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  2. ppriya182010

    ppriya182010 Gold IL'ite

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    Looks like ur DH's friend's wife knows that ur DH looks at her and seems that she enjoys the attention.

    One of DH's friend's wife was similar way, she was the youngest in the group, she would wear some revealing dress and sit next to other's husbands and touch them while talking. There was once I helped her to wear saree and she told me to wear in a way to show her midriff. I simply brushed off saying I dont know to wear like that. Such are some people! But then my DH hated that girl and they moved to a far off city, so never see them anymore.

    Friends visiting every weekend and stay is just too much. Are they living in different city? Anyway you have to talk to ur DH and try to put some sense into him. Ask him how he would feel if you dress showing cleavage and flirt with his friend. If he doesn't listen, just tell him you are going to talk to his friend.
  3. AS86

    AS86 Silver IL'ite

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    First thing - looks have nothing to do with men cheating. Even Elizabeth Hurley, Halle Berry and Jennifer Aniston's husbands cheated on them. So, don't compare your looks with her.

    Second, stop them from coming over every weekend. Tell your husband to make it once a month or something. Or, like someone else suggested, invite other people over too.

    I am assuming you are in the US. And from your description, it is clear that you can afford help. So, order food from outside for the weekend and get a maid to come clean up. If your husband objects, tell him you can't cook like a slave all weekend as you work during the week and need to relax. For all you know, the heavy expenditure might deter him from having them over every weekend.

    Don't forget that your husband and you are equals. If he wants you to entertain friends, you have the right to decide how you want to do it.

    BTW, it seems quite stupid of your husband to do all this in front of you. He can just as easily do it outside the home, where you are less likely to find out.
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  4. mani22

    mani22 Silver IL'ite

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    keep it up........use ur intelligence mixed with love...after all these r just PASSING CLOUDS
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  5. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Don't become Jaya Bachhan from Silsila. Don't beg and plead with him to love you. Start living with your own interests and happiness in mind. Stop being accommodating and understanding.

    Does your husband know that you are aware of his infatuation with this person? If he does, then tell him in very straight forward language that you will not slog all weekend to entertain his friends. Bring office-work home and tell him you need to get it done otherwise your boss will have your hide. Before your husband invites them, call up and tell them that you will be busy over the weekend because of work. Make your displeasure very very clear. They must get the message that they are not welcome. As to your husband, you need to have an honest talk with him. Ask him to think of how he is betraying not just you, but his own childhood friend, and where he thinks this will all lead to.
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  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Some good suggestions above - bring work home, call other friends, order food from outside.

    Try those and also - suggest that you guys go over to their place one weekend. Or, just go out of the house.

    It might seem counter-intuitive to go out of the house and leave your DH, that lady and her clueless DH at home, but they might get tired of each other's company with no one around to serve them. Come back earlier than you say you will, and walk in and surprise them. Then, walk out, saying, "Oh, I just came by to drop off .. and go to the bathroom...." :)

    I am thinking a "talk" with your husband is not going to help much as you have already tried that. If you do talk on this topic, avoid the "dramas,huge cries of mine and fightings". Speak calmly, forcefully and less emotion and nagging. Use silence effectively. Pause after asking a question. Keep the question simple. Make eye contact as you wait for an answer. If he changes topic, repeat the simple question. If he gets up and goes away, wait where you are. If he doesn't come back, the next time you see him, repeat the simple question. If he still doesn't answer it, tell him what you will have to assume from his not answering the question.
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  7. sweetypi

    sweetypi Platinum IL'ite

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    Hey OP,
    For some time, cool off. Don't fight, cry, argue or beg. :notthatway:In particular, don't accuse anybody, it'll only lead to protestations of innocence by your DH and defence of the virtuous female friend:)hide:). You can try inviting a relative or close friend of yours the next time such a plan is afoot. You can also grumble to your SIL or co-sister (, if you are on good terms with them, in your hubby's presence) about so-and-so's lazy wife who is happy to spend weekends at your place but will not lift a finger to help you, and how tired you are managing work and home and guests (whose general demeanour makes you uncomfortable )...Or invite your PILs/parents to stay with you (if it's a feasible option). It sometimes helps to tactfully introduce a close family member preferably from the DH's side into the situation :) . From my experience, it works if you can convey to the outsiders that your extended family is aware/will soon be aware of the dynamics of this set-up, and more so, they will soon be eye-witness to the goings on :boo: If it works, you can repeat the dosage :cheers Just be watchful that these friends don't milk your DH for money/favours etc . In the worst case, spill the beans about your awkwardness (with some drama thrown in) to your family elders. Play the hardworking, virtuous wife, not the jealous one ...Good luck
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  8. Decentguy

    Decentguy New IL'ite

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    Don't stereotype, not all Men are like your husband

    Welcome to Indus Ladies by the way !!

    Few things do not make sense to me in your story but I will keep that to myself. I just have one question, What is that friend's husband's stand in this? Is he aware what is going on?
  9. vidukarth

    vidukarth Platinum IL'ite

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    start behaving cold with them. Give them hints that since both of you are working, we hardly get time and that is only on weekends. Cook up a story, that you have a colleague, who hardly gets time during weekends, because of her husband bringing friends every weekend.
    Once you start talking rudely like this, at least then her husband would get a hint and may stop their visits.
    Also, have another friend, whom these folks may not even know, to call you for dinner on a weekend, in their presence. Talk to her saying that you hardly get 2 days, and want to spend time with your hubby and need privacy and some rest.
    If their visits stops after this, don't forget to keep an eye on your hubby to ensure he is not interacting with that lady. If it still continues, talk about it openly to your hubby and that lady saying, you will reveal it to her husband.
    Good luck and hope everything gets back to normal.
  10. Decentguy

    Decentguy New IL'ite

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    Bingo !! One of my doubt...

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