How To Handle The Situation Stress Free

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Janakinarne, May 29, 2022.

  1. Janakinarne

    Janakinarne Gold IL'ite

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    I already posted about my baby thumb sucking habbit who is 2yrs and 6months old and tried every possible way..and some how i succeeded in that and she stopped thumb sucking neatly 80%,no sucking during slp time and in slp als,even she was not tempted als..
    She just talk in her world and she wil play a while and she sing rhymes and sleeps in the mid of it...even she never mind am i listening or not als..
    And if she wants to suck she wil asks me can i for a minute for that I wil say s and when i ask her to take out she wil ..
    But all of sudden from past 10days she started sucking habbit back and more than previous...and now she was avoiding me for everything and going to there gparents room and spending there because they won't say anything even if she sucks also...i told them to not allow her even though they won't care about my words and encouraged her by hiding her under a blanket...
    Now she even don't want to see me als because I won't allow her to do it...
    Going too frustrated with the situation and all my stress was showing on her due to that she was choosing them..they won't give bath nor feed her...
    How to handle the situation with out spoiling the relation with my baby ..she is 2years and 6months old ....
    Already her upper teeth came forward dur to her finger sucking habbit..and her father just asks onl me to stop the habbit and never tel his parents not to allow her...
    Thyagarajan likes this.

  2. 1Sandhya

    1Sandhya Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi OP,
    Be it thumb sucking or potty training, the process involves back and forth. This is normal and natural. First the kids try the new activity, it seems to be going great, then suddenly they will regress. This happens not just once but a few times before they finally completely transition. How we react when they regress is also important. If we become insistent or push them they turn stubborn leading to frustration.
    The only thing in your hands is your reaction to all this. First understand process will take few months if not years. So dont insist or overreact whenever she regresses. Just observe and gently tell her not to do. If she refuses don't get angry or shout. Your daughter is very young. At her age they want what they want in that moment and wont listen. She may not even understand the reasons till she's a little older. So for now just make sad face if she insists so that she understands this is not something you prefer. Observe to see what triggered her need to self soothe in this way and try to tackle those things.
    This is just your insecurity. All children know clearly Mom is Mom and others are others. Her leaving your side to spend more time with other family members is very age appropriate. It means she feels quite secure and it means you have done a good job giving her that security. Nothing will happen to her teeth. Don't worry. Next time your husband mentions it, tell him nicely that everyone in the family should discourage her then only she will listen, you are only one amongst four.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thin Smear baby thumb with castor oil would do the miracle.
    When my daughter had the same habit, we did employ this method and it was a success. And a month later, tonsure of her head was made at our village temple and then her habit of thumb sucking totally stopped.
    Janakinarne likes this.
  4. Janakinarne

    Janakinarne Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks alot for your reply.... actually till last 3months i never bother much about her habbit and i just ignored how much my husband insisted me to stop...bexause she used to do that onl during her nap time and some times when she was watching rhymes,if i say no she immediately removes the thumb,but the habbit was becoming more from past 2months and she was not showing much intrest in playing als,always wants to slp beside some one and she need my hand if she wants to suck,anywhere just skin to skin touch to her .and her gparents always wil b on there bed by watching utube and they just wants she not to distrub them so they happily allow her ...and when she was with me i keep on saying not to or try to distract her if am free ..
    So she was choosing them to fi the job and crying her lungs out even to enter our's just broken my heart and am trying my best to help her but all my trails are failing because of them ...
    The main reason before is that she afraid if some new people came to house especially gents,she happily play with kids or teens and used to put her finger and now she was not afraid of anyone but she won't go near them but happily plays around..
    Ya it's true am feeling insecure if she was not with me even am tired pretty much happy if she goes to someone even i need a break but the thought wat she was doing there just poke my stress levels and can't able to balance them..
    And how much i say they are giving cool drinks to her today in my absence and when she was just taking a sip i went and saw ,and they are saying she was not having,i just scolded my baby because I can't do anything more ...and again after 2 hrs whn they are having drink my Abby asking them and am in kitchen works and they are signaling her not to cry or speak loud,and she was also stopped and asking in very low voice ,i just came out and saw and out of frustration i told her don't learn this type of thief things in the life to her ...and my mil got angry with those words and said to her don't learn your momma saying na...
    Wat i can do ,whn there is zero help from them and am trying to do the job but they are making the things more worse,
    And again she cried and went to them a days every situation was turning in reverse and am they are taking my kid to them...
    Before she always wants me ..even if i scolds als she used to hug me and with me only ,now she don't want me for anything..
    Even am unable to give her gud time due to works at home and due to my stress...
    All to gether she was doing it more and more even whn i say no...she was doing it just to poke me sometimes,
    Hope the phase wil pass soon..
    Thanks for your reply it's gives me more relief and ideas to handle the situation..
  5. Janakinarne

    Janakinarne Gold IL'ite

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    Helo sir ,
    Can you please explain what is that ... Castrol oil won't cause any problem in babies??
    Plz explain me more about it..hope it wmay works to my baby too
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Just a tiny drop of castor oil smeared on tip of thumb is enough. When she attempts put thumb into the mouth the castor smell will dissuade her from that act. Otherwise you must try the teething ring. If she still sucks her thumb without thought — rather than as a way to get attention — gently remind her to stop. Don't scold, criticize or ridicule her.

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