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This Happens Better At The In-laws'

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by Rihana, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Timepass thread... A small attempt at positivity.....

    List something that happens or happened better at your in-laws' place compared to your parents' place. Any small or big thing.


  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Family photo sessions...goes or went much smoother at my in-laws' place. All the generations showed up with good cheer and posed happily for the photos. At the end of the shoot, if any phorengi bahu asked for a specific sub-set to be in a photo, the others happily moved away, and took their little ones too. The younger generation could casually insist on the older one changing to a better shirt, and the older one grumbled a bit at the interruption of his/her TV watching but changed soon enough. : )
    sweetsmiley, Amica, Vaikuntha and 6 others like this.
  3. Young@heart

    Young@heart Silver IL'ite

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    Food is definitely better at my inlaws. Not in terms of taste but nutritional value. My mother-in-law will think of a combination every single time that covers most of the nutritional value specifically for kids.

    Whereas at my parents place, taste was given preference above overall nutritional value like chole bhature, bread roll for breakfast.

    A good thread. Makes me appreciate silver linings which i otherwise tend to overlook.
  4. preethignan

    preethignan Silver IL'ite

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    In my in laws place whatever the time is they have the habit of eating together by sitting down.Even coffee for that matter they dont drink without each other. I have admired them for that.My mom's place it has never been like that. Also whatever happens they have the transparency of telling each other. No secrets between husband and wife.
    Amica, Lalithambigai, Rihana and 5 others like this.
  5. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Same here.
    Photo sessions happen much smoother.
    My mom has to be in 100 places at same time and it is so difficult to find her during photo time. Dad decides he is not dressed smartly enough ....it is not easy.

    Time flies very slowly at in laws place. So much more activities like shopping ,visiting relatives and friends etc can be crammed up there where as at parents place it is one long relay of chai and meals eaten in the verandah with family gossip sessions . There is very little time to get out of home.
  6. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    [older gen' no more]
    In one in-law's house the four inmates switch to English in my presence. It is their way of including me, even if the conversation is of no relevance to me.
    Amica, Lalithambigai, Rihana and 3 others like this.
  7. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    Rihana, You are sent on IL land to bring out positivity in everyone. This post is definitely welcome !
    I have a long list of things better at in-laws :
    A) positivity for the most part
    B) good food (soft idli’s/ crisp dosas to die for, million chutneys)
    C) Less stress
    D) Humor
    E) Socializing
    F) No gossip
    G) Pretty South Indian sarees and jewelry
    H) Rajni songs on TV :sweatsmile:

    I feel a tinge of guilt as I write this, my mother always says I have turned into a “madrasi”.
    sweetsmiley, Amica, Vaikuntha and 7 others like this.
  8. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice thread. Thanks for starting OP

    1) South Indian tasty foods for sure. My MIL cooks really well, and I could never eat such fresh, soft and crispy varieties even at big vegetarian restaurants in Sri Lanka.
    2) Fresh home cooked meals, including snacks EVERYDAY. Not even a single day we ordered food from outside. Even for parties, MIL chose to cook only.
    3) Gossips, mostly fun and comedy stuff about others, specially when co-sisters are around. We've never got to watch TV or spend time on-line when the whole gang is around. It is so much fun.
    4) Babysitting is yet another advantage, though my kids are now bigger. Earlier, PILs and BIL's family volunteer to take care of my kids ALL the time whenever we go there. I didn't have to worry about kids at their place. Because my kids are the only kids in the family, so there will be 8 adults to look after 2 kids.
    It is not the case when we siblings gather in our place. Every family has minimum 2 kids, and there will be 7-8 young kids altogether. So, the parents, specially the mothers have to keep an eye on the kids always regardless of other works at home.
    4) FIL's knowledge about international affairs and specifically about the work I do.
    This is something I really admire. Because not many people know what kind of a job I do. And it is hard to explain what is UN and what is Human rights and all to the people who have no idea about this sector. Many times, I silently accepted when they say I am a Social worker, sounding as if I am a NGO person or community volunteer. But FIL knows it and he explains it to everyone in his circle; that makes me proud :)
  9. gorgeous23

    gorgeous23 Silver IL'ite

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    for one, at in-laws place, there are many maids so i dont have to do any house work :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: trust me it makes a lot of difference when the DIL is not supposed to slog it out in the kitchen or other house work.
    this makes enjoying the vacations or get together easier.
    the woman folk can go to the market or other place ant time they chose without worrying about who will do the cleaning, what is in dinner or lunch or oh i forgot to pick the dried clothes from outside.
    as compared to that at my parents place, they dont believe in having maids so everybody has to pitch in.
    also, both MIL & FIL have tea, snacks and food together, if one is not around, the other one will wait until the other one arrives. it has never been so at my parents place.
    Amica, Lalithambigai, Rihana and 2 others like this.
  10. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    1. Food - My MIL cooks very good food especially Masala dosas, they are so crispy.
    They are big time foodies.
    2. For mini functions no need to bother about cooking as they will probably look out for a cook.
    3. There are 2 maids so not to worry about the daily chores.
    4. Need not enter kitchen during periods. Should I feel happy for this or sad for they being orthodox?!
    5. More festivals and elaborated pujas are celebrated.
    6. House is at best locality known for parks, famous restaurants etc
    Amica, Amulet, Lalithambigai and 2 others like this.

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