Indus Ladies Observations

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SinghManisha, Sep 20, 2019.

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  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:This I consider best of all the replies well balanced with solid illustration.

    2. Thank you sister. You have guarded in your response both OP & IL as well. HATS OFF TO YOU.

    3. Opposites have to exist for synonyms there are antonyms. So also God & ghost!
    Positive negative. Magic +ve & -ve. Electron proton. Plus minus. Hell heaven

    4. If someone or forum members does not question it is their privilege. I stuck to my opinion or and belief. No one can assail the other or author in arguments.
    Thanks and Regards.
    God are you here or there or everywhere or even nowhere which we are not aware?!
    rachaputi and Anusha2917 like this.
  2. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    Quickly responding to your reply.
    Women burned and killed for dowry etc is because of greedy, inhuman , dysfunctional in laws. It has nothing to do with black magic. In fact, if in-laws think black magic can destroy the DIL, one should be relieved and laugh at their foolishness. Only because, black magic is fake and does not do a thing.
    Ups and downs of life cannot be attributed to others ( in laws included) wishing ill of someone or indulging in black magic. It is a natural course of life.

    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you sunshine ! I cannot remember the last time someone welcomed be back anywhere with so much enthusiasm. :hearteyes:.

    rachaputi, Thyagarajan and Sunshine04 like this.
  4. meVaidehi

    meVaidehi Platinum IL'ite

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    You seem to be so fixed in your thoughts that you are not even trying to consider other side. I have mentioned twice in my reply I don't believe in black magic. Yet I am not 100% certain people don't try doing it. Whether it actually does whats it said to be or not I have no idea. But the ones trying it are vile. They don't just do this one thing and leave it at that. These are likely the kind of people who use every arsenal from taunts, fights, lies, dividing etc. And when the dil knows that the in laws hate her so much that can go to such extreme lengths, she is supposed to laugh at their foolishness? She isn't allowed to be alarmed? Black magic doesn't have to work to make your skin crawl. It could be some random unrelated stuff that has no impact. But the thought that someone can do that to you is disturbing. It takes time to get your bearings and find a way ahead. I could laugh at their foolishness a few months later. Yet they wanted their only son to be childless made me think things over.
  5. ashneys

    ashneys Platinum IL'ite

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    If one thinks god can bless you through your prayers, one should laugh at their foolishness. Because god is fake, n doesn’t do a thing - love, atheist!

    From an atheist point of view, even a normal believer is wrong. Is it right for him to push his belief into the believer to not believe ?

    Or if am an astound believer, should I torture him till he starts believing because ‘how can he not believe in god? It’s god who made him’ :screamcat:

    If one can pray to god for good things,
    is it not possible to pray to the devil for bad things?
    It’s just a general positive / negative question. If good exists, why not bad then ? If god exists, why not the devil ?

    Good or bad about it is your own moral answer, you say it’s morally wrong, it’s accepted. But real or fake is about the belief, telling someone to believe or not believe is wrong.

    When one says I am blessed, many believes, n says ‘so lucky’ ..
    when one says I am cursed, many are like ‘ah ********, he’s just lazy’.

    If one comes n tells me ‘I saw a ghost’ I will probably laugh. If I see one next day, I will go hug my friend n my new friend will laugh at me like I did.
    There are cases where people take the sick to holy places n gets fixed N the hospital couldn’t.
    Or when a big problem got fixed only through holy intervention after trying so hard normally.

    We don’t need to believe all this, Sometimes that’s how things are. Everyone’s beliefs are personal n according to their own personal experience n such experiences like above changes people. Is it right to point finger at them? They believe because they suffered, we wouldn’t know anything about it.

    One believes or doesn’t believe, whatever exists or doesn’t exist isn’t gona change. When it comes to the god n the evil, it’s very personal for each.

    Just because you don’t believe, doesn’t mean it can’t be true as we haven’t seen what they have seen.
    I don’t believe n I don’t have to believe in a lot of these things, I just have to respect the affected’s sentiment n feelings, and acknowledge their hurt n understand they just want to be heard.
    SGBV, gorgeous23, Roar and 3 others like this.
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:From the heart of heart, your followers here - all are unanimous in single voice in welcoming you sister.
    Negative or positive for some, your contribution is valuable always which gleams with substance. I appreciate your unequivocal stands in various issues including the one here. It is pure magic not black!

    Thanks and Regards.
    God- Thanthri & Manthri a way of livelihood for some damaging for some .
  7. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you for chosing to be back here. This forum needs people like you.
    I clearly understand your reasons, and why you have concerns about my posts. In fact, if I am in your shoes, I too would have said the same!.
    So, I don't misunderstand you!!!

    However, your post and repeated responses of others are purely based on misunderstanding only. I would blame myself for being unclear, about this complicated subject.
    Blame my English. As I have mentioned in so many posts in the past, English is not even my 3rd language.
    Apart from both the National Languages of Sri Lanka (In which we must study there), I learnt French as my 3rd language for international studies. English came much later; hence the problems.

    Nevertheless, I still don't know whether BM is there or not. Still awaiting some scientific backing to blindly believe it. These spiritual works are always confusing. You need faith, and you can't prove it.
    However, people being evil, and having evil acts is for real. I've backed this up with evidence; hence posting here.

    All these days, I had doubts only with my PILs, and now with the recent developments I've found a gang of culprits.
    Caught them red handed, arrested them using my influence with the local police, and made them confess the whole story, which was 60% in line with whatever the priest has vaugely mentioned.
    Still, nothing has happened to us because of these BM. Not sure anything harmful could be done against anyone through BM or not.
    Leaving that concept alone, my point is, people resort to BM and witchcraft by paying so much money only to do harmful things to their loved ones. This is why I called such people are evil, because I have no words in English dictionary to address them.

    Here's the story.

    After so much happened at our place, and consequently at my bro's place in connection with BM (as per the pastor), we decided to seek for evidence.
    Hence fixed CCTV cameras at both places.
    For about 1 year, nothing suspicious happened at our place, though every now and then my mom and I lost our footwares (used ones) that we usually keep in the rack outside.
    After which, my H complained of losing some of his underwear - that he brought from his last India trip.
    My son complained of his missing shoes, he used the previous evening for sports.
    Ours is a villa, and people can't access our place that easily for such petty theft. So, we conveniently suspected our servant maid, and kept an eye on her.
    But she was doing fine!!! Nothing came back from our CCTV too!!!

    One fine day, our front gate lock got jammed, and we had to replace the lock. In the coming week, when a pair of my shoes have gone missing, I happened to check the CCTV, and this time the footage came back as a shock. It was my Bro's MIL's brother who jumped from our compound wall at 2.00am to steal my used shoes.
    It was not something simple to brush it off. So, we further investigated him through a private detective, and found out that he was heavily connected with my PILs, and one of our family friend who is connected with both my PILs and my brother's PILs someway.
    They never met at our city, but in a different city.

    We did not want to wait any further, so we communicated this matter with the local Police HQ inspector, who is also a friend of mine.
    He stated that he can arrest him (my bro's MIL's brother) under Sri Lanka's emergency law (We misused it someway) and inquire him under custody.
    We had no option other than to clear this mystery.

    When questioned, this guy stated almost everything what we had doubted so far.

    Yes.... my MIL wanted her son back, and she felt that her DIL (myself) has taken him away from her. She proposed someone from Canada for my H, and wanted him to separate from me. She brainwashed him all these while, but it never worked. So, she desperately wanted an avenue to get done this.
    She was mad that I baptized both my kids, as she wished all of us (including myself) to be converted to Hinduism. She took it as an insult, and wanted our family to break.

    This common family friend is a real evil, and people always say she is into BM and stuff, but no one knows it clearly.
    She fueled the fire by telling all the negative things to my already boiling MIL, and infuriated her.

    She further approached my brother's MIL to say we- rich and high class women will only treat her DD (my brother's wife) as a maid in our home; so it is better she breaks the marriage and go back to her village. She is not-so-educated, and a stay at home wife. Everyone says she is not a perfect matching to our family (as everyone is educated, independent and socially active at our home), but my brother liked her.
    This family friend confused my brother's MIL that I and my mom will never let their DD live in peace blah, blah, blah.

    To our misfortune, some family issue happened in between, and she took it to her favor to validate her point.

    With this family friend's influence both my MIL and my brother's MIL approached a "Samiyar" who promised that he will put "Vasiyam" and that will work in separating families.
    Both MILs believed, that separating their children from our family is the best remedy they could take for their children. Hence agreed to it.
    Unfortunately both MILs are uneducated, and they did not communicate this with respective families either.
    Everything was designed and planed by that family friend alone.

    When nothing happened as they planned, they approached the "Samiyar" again and again, and he would ask them to bring some "items" from our place each time. That's how we missed shoes and underwear frequently.

    Unfortunately we have left one set of our front gate key with PILs, so it was convenient for them to unlock the gate and get done the work at midnight when we were fast asleep. They conveniently turned the CCTV away from the sight.
    But the lock got jammed 1 few weeks back, that too on our favor; hence we were able to identify some leads for inquiry.

    Again and again I tell you... Nothing happened to us because of BM. But keeping ashes from cemetery, blood and boldily fluids of the dead in our home, almyrah, compound etc..etc... is not good. They are bad spirits. Whether the "Samiyar" is capable of doing bad things or not, their attempt is bad. It is unwanted, and we have all the rights to stand against this.

    In holy bible, these kinds of evil attempts are clearly written, and we have a lot of prayers to say against them. Perhaps, that's what saved us from such evil spirits all these while. Perhaps, these evils are causing health issues for my niece (because they are athiests) - Which I don't know.

    But what I know for sure is, my PILs and my brothers PILs with the influence of one evil family friend have attempted to do unnatural things to mess up with our family, and they confessed it; hence I can prove it.

    They are not alone, but there are many who are like them. So, being vigilant is must.
  8. Positivity02

    Positivity02 Silver IL'ite

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    @SGBV - I am sorry you had to go through this. BM works /doesn't work , I don't know but it must be so stressful to have close family members with such bad intentions. If they go to such extent to break a family I don't what else they are capable of.
    Is your husband aware of all this? Hope you cut all ties with these ppl and live a peaceful life.
  9. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes, both myself, my husband and my siblings are all aware of this, and we have completely cut all the ties from them.
    We are very religious people, and we don't really worry about this BM or witchcraft here. But as you said, the worry and agony is about these people and their intentions.
    And we are really inconvenient to see some metals, dust, dried blood, smelly stuff etc..etc.. in our personal belongings like almyrah, car, house etc.... And we know who did all this and what's their intentions behind.
    So, getting angry on such people and feeling extremely nauseating about them is what I think normal. After all, we are human.

    We did not blindly follow some pastor or pandit here. But obviously we got the lead from those spiritual people to pursue all this further. Had we not been alerted, we would have never been suspected these people in our lives.
    So, we are thankful, and we are really amazed at their spiritual power to know and reveal such things - which we later proved with the help of camera.
  10. Roar

    Roar Gold IL'ite

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    I mean we are here to chat over a coffee... virtually or atleast thats how I feel.

    People have many things they believe or they don't. Personally, I would agree or disagree with the idea, straight and honest. Honest but not rude.

    I completely understand what bothers you Manisha, but its an online forum... all we know is a profile. We have no clue what is behind those honest ( me included:D)or perfect or successful or sulking or beautiful or severely confident or severely depressed profile.

    Its not face value, its profile face value here or anywhere on the internet...its easy to be anything... just type the right words.

    The only thing we can do here is to assume the post is true to itself and offer help. Thats all I do. There isn't much of a clarity beyond or behind.

    You have been a brill helper with your posts...honest help; keep going. Its not wise to ponder over why posters do or say what they you might want to save it for people whom you know in flesh. In forums, you never know if anything is 100% true for sure so you can only have so many hard feelings darling. Cheers :). Have fun:banana:
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
    SinghManisha likes this.
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