Indus Ladies Observations

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SinghManisha, Sep 20, 2019.

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  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    rgz, if IL has so many bad qualities, why do you keep coming back and posting? doing chhed (hole) in plate where you eat is bad. buri aadat. bad habit, change it. Consider that homework for the weekend.

    To whomsoever it may concern:
    There are things in IL that on lazy Fridays make me wish were different -- #1 I wish stronger discussion on faith/belief was not tacitly discouraged. It would be great to discuss those topics with members here whom we've come to know over the years. But, I understand why that is not feasible. #2 - I wish threads were not closed simply because enough members were offended. Again, I see why that has to happen. #3 - Something to do with FP.. it escapes my mind currently. Will add later if I recall. : )

    But, IL remains a great place to interact with people of Indian origin, learn what they are up to, what are the latest trends in whatever, reflections on life, politics, relationships.. And it has lead to some valuable friendships and exposure to views that wouldn't have happened otherwise.
  2. rgz

    rgz Gold IL'ite

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    Rih, “sometimes can get quite cloying”, coz of molly. Dont take that and put words in my mouth. I said what I said, so I prefer you dont add embellishments to it. You can take that as the weekend assignment :)
  3. Agathinai

    Agathinai Gold IL'ite

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    As you told they are just observations. It’s upto us about how we react. If you disagree with anything written online and want to reply same just do so.

    This is not just for IL. We read lots of news online and we will be offended by many incidents. We voice our concerns, anguish and give opinions. But more than that we cannot expect that others change their views or opinions. If they decide to change then it’s fine. If not we cannot do much.

    Just observe, reply if feeling so and do that without much expectation. That’s my 2 cents.
  4. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I saw The Exorcist first day, first show. Ghost Busters tickle me. They are fun. I belong to the school- These are my views. If you don't like them, well, I have others.
    We read novels of great writers in which dogs and cats talk like humans and have a hearty laugh. We read Harry Potter with unblinking eyes.
    There is enough space for everyone in the world.
  5. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Please don't leave.
    We need people like you on the forum.

    While I believe BM and superstitions are in the same family.....BM is more dangerous because it can be used as a weapon .
    It is a wild accusation against someone which requires no proof. And this accusation is corroborated by another ( priest,baba etc) without any evidences and people who are accused become criminals for no fault of their's....that is the reason so many women/ people are killed in India in the name of BM and witchcraft.
    It is a social evil but also a crime to accuse someone of doing BM.

    When these problems are posted in the spiritual section of the forum ,then probably it passes of as belief.
    But when posted in the regular sections like relationship or general discussions...then they are in the eyes of people who may not believe and should be open to questioning without offence being taken.

    This one was a tough one because of the nature and emotional angle to it and being in the realm of relationship forum too.

    Anyways ...op,stay .
  6. Vaikuntha

    Vaikuntha Platinum IL'ite

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    Don’t leave the forum. Your opinion is so very important!
    I love to come here and read your inputs
    I do believe that one can choose to believe what they like.

    Maybe you have seen something really bad related to BM, someone dying or something or even without witnessing bad stuff, the idea doesn’t align with your values. You are moved by it. So you refuse to even think about it.
    I have a similar feeling about sati system. I just can not stand anyone being casual about it. It moves me, to even read about it. I can’t imagine how one woman must have felt days, hours going into the final pyre.
    For this reason, I refuse to watch “padmavat” movie, even on Amazon, because it is based on sati- I see it as sati. I have grown up with this story of rani padmavati, and hate it. Hated the idea of glamorizing the idea for dying for honor. I know that if I speak all this in public, people will slam me down. Many cant see beyond the big stars and dance numbers, they dont see if the movie is sending a good message or a contemporary message. I will stand true to myself and wont watch the movie. But the world doesnt care about what I think. I am glad atleast I could write here. See... there! Thats the magic of IL, it gives me the opportunity to talk about a movie, I feel, shouldnt be made.
    where will my thoughts count? If not here? I love IL and there’s no place like IL!
    Thyagarajan, shravs3 and stayblessed like this.
  7. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    I think someone is seriously offended with my believes and the way how I decided to solve my problems.

    Seriously... It shows the lack of respect for diversity. Nothing else.

    What many people follow as religious rituals in India and the sub-continent/Africa etc... is seen as superstition by many more.
    Last time, I had a discussion here in IL, where I had doubts about my MIL supplying "yanthirams" (some metals) to my H for various reasons and asking him to keep them in the bed room, pooja room, pockets, car etc... But one matured and well educated member whom I rely for opinions here in IL, mentioned that it is a usual practice among Hindus in South India, that they believe these "Yanthirams" could give you positive vibes. She even mentioned that her own mom sends these kind of "Yanthirams" once in a while to the US.
    That clarified my doubts.
    Just because I don't know them, doesn't mean I have the authority to blame them.
    This is what called respect for diversity!!!

    In Israel, there is a practice that you must apply the blood of the sheep in your doorstep to prevent evils entering your home.
    During wedding, house warming, birth events etc..etc.. we follow so many rituals, which may seem stupid for others who don't understand it.

    Who gave you the authority to name other person's belief as superstition?

    It only shows your level of tolerance and your narrow mind-set. I am sorry but this is what I could sense from these posts.
    In particular, the insensitive posts from someone (I don't wanna mention their name here) under my very sensitive thread which spoke all about the family issues, including the life threatening health issues of a child. Someone made our circumstance as a joke to prove their superiority.
    How cruel is this? Is this the culture or religion that you grew up??? Shame!!!

    In the Holy bible, it is mentioned how Jesus was tested by evil.
    In the Holy Quran, it is mentioned the Prophet Mohemmed was witched, and he even offered a prayer to stay safe from these evils, which Muslims often pray even now.
    In Psalms in both Torah (Jewish version of the bible) and Old testament of the Christian bible, the king David shared a lot of scripts and prayers against evil powers and plead God to save him from them.
    Therefore, all the Abrahamic religious followers (Christians, Jews, Muslims) believe the existence of evil and we seek religious remedies to get rid of them.
    This is our practice. In fact, we pray the same daily at churches, mosques etc...

    But I guess, within whatever the limitations you have, you could only picturerize evils and remedies through those fake pandits, gurus, etc... who keep on cheat those who follow them on blind faith. That happens mainly in India, and some parts of the Africa too.
    Illiterate people, even people who have no worldly knowledge seek remedies from these pandits, and feel their dramas as true.
    Blame their circumstances, etc...
    These Gurus, Pandits even kill innocent humans to perform their poojas, only to get arrested later on.
    We call them evils. Because they perform most of these poojas in the cemetry, where we believe evils exist.

    My thread was not about this. If you by mistakenly relate my issues/concerns to this fake pandits, then it is your problem. Just because I mentioned the word BM.witch and evil, you can't compare you can't compare apples to oranges and say both are fruits. What level stupidity is this?

    I posted my issues in relationship forum, because it is all about the relationship issue.
    Eg: Giving poisons milk to a carrying DIL by a MIL (In fact happened with me).
    If someone posted that as an issue at relationship forum, the LItes are expected to reply on that issue. Not about the validity of the poison used by MIL and the authority of the Dr who stated after checking that the milk must have poisoned. Perhaps, these things could be discussed under general discussion on a separate thread.
    Insulting the suffering DIL at the relationship forum for posting this, just because you don't believe a glass of milk could be poisoned isn't the right thing. If you don't believe, stay away from that relationship thread.
    Wait for a chance to discuss about poison and milk under general discussion. Share your valuable opinion there.
    In the relationship forum, the DIL needs solace. That's why she's there. She used poison and milk to validate her claim as to why she is miserable. She isn't requesting you to validate her issue. She already believes she has been poisoned because she has valid evidence for it.

    Hope you and everyone understand my point.

    Don't comment in insulting manner under others faith. Don't relate whatever the half baked knowledge you have about BM or witches or evils to what is real.
    If you think you are much more advanced than the holy scripts and the God himself, then go proclaim yourself as the new God somewhere else. Don't use my thread for this. Sorry!!!
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    gorgeous23 and Thyagarajan like this.
  8. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    OP, we have argued this scenario before, with modest civility, and a gentle candle in the dark. This is a topic that resurfaces periodically, only to slither back into the murky depths of IL, there to commune cheerfully with the Yeti, Nessie, and Elvis. SASTRA University in TN runs a BA and MA programme in Astrology. So, any vindication you seek may be a tad late in arriving.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  9. Afresh

    Afresh Gold IL'ite

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    Hey @SinghManisha ,
    Hope this / these practices haven't ever affected you personally. You definitely wouldn't be in a minority here ;
    If you were to ask me personally, why i wouldn't respond or keep quiet to such a thread, the response is that I don't identify with such threads or practices and thus, find it difficult to relate or respond in such a situation.
    Also, people undergo different experiences in life and , if they so seem to forget to differentiate between their thoughts and altered beliefs, no force can get them back to actively look for the sciences , if they themselves are not open to think on those lines or direction.
    Thus, it may seem pointless to respond negatively or make a mockery of other people's self beliefs, especially at their emotionally vulnerable times. and that's why i would rather keep quiet than subject another person to more grief.
    This also helps, other people to gain an insight on value systems of people who are not equated to your strata of beliefs and open up a newer tangent of thoughts which might not have existed for you or me
    haven't gone through the thread completely ( this post attracted my attention) but hope to see more of you here soon!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  10. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    No fruit were harmed in the writing of that post. R was pointing out that questioning can work only when people don't take offense at the opinions being expressed. Most people on forums such as this tend to walk away from arguments & conflict, unless they are themselves ticked off.

    There are differing views on this topic that you may find interesting:
    Christopher Hitchens - Freedom of expression must include the license to offend
    Does freedom of speech give us the right to offend?
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
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