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The Burden Of Perfection

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    Very true. They are in every field. Some call them eccentric.
    I read that once renowned Sitarist Ravi Shankar's Kurta sleeve accidentally rubbed through the strings of his Sitar. The sound or tune mesmerized him. It took him a long time to replicate that sound with his fingers, but he did reproduce the melody at last. Such are the perfectionists.
    As for Brahma legend, I am not so sure but it is said that only left side of human brain functions and that too just 10% of its capacity. I wonder why he created the right side and what if 100% of the brain really worked!!!!
    We live in an imperfect world and always on our toes to achieve perfection in whatever we do because of peer pressure or whatever.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  2. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    Exactly opposite to that, my grandson is always in a hurry to finish the homework. He teachers say he can do better. I think with time your 6-year-old will be under different pressure to finish the work within the prescribed time, like in tests and exams. Right now he wants to be seen as the best.
    Radha99 and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Sorry for second interruption.The title of the snippet 'burden of perfection is quite perfect.During our Europe trip, we saw two buildings in Italy.a great architectural beauty! The architect committed suicide as there was invisible minor flaw visible only to his eyes.

    An aggressive businessmen told his doctor he was stressed with work.
    “I take my briefcase home every night and it is packed with work.”
    He said this with nervous infection.
    “Cannot someone else do it or help you with it?” Said the doctor.
    “No”, the man snapped, “I am only one who can do it as it must be done,with perfection,
    and it has to be done quickly”.
    The doctor prescription was , The patient was to take off two hours every working day
    And go for a long walk. Also he was to take off half-day a week and spend that half day
    In a cemetery . In astonishment , the patient demanded, “why should I spend a half-day
    Ina cemetery.?” “Because,” answered the doctor , “I want you to wander around and look at the gravestones of men who are there permanently. I want you to meditate upon
    The fact that many of them are there because they thought even as you do, that the
    Whole world rested on their shoulders. Meditate on the solemn fact that when you get
    there permanently , the world will go on just the same and, important as you are, others
    Will be able to do the same work you are now doing.”
    The patient slowed his pace. He learned to delegate authority. He stopped fuming
    And fretting. And it might be added , He now does better work...

    Jayasala 42
  4. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    That was exactly in my mind when I posted the snippet. But as Amulet said, it sounded negative and therefore passed over.
    I hold the view that striving for perfection is not bad by itself, obsessed with perfection is. It is also true that nothing much can be achieved without devotion to the cause that someone may term as madness.
    Humans have limited patience to wait for results. But there are some who risked their life too.
    I think you referred to Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. Our guide told us a little bit of its history and how it shank during the construction stage itself due to weak foundations or ground sinking. It's a miracle that it is standing, though some credit must go to the restoration work.

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