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Wet Grinder Issue.

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by EagerForInfo, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    Where do we repair wet grinder (brought from India in the US). ?? I had made a huge batch of batter for Vada and left it to grind with miminal water. When I came back to check on it the wet Grinder was off and switched off. I left it to cook and now when I try to switch it on I can hear the motor very quietly but it does not work! What to do ???
    dhivyacc likes this.

  2. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    What is the model name and number ? do you have the manual ? What does it say about grinder overload, and stopping with humming noise.

    It is likely that your grinder stopped because of overload. If you had not smelt burnt wires when it happened, then you could be OK. I hope you have cleaned the grindwell, stone etc... of the vada-batter and retried. "Retried" means, look at the bottom of the unit for a "circuit breaker button"; then press it once or twice, as much as you can. If it is too small, then use the handle tip of a wood ladle, or thick end of chopstick to press it. This procedure is called "resetting the breaker". After having done that, you will put it straight up, connect to wall socket, and switch it on. If there is nothing burnt out inside, and your overload relay had just switched off to protect itself, the grinder will start to work again. Many electrical motors at home will have this kind of circuit breaker button to "reset" after overload. The most frequently used button is the kitchen sink-bottom garbage disposer, because people overload that thing quite often. And there is a button to press.

    Repairing small appliances might cost more in USA than in India, and would also depend on which city you are in. Big cities would have electrical-handyman services that would cost a lot more than small towns. Go to local hardware store, and most of them would have some kind of bulletin board with people advertising their services, or you can ask a store assistant -- you have a failed electrical motor, and you need help fixing it.

    Good luck.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  3. dhivyacc

    dhivyacc Silver IL'ite

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    Let me try this today .
    Yesterday i loaded my wet grinder and switched on.
    It gave some sound "mmmmm" kind of :)
    I was afraid and dint try further
  4. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Usually that "hummmm" means overload. When that happens, reduce the load, press the reset button, and try again. Always run your grinder for about 60% of the load it is rated for. Although you might start with the rated amount of x00 grams of wet urad (with a little water), it will start to resist the stone when it becomes more viscous as it grinds, and make the motor work harder.

    Tell us the name/model number of the wet grinder.
    It will help others who have similar issues with same unit.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
    Agathinai likes this.

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