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Lovely Days And Ruminations!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, May 30, 2019.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    I head for my work out as usual early in the morning. There is no need to turn on the radio, the quietness of the morning is good enough. But the mind being what it is, immediately brings up the "problem of the day" and for a change, as an observer I hear myself asking the universe to please help me divert my attention. I look at the radio longingly and for the first time in many years, miss the morning suprabhatam and the like that would play during my growing up years! I look at the radio longingly one more time and park.

    As soon as I enter the gym, my bicycle is occupied by someone else. Someone else, who has a shirt which says "Pray, train and conquer" - exactly what I had done that morning while going to the gym, only with the mind! It is a darn good but a hard workout as expected. We start on a new song and the instructor encourages us to keep up with the beat. It is not easy and just as we get comfortable, she goes "Now, leave the music behind....you.....in the dust.....and run" with pauses at the right places such that I get a visual in my mind. To me it sounds profound and I smile - me being me I wonder if that is a good strategy to apply to life and its situations - good music or bad, always evolving! I feel grateful for having left my thoughts in the dust, at least for that morning!

    At the end of a long work day, sitting outside with my dog, I am enjoying the serenity of spring weather. It is all quiet around, except for some birds chirping every now and then! The gentle breeze allows me to take a look at my serene surroundings. I notice the fish in my little pond, the lovely new Irises, the fully bloomed honey suckle, etc.
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    As I continue to look around, I realize that my dog's attention is elsewhere! I see that he is concerned with a fire in a pit in the neighbor's yard! The visual is stunning to my eyes and I assure him that it is okay. He looks at me like he understands and we continue to sit in silence watching the fire, the dog and I!

    Thinking of the day's events I realize that many a time, I come out feeling quite content only because I am getting better at being an observer, non judgmental one at that assuming and understanding the constant change people go through; you know like going into a yoga or a spin class with an understanding that I do not know anything at all and what ever the class offers then, is the first for me! The blissful feeling tells me that the baggage that I carry is not worth it, at all! I realize that the beauty I see around me is also inside of me all the time, even if I don't see it. I just have to allow myself to see it. As the mind continues to be calm, I think of of Patanjali! I contemplate of "Chitta vritti nirodhaha" (cessation of modifications of the mind) and realize that when we have even moments of that quietness, then perhaps we will feel what he means when he says "Tada drashtuhu svarupe avasthanam" (For finding our true self entails insight into our own nature).

    As I drive the visiting family, I notice there is chatter happening between the front seat and the people in the back seat of the car. I kind of hear it but my eyes and mind is focused on the sun that is setting. The noise in the car diminishes into the background and I don't know why I feel like I am on a different planet, not belonging to this earth, being lifted off to a place of serenity and beauty. On second thoughts, I think it is the effect of "The Little Prince" or is it Jonathan asking me to soar or is that the effect of Patanjali? I do not know but I sure like the lightness of my being!

    PS: Yoga sutras are only very loosely translated and taken from the internet! And titles are hard o_O - how does one summarize so many thoughts/observations under one title? :sweatsmile:
    Afresh, kkrish, Greenbay and 9 others like this.

  2. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    My dearest Srama,

    Rightly on time, you have written this and I do believe it is for me. Something in this post really made me choke. I have no words to describe but the following resonated me absolutely spot on,

    Simply perfect as always,
    Thyagarajan, Anusha2917 and Srama like this.
  3. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Srama,

    No words to say how beautifully you have expressed. As I sit in the cab to reach the metro station I open up IL to read this beautiful thing.
    All the thoughts of what I'm going to do tomorrow, the pathetic traffic outside, today's incomplete work at office -those zillion thoughts just vanished and brought a smile on my face . I would have been sulking if I hadn't made an effort to read this snippet.

    Regards ,
    Anusha .
    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  4. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Vani, @girvani
    So so nice to get a feedback from you. I am only glad that this snippet was timely for you. Getting a response telling that it made a difference makes a huge difference to me as well. The part you mentioned is what I remind myself constantly. We all need it and I am glad you resonated with it as well. Hugs and love to you my friend.

    Thank you for your feedback. Have a lovely day!
    Thyagarajan and girvani like this.
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Savita,
    We drove with you to gym, cycled, enjoyed nature and even drove with guests!
    It is like a painting with feelings!!!!
    Only you can create a picture like that.
    Yes....we all have pluses and minuses in a day. If we carry everything in brain we would be miserable. So....a mechanism God has created....leave baggage behind and calm yourself.We need a tool for that .Any small thing or incident can help us in dealing. Nature is your tool ,I guess.if children come back from school and narrate some small incident that has happened do we not forget everything else and enjoy with them? Yes we do.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
    Srama, kkrish and Thyagarajan like this.
  6. Scorpio707

    Scorpio707 Platinum IL'ite

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    Well I started my day reading your snippet for a second time Sabitha :).

    It seemed like I was reading, hearing and watching you all at the same time. Your posts has that charm and magic that has me captivated and entwined and that feeling is awesome. You know Sabitha I’ve had moments where I’ve been lost in thoughts (observing)and everything around me has been void and nonexistent but there was this question that I always asked myself - if it was alright or normal? Seeing that you feel that too is comforting :) to me. It’s the little things in life that transports me to a different world and I thoroughly enjoy them.

    Trust me when I say this, reading you not only gives me great pleasure it brings about a sort of peace and good energy. Life is so beautiful and I’m so glad you see it that way no matter what comes and goes. Thanks for always sharing your experiences, I feel peppy and uplifted. Keep your pen and thoughts busy :)
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:oh! Wah! Quite a nice jotting of your feel at dawn
    I enjoyed drive through you without the need of any gadget to enliven the mood and away from routine chores & problems ahead.
    In penultimate para you reminded me of SEAGULL - a book i read during 1980-
    Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach's story of an ambitious and adventurous seagull whose main aim in life is to do something worthwhile and unforgettable. For this reason, he practices flying day and night and soon learns to fly flawlessly to the utmost heights of the blue sky.
    Thanks & Regards.
    God's vehicle GARUDA ever ready to fly HIM to places where HIS bhaktha OR bhakthas distressed.
    Srama likes this.
  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    "Que Sera Sera" is the mantra. Once we begin the process of observing every thought, word and act, we automatically become a small atom like being. When we split further and further, the energy that is released from it becomes magnificent. The process through which the world functions become transparent. Ego dissolution unfolds through manifestation of divine existence. Unity of all beings become visible through purity of our thoughts and actions and divinity becomes our existence once we see the unity of all beings. Remaining unaffected by our experiences and doing our actions skillfully with no expectations to the best of our ability, lovingly with deep commitment and selflessly with the universal well-being in mind, we become a person in meditative state as Karma Yogi 24/7.
    Spiritual Molecule

    "It is a universal law that what goes around comes around and therefore, one must express unconditional love to others in order to receive it back from the universe. This exercise connects our self with the self of others, connecting to the cosmic divine realm. Oneness of all beings is realized in our minds. Our attitude of judging people based on a standard benchmark, firmly established in our subconscious mind often creates never ending dialogue in our mind, which is expressed in views, opinions and perspectives. This causes a lot of stress and unhappiness in us. Observing silence daily for a period increases the mental strength to reduce unnecessary thoughts produced by the mind because more we speak, the more thoughts we create in our dialogues. The inner dialogue gets considerably reduced, if we practice silence." - Aware
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello: Well said @Viswamitra .
    In one of his famous books, Deepak Chopra speaks silence is raw wealth and health for all.
    2. When I rang up for my family Purohit at Swami malai to announce my arrival and for organising abhishekam Archana, his daughter responded that her dad has gone into his weekly mouna Vradh and would not break it till next morning.
    3. But then she told me to contact his dad’s able assistant at trustee’s Office who had been briefed of me and my requirements. Later I came to know, he had made elaborate plans for my arrival and put in great deal of effort for my sake before commencing his mouna vradh .
    4.Next day he contacted me over phone and enquired of my satisfaction level of arrangements. He then during conversation told the benefits of his observing silent for 24 hours not only for himself but to entire family in terms of quality relationship and mental health and toughness.
    Thanks and Regards.
    God speaks to devotees in silence.
  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Thyagarajan Sir,

    What a remarkable coincidence that you and I have the same Kuladeivam as Swami Malai Swaminatha Swami. Our family has very close ties with this Temple and visit often. My grandfather's brother initiated several actions to make improvements to the Temple and they run an organization called Kali Brand, a stainless steel manufacturing unit located in Kumbakonam.

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