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Relationship Hijack And Banter

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by Rihana, Sep 17, 2018.

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  1. silentlistener

    silentlistener Silver IL'ite

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    Very much true. She struggled for at least three or four years to come to the conclusion of having to live away from him.

    Sadly the reality is otherwise.. she keeps lamenting upon her own decisions made 17 years ago.

    Probably loneliness is haunting her. We had a batchmates Meet, a few months back.. we talked to her; to invite her to the Meet.

    She spoke to me only once and conveyed the above feeling. Later on , she has chosen not to talk to any of the classmates too.

    She does not even attend our phone calls , now.
  2. Deborah

    Deborah Gold IL'ite

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    It's her inner turmoil she needs to address,could be depression too. We all undergo such phases. I have often thought about my own past decisions related to career or relationships and felt distraught if they have had any bearing on my present . Often , having a talk with my mother or a close friend , confiding my deepest fears/ regrets in front of them has helped me out . The friend needs to talk to someone - family / counsellor pronto . She could be projecting what she is feeling ( loneliness probably as you said or mid- life crisis ) on the decision taken years ago.
    silentlistener likes this.
  3. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Not only this guy, generally many heterosexual men and women speak against homosexuals. Specially in our part of the world, "gay" thing is unacceptable and sadly a punishable crime too.
    Since I have a Human rights background, I sometimes engage discussions related to Gay rights, blah blah at office, and with friends too. Many educated and professional people know how to keep their disagreement within themselves. But this guy, despite of his qualifications, told me like why cant you counsel them and change them....
    Though it was weird, I could not take this one off incident as a gay indicator. But I have serious doubts about his sexuality though...His bragging, specially with a married, matured female friend/colleagues is bit top much and sickening
    silentlistener likes this.
  4. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes... I remember now.. Aren't you working in Africa ?
    Here is a South African comedian on the topic:
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  5. Blinky

    Blinky Bronze IL'ite

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    I like your exactitude of felines than friends in a kitty party. Touche!

    The assumed duality is that the outcome could not be determined at the knock on the door whether the cat would be permitted in the kitty kitchen. The audience don't know. Schrodinger does not know. The cat herself does not know. Until the moment of plate collection, time to pry open the lid, the cat is unawares of its fated discrimination in the kitchen.

    You are adding more Aspect Experiments to the quantum state!
    Was the pedigree sourced or conjectured?
    I like your orientation of the conundrum.
    I have to spin this in my mind and get back.

    Yo, the absentee daddy! In that case, what is the precedence for social acceptability of the dualized cat. Mommy's pod or daddy's seed?

    Did you ever notice that you and I are the only cats who jump an extra orbital in our feline fellowship to compound an inquiry to its unimagined complexity. But then what are roaming friends for?

    Friends are there
    To help you get started, to give you a push on your way!
    Friends are there
    To spin a problem to its quantum limit, to inflict you a fright
    Friends are there
    To split it into scary duality, to weigh you with burdened multitude.
    Friends are there
    To tell you a paradox, to confer you the entanglement
    Friends are there
    To exasperate the poster into swatting us out of the thread

    You whiskered tongues, out of my way!

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
  6. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    what ? You started your ride on that cat tangent ! I was startled with the rest of them over there!

    Now and then (usually happens on visits to India) we accommodate older relatives with odd ideas. If that US living woman is going to invite an ostracizable one to her party, she could'a easily fibbed to her older relative that all her friends are completely kitchen-kosher-kind.
    [fib = false information & boasting]

    Our mutual friend Rihana is like Charlie Darwin -- goes a long long way, and makes some behavioral observations of the fauna. It might take a few generations before the local finches would start to display new adaptations, that are very different from the original species that didn't migrate. Isn't this a wee bit easier than s and p orbitals ?
  7. Blinky

    Blinky Bronze IL'ite

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    I get you! I would resort to that sly machination as first-level remediation with a generation who are products of a different time. I would not even bother explaining the constitutional revision of human equality to them. If caught, I would bluff my way - really? I didn't even know that.

    I would not blow up revolutionary and idealism with the fossilized mindset.

    Further, as the daughter/dil in such situation, I would simply deploy socratic irony on that mother/mil.

    (tring tring)

    Mom/mil, you know how much we love to transport you abroad and holiday with us. But these immigrant people here are so cavalier about the Great Indian Caste System. After you left, his friends laughed at us the troglodytes living in caves. Your grandson Bittu was teased as BCE. You know that BCE - before common era. His friends were teasing him as the family with outdated views. Your son and grandson experienced much humiliation in the neighborhood for espousing the retarded barriers. Tell me mommyji, how can I invite you again amidst such reckless people who don't strive to uphold our great traditions. So mommyji, you stay put in India and somehow we will endure your absence here. Because I don't want to put you through the mockery about your obsolete notions of society. Love you too much, mommyji.

    I am sure Mr Hubby and Bittu will be enthusiastic in this skulduggery. If caught as a family, all of us will spin more concerted fibs to stall the clash of archaic and progressive mores. The tact and peace of living is the illusion of taking someone's side without actually taking their side.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
  8. Blinky

    Blinky Bronze IL'ite

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    I usually tiptoe in and out in a cat's gait. But over the period I have grown fond of you all that despite feeling embarrassing and pretentious to notify of my sojourn, here's my ceremonial call out in case you quote or tag <Blinky>. I will return in March. World tour beckons me. Footloose travel awaits me. Experiences tease me. I am excited about my arbitrary itinerary. I shall return with pictures, delights, anecdotes, phatichar advice and other flamboyant stuff that I am wont to indulge in here. Miss me. A thanksgiving notification @Amulet , @Rihana , @Rakhii , @Laks09 , @Viswamitra .

    Thank you guys for making my gig here ever sweet and memorable. Will be back in whatever fanciful moniker and grotesque visual I am back in. Thank you much.

    Tip: Planning any tour and locations, check out here. Helped me greatly.
    Laks09, Viswamitra and Amulet like this.
  9. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Blinky, kshemanga velli labhamga randi. Go safely, return enriched.
    Laks09 and Amulet like this.
  10. Blinky

    Blinky Bronze IL'ite

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    Thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
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