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Habitual Blackmailer

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    On my trip to Berlin, I buy an international data card with international and local call facility. It does not work. Calls to company concerned.

    It is working
    is the response.

    It does not. I can't make a call to the doctor and have to borrow a colleague's phone. BH calls company here. They call me back.

    I have had to borrow somebody's phone to make a local call. They asked me which card I have and I have to tell them your company's name. It isn't exactly very positive publicity for you I tell the representative. Within 5 minutes my card is operational!

    Lesson learnt: Threat of loss of reputation is the only thing that works.

    We buy a refrigerator a year ago. We also pay for a 3 year extended warranty. Repeated calls asking for the AMC document bring no results. The representative stops even picking up calls. So we forget about it for the time. Now the light inside the frig starts flickering (loose contact). So we call the service centre. They say keep the document ready. We call back the representative. "You don't need the document. Just tell them it is paid for. All the records are on the computer" is the response. BH insists on the document. The rep cuts the call. He does not pick up when we try again. So we complain to the service centre and they give us the number of another person - the manager. Manager says "I am in a meeting and out of station." He cuts the call.

    That is the last straw. I have reached the end of my tether. Putting into practice old lessons learnt, I SMS him threatening exposure of the company on social media. Within 2 mins I receive a call from another rep asking what the problem is. When I tell him, he says,

    Obviously when you have paid the money, you must get the receipt. Where is the problem?

    That is exactly my question I tell him. He sends the document to the BH by e mail within a minute.

    Lesson learnt: It's the end of civilization as we know it and we now have to threaten companies with exposure on social media before they issue receipts for money paid a year ago. The moment social media are mentioned, they call back on their own and problem is resolved in a matter of minutes.

    It leaves me feeling like a professional blackmailer when all one is trying to do is get a receipt and an extended AMC document.

    Lesson learnt by BH: Don't stop your wife from threatening erring parties with exposure on social media when you want your job done. Social media do have their uses after all.

  2. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Do people search social media reviews of whatever they plan to buy ?

    In one desi girl-dekko, both the "boy" and the "girl" had asked each other about their handles in the various social media networks so that they can browse those posts and figure out whether or not they'd buy into that match. Some employers want to know such things so that they can assure themselves that they are not hiring some short-fuse nut.

    Nip it in the bud... before worrying about warranties, service calls, and having to return lemons.

    In countries where defamation suits for damages are easy, and the complainer has deep pockets, the company might sue, claiming that false, and damaging statements were made on the social media to damage their fine name and business prospects. When "blackmail" is contemplated, and carried out, it is best to keep good records, even telephone call voice recordings.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
    satchitananda likes this.
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Indeed, I listed out everything on the SMS. After the job was done, I acknowledged the fact and thanked the person, also by SMS.

    Unfortunately, the straight route does not work out. EMails after e-mails, n number of calls ..... what else can one do? Consumer courts? The AMC may run out before the case is sorted out. They did get fair warning about social media with written complaint about telephonic behaviour (cutting calls .....) Plus date of payment (bank records), date of resolution of problem should be sufficient evidence for customer of dishonest practices.

    And yes, most big companies have a presence on FB and Twitter.
    sindmani and Amulet like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello::hello:when I lost my ATM card into the machine same night between 1155 and 1205 hrs in 4 withdrawals my Rs. 50000 fifty thousand siphoned out from my SB account.
    Imagine the trouble and hard ship I had. Branch manager of private bank said he was not responsible. Police complaint waste of time and effort. Hotlisting of card ......Ombudsmen no help. Finally I wrote to CEO. I got the debits reversed all within three weeks. Wonderful Bharat.
    I made numerous complaints lodged in good time with many FMCG companies including bread ,potato chips, atta ,basmathi rice, dates ,inverter. Fridge, washing machine .....Indian as well as multinational. The threat of matter being discussed in social websites is the last sentence in every complaint I made. It did wonders sometime with unexpected bonanza.
    But in our country one has to be lucky to get things right. But blackmail threat reputation works here
    It is all good with big companies. Small ones you should not dare. They would send hooligans to visit the complainant yo put him or her in place.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
    satchitananda likes this.
  5. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    Fortunately I had no such experience as far as home appliances is concerned. It was of course in India. Social media is a new phenomena and I am sure the companies must have guarded themselves in the fine print on the Warrantee card. I am sometimes amused the warrantee cards are worded now.
    satchitananda likes this.
  6. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    For businesses, there is not much of a concern about repeat customers; if everybody bought one widget, and never came back for more, the enterprise would still thrive like gangbusters. That is the advantage of a huge crowd willing to buy what is offered.

    Horrible customer treatment could also be a cunning plan to nudge the people to emigrate and reduce the population.
    satchitananda likes this.
  7. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    This is India and nobody gives a damn. There is lot of hype abour pepperfry.com We bought a sofa from them. And uit collapsed on its own within days of purchase though no fatso sat on it. The company has not bothered to repair it or replace it despite repeated calls. . Now they hsave a festival sale on Don't fall for it.
    satchitananda likes this.
  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    This reminds me of my student days in the UK. One day my wallet got nicked from my handbag which was in the lab. Some people had seen the woman who did it. I immediately lodged a police complaint and handed over the document to the bank. Within a few days I got a call from the bank and they told me the lady had been caught trying to use the card at a supermarket. She had already polished off around 400 pounds from my account. They even showed me the signature she had forged. The signature did not tally with mine. When I asked how anyone could have accepted her imitation when mine was behind the card, the manager said that very often the smooth surface of the card makes one's signature appear different. I showed him mine on ordinary paper which was no different. Anyway they refunded every single penny that was lost! That was the Nat West bank in the '90s.
  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Guarding themselves in fine print is a different story altogether. I am not even going there. This was a simple issue of issuing a receipt for money received and mailing a copy of the AMC. What was accomplished in 10 mins took more than 1 year and a written threat/warning.
  10. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    When nobody can trust anybody, life can be an adventure, a reality show.
    There are package tours for Dharavi (the Mumbai Slum that got famous after the Oscar winning Slum_Dog movie. Why isn't t here a venture to monetize consumer travails in India?

    Family buys a fridge, and in the middle of the night, the fridge walks to as far as the electrical chord can let it, and then some. And defrosts all its contents and leaks a mix of freon and water into the living room wood floor. And so on.

    Invite NRI to visit, and vanish their hotel reservation, and even their hotel, and let them arrive at 3 AM in Hyderabad and be on the streets with their 30 Kg. suitcases. And experience the thrill of survival.

    There could be such a lot of variations.
    satchitananda likes this.

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