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Mystery Of The Misplaced Calcium!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by meenasankaran, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. meenasankaran

    meenasankaran Platinum IL'ite

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    ‘Meena, don’t do anything rash today. I hope you remember that it is January now.’ That was my husband on his way out to work a couple of weeks ago. He might have looked down his nose sternly at me delivering that warning, but I don’t doubt for a minute that he meant well. The same message was subsequently repeated to me by my children at regular intervals.

    Their warning is not without merit, I must admit. January has proved to be a colorful month for me in recent years. It is when I usually trip over non-existent hurdles, slip on perfectly dry land and walk into very wide, visible walls. I may have become used to the January routine by now, but it seems like my family has not I don’t mind the resulting broken bones or torn ligaments as much as I mind the disbelief and skepticism that I invariably face while trying to explain my incidents to others.
    I still remember the conversation I had with the front desk person last January at an after-hours medical facility.

    Lady at desk – For insurance purposes, could you tell me about how you injured your left leg today?

    Self – Oh sure. You see, my dogs were in the backyard fighting over a toy this evening. Do you have children or dogs? Then, I bet you know how hard it is to get them to share anything. Short of reading them moral stories from the Indian folklore, I have tried my best to imbibe the virtue of sharing in my dogs but, as you can obviously see here, I have totally failed.

    Lady at desk – No, I don’t see at all. What happened to your leg?

    Self – Wait, I am getting there. As I was watching through the window, the friendly banter suddenly picked up heat and guess what? I had never seen such sharp teeth before. That’s when I decided to step in and play the referee before things got out of hand. That was good timing even if I say so myself.

    Lady at desk – Mrs. S, I feel like I should say ‘congratulations’ but WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG?

    Self – Well, I ran down the backyard deck stairs to pull my dogs apart. That’s what happened.

    Lady at desk – Huh?? Did you hit your leg against something? Did you fall twisting your heel?

    Self – Don’t be silly, of course not. Do I look clumsy? I just ran 10 steps.

    I still remember her dazed look when I was taken in to see the doctor who later pronounced my ligament torn.

    While the MRI showed the soggy state of my ligament, the x-rays spoke of a whole new story. Apparently, instead of boosting the strength of my poor bones, all the calcium that I intake end up rushing to my heel forming little bone-like spikes there causing pain while I walk. So that’s what has been happening to my calcium!

    Many days, I had wondered about this so it was a relief to know the truth finally. I like a good puzzle as well as the next person but where is the satisfaction in an unsolved mystery? I was, therefore, glad to put the mystery of the misplaced calcium to rest. At least, I know now why my bones threaten to break on me at a moment’s notice.

    The year before last, it was my arm’s turn. I had shoveled a small, 5 x 5 area of snow off my driveway only to find that I had torn the ligament along the elbow. Those days, I was still a bit afraid of being stuck in an MRI machine. I distinctly remember that room being eerie white, the inside of the machine being too small, and me being disproportionately big. Not an ideal situation really but thanks to the January phenomenon, I have had enough practice to outgrow my distaste and fear of the machine now.

    This year, after catching my family watching my movements worriedly ever since New Year, I decided to be smart and take precautions. After all, I don’t enjoy the inside of the MRI that much. When Mr. Jenks called announcing school snow closings, I was already ready. I had made extensive plans for hibernation based on the weather forecast and had injury-proofed myself. I had stocked the fridge and the pantry enough to survive a five-year famine and had ensured that I wouldn’t have to step outside once snow started. When at last, the pitiful 2 inches of snow hit Richmond, I stood by the window watching the world swirl pretty in white. Every time I opened the fridge and was met with a parade of milk cartons, I patted my own back. Bring it on, fate! Let’s see how you get me to slip this year. Hah!

    2 inches of snow and our county, naturally, closed schools for 5 days. I never could get that math to add up but then I have never been much in mathematics. While the snow turned to ice and the ice refused to melt on the surfaces outside, I sat inside warm and safe in my private haven congratulating myself on at last foiling fate.

    After 6 days of staying indoors, I was starting to turn moldy. I threw open the doors and stepped outside on the 7th day. There was no snow, ice or dampness anywhere in sight. It was as good a day as any. Enjoying the warm sun on my face, I walked towards the car with a long list of errands to run. Next thing I knew, my ankle had twisted from under me and voila, there was that familiar feeling of pain and the even more familiar sight of swelling.

    Was it ego or sheer pigheadedness that let me drag my feet for 10 days without seeing a doctor? I don't know except that I willed it to be no more than a mild sprain. Yes, there was swelling but I could walk on it so why would I concede victory to fate yet? When you have plump feet like mine, it is sometimes very hard to distinguish general plumpness from injury swelling but at last even I could clearly see that the swelling was not going down. With a huge sigh, I finally called my doctor who promptly ordered x-rays and sent me on my way to the Orthopedic office.

    When I walked in to the room, the doctor said, ‘You look familiar’ and that prompted me to remind him that he had treated me last January too. He even asked about my dogs. That was sweet of him, I thought. He took one look at the fractured bone in the x-rays and said ‘Okay Meena, time to get you in a boot. Let me get someone to bring you a boot. You must wear it at all times except while going to bed.’ I hesitantly told him that I had the boot from last January but asked him if one could use the left boot for the right foot too. I was so amazed when he said the boot was universal. Go figure! Who would have guessed they made universal boots like universal remotes!

    When he next made an attempt to get me a pair of crutches, I shook my head smiling and said, ‘I have them too doc.’ I could tell that he was pleased. How many patients come in to see an Orthopedic doctor already owning a universal boot and a pair of crutches? January is not completely without blessings, I thought as I came home to my wonderful, universal boot.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018

  2. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    You know what Meena, I couldn't believe my eyes.
    I thought I was hit by the same Januray fever... my case is hallucination.
    "Is that really Meena?" I asked myself and my already plumpy arm is plumpier because I had to pinch myself so many times!

    Oh so happy to see you again!!
    Two inches of snow and five snow days off in school!! Yeah, even my office was closed for five days. Actually since the New Year began I've never had a full work week yet. Am so used to napping in the afternoons, I find myself drooping at 2 pm everyday now.

    The universal boot - yes, tell me about it ! I too have two of those and two crutches. The orthopedics seem to dole them out like prasadam in a temple. Ankle pain- wear the boot, toe pain - wear the boot, heel pain - wear the boot. Next time I am going to start with ear pain and see what he says.

    Wishing you full recovery and do regale us with more of your humor. Missed you a lot.
  3. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Lol! Thoroughly enjoyed your write up about the pesky calcium, which loves to settle in all the wrong places and create problems!
    Archanaanchan and kkrish like this.
  4. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Meena
    Like @kkrish I too couldn't believe my eyes. I too asked myself 'Is that really meena?' What a joy it is to encounter you on your yearly appearance here in IL!
    It is not just the doctor but many new members having read you last year would be telling the same. You perk me up from my customary gloom of imaginary ailments with what you write. Previously Lucy of I love Lucy serials used to do that to me. Being happy is one think but spreading happiness is totally another. I wish you could make your visit to IL half yearly from the present annual one.
    satchitananda and kkrish like this.
  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Meenu,

    Indeed! Your boot and all, glad this January brought you back to us!
    Happy New Year! Stupid stupid ligaments and Meenu you better get better at Math. Was it just two inches in your parts of the world? I thought it was worse. Looks like Mr.Jenks has to with his no school message, also add parents "absolutely no going out and getting hurt". Stay indoors. Don't worry, I am on your side. Staying indoors can indeed drive us inside. Look at your puppies, how happy they must be in the snow. All Toby wants to do is play in the snow and smart puppy that he is, he has figured out our boundary, walks up to it, looks back at me and settles down right at the border as if assuring me he won't run away. On my part, the couple of times he has run away, I have made it a point to tell him that next time he runs away, he should go back to the place I got him from and that I won't go around looking for him in the neighborhood. Anyways, I finally stepped out bravely wanting to take a small run and guess what, with in 5 mins I had slipped three different times so I braved the cold and finished a walk. The same evening DD comes home and mentions that there were at least three kids in her class who had come back with broken this and that...all because of that ice.

    It is so nice to see you back. There is nothing wrong with you, your math or your calcium...it is all your ligaments and hide those crutches and boot away...so that you may not need them again. But still, be careful Meenu. We are after all getting younger only in spirit. I feel your pain Meenu and in a way your family's too - yours truly had to manage her DS with similar boots and crutches and it was not funny at all.

    Welcome back!
    satchitananda and kkrish like this.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Meena,

    It is a pleasant surprise to see your snippet after a long time. I have made sure I finished my coffee first before I ventured into your snippet. My preparations before reading your snippet was very well justified by you.

    You and I know very well remembering to be careful is not going to help a slip unless the leg cooperates and takes instructions from the mind. The leg has a mind of its own to test the strength of all of us. When I went recently to Ann Arbor, Michigan, I was wondering how people walk on the snow. I even wondered how people know which is road and which is sidewalk. It was 25th of December and therefore, no vehicles came to clear the snow on the road. One gentleman gave me a clue to keep the toe-end of the foot strong into the snow before moving the next foot when I got out of the car. I imagined myself as a Russian Ballet dancer and completed my 10 steps into the hotel from the car.

    Moreover, I really don't know what is so special about January. It might be the opening of a new year with new deductibles. January is a bad month even at our end and both my wife and I try to open the account with the insurance company.

    I don't understand the logic of this question. If someone volunteers to fall, is it not covered under insurance? For eligibility, is it necessary a fall has to be an involuntary act of falling?

    The pets are not like human to seek divine intervention when they fight with each other. They prefer not to have any human intervention and settle things on their own on the principle of might is right.

    When I went for MRI last time, the MRI Machine operator asked me whether I would like a headset and what is my preferred music? My wife urgently intervened to say I don't listen to Music. She knows I would ask for Gayatri Mantra Chant making the MRI operator confused just before she was supposed to perform an important function.

    No. It is not iota of ego. It is just a fear that our physician will explore the possibility of strengthening their education by testing us with various lab work, X-Ray, MRI, etc. to learn which part is located where in our body.

    You should have told him that your pet has a Vet of his own.

    Not many, especially if they have gone through many January months before. :)

    I always question the science myself having built so much of BMI, how I have less gravity.

    Meena, jokes apart, please take care of yourself.

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018
    satchitananda likes this.
  7. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    That was an enjoyable read! Your have a wonderful sense of humor about your mishaps. As an outdoorsy family, we too have a fair collection of crutches, braces, boots and orthotics, though I'd be glad never to see my podiatrist again. : )

    Hope that foot feels better soon!
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2018
  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Hey Meena, it's so wonderful to see you materialize suddenly from time to time. I just wish it would be more frequent.

    Ouch Meena, January just does not seem to like you, for its own mysterious reasons! I positively winced at the thought of your poor ankle and tendons!!! However, that did not prevent me from wishing I had been a fly on the wall when you were talking to that friendly, patient lady in the clinic. :lol:

    Meena, you know I suffer from insomnia. Not infrequent are the times when I have got into a conversation with you at some God forsaken hour! Or may be it is not quite so God forsaken, considering Indians consider it the Brahma Muhurta! But I can assure you that there is nothing like an MRI scanner to send me into a deeply meditative state, totally relaxed and all the sounds that that machine makes take on the form of words and from those words start conversations in my head ..... until it stops, I am rudely hauled out and I realize that that word was not in any real conversation, but in one the machine was having with the inside of my head!!! Are you going :yikes:??? Don't worry, I am still totally sane and begging the BH to take me for another scan. :roflmao:

    Please discard those boots and crutches, Meena. Return them to the doc with a sweet smile and good wishes and definitely a TON OF THANKS and do please take care!!! Jokes apart, you don't need such painful episodes on an annual basis.
  9. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh Meena where were you?Looks like only trysts with doctors brings you here. Thanks to your torn ligament and twisted ankle we had a hearty laugh (though not at your sufferings. You laughed at them yourself). Your calcium seems to be a respectful type. Goes and touches your feet.
  10. meenasankaran

    meenasankaran Platinum IL'ite

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    Coming to Snippets always feels like coming home Kamala. So happy to see all of you again. :blush:

    I should really thank you for coming at the right time to crack my vanity and save me from the clutches of excessive pride Kamala. If you hadn't shown me the contents of your well-stocked closet, I would have stayed smug all my life thinking myself the only person to visit an Orthopedist already in possession of a boot and crutches. :tonguewink: And do let me know what the doctor prescribes for your ear pain. Not the blessed boot again, I should think. ;)
    kkrish likes this.

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